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PAF locked on 9 shoot only two...PAF official....0n 27 Feb....

Listen buddy, Pakistan is not America or China. Know Pakistan's position in today's world first! Our economy is all bottom low and even the ummah chumma have turned blind eye towards Pakistan. Pakistan would be more effected by a month or even week long war as it would be almost impossible to recover.
Shooting down 10 IAF fighters and that in their own territory would be an act of war with no side stopping! If someone slaps you, you dont respond with beating him to death but a punch would be more then enough.
What PAF did was send a strong message to India and the result was in their humiliation and a bloody nose.

Some Pakistanis are more delusional then Indians. apni ap ko super power sumajtay hai or india ko chutiya!

I Do not agree with your view point. By attacking Pakistan, IAF had already declared war. You cannot hide behind excuses specially economy. You fellows really need to stop giving the same excuses you have given a hundreds time before. In fact I would argue that if PAF would have shot down 9 Fighter jets, all hostiles on LOC would have been stopped by India as no military can win a battle without Air-Superiority. This is a fact which a lot of you conveniently forget. If 9 Jets would have been shot, it would have taken India YEARS to recover from this psychological shock.

Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Hmm..PAF claims it locked on 9 Indian aircrafts, however they are not even able to present any evidence whatsoever that even Su 30 was shot down, despite repeated claims, that more evidence is on its way?

Game of evidences, Eh?

PAF Claims:-
- Ground strikes inside IOK (Real footage of the bomb shown to world)
- 1 xMig-21 down (Proven)
- 1 xMi-17 Fratricide (Proven)
- 1x Su-30 down (Not proven)

IAF Claims:-

- 300 terrorists killed (No footage available with IAF + Satellite imagery seen by the world)
- F-16 Down (Not proven)

The only disputed things are Su-30 and F-16.
Now lets come down to it:

Supporting points for PAF Claim:-

We all know that 2 planes were shot down that day, now what could be the other plane if
1. Abhinandhan didn't fire any missile (All four missiles available for any independent analyst to see)
2. Foreign Policy report of US count showing no F-16 lost

Supporting points for IAF Claim:-
Hell nothing except DG ISPR's statement of 2 pilots :D which later he corrected and clarified on multiple occasions.
Note: Please dont talk about those 2 takkay ki slides IAF showed as radar signatures lol

Now how do you like this game of evidences?
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They need to focus on mindset behind the madness

They need to understand that their enemy is engulfed in their hatred and has been buying all the expensive toys in the market. It is itching to give us a lesson and claim its rightful place as the hegemon in this region. Only a very strong response can dissuade it. I think this episode will go a long way in changing the mindset at the top.
But India and Pakistan regularly kill each others soldiers on the LOC .
This is actually intriguing.

Any military action occurring over LOC is an act of war or not ?
If yes, then Pakistan and India are engaged in active war since 1947 because of firing and killing on LOC.
If not, then any jets crossing over LOC is also not an act of war. LOC seems like an open pass then. Uri and Balakot are not even excuses. Any country can just cross LOC and make/claim their kills.

Crossing over IB is a different deal?
Is called "Cowardice" in other words, or in the language of Sun Tzu.
If you strike, strike hard with an intent to throw in everything. Only that forces the enemy to back off. Not to shoot two and chant Peace, and expose yourself as weak and unwilling.

Now the apologists can say whatever as usual. But war is war and its not won by singing songs of peace. You helped enemy prepare better so they can come at you more prepared and more willing to shoot all of your birds out of the sky.
And this is why you will always be the underdog, the weaker one, the one trying to escape war instead of willing to initiate it. And this is exactly why we lost East Pakistan.

Because we are always a damsel in distress, seeking the help of international community to educe tensions with our enemies. Just like we were waiting for the 7th fleet to arrive.
Pure slave mindset in existence and in practice even after 70 years of independence.

But yes, Apologists :)

Great reply.....

26/2 :drag:
Wow, Pakistani airforce and army seems to be overwhelmingly ahead of the Indian at the moment. Why wait for the Rafael's to come and somewhat even the odds ? After India's Kashmir accession move , wont this be the best time for Pakistan army to undertake operations in kashmir ? What's holding Pakistan back ?
I know the modi government is amassing a lot of arms and its stated aim is to take the rest of kashmir. And with its track record , modi probably will try something.
Celebrating Kashmir day wont get Pakistan Kashmir.
ha ha
why should we attack you now and waste our men and material when you are SELF DESTRUCTING yourself ? We are waiting till you destroy yourselves with infighting, rest will be a walkover beta jee. Modi is doing our job well and proper.
We'll get em next time, with Mr. Block 3

Hold on buddy. Our brothers were thrown in a meat grinder with their hands tied to save someone's 9-5 lifestyle - - - - - they stayed their with the locks on-----wait - - - - - wait - - - - - disengage?

There's not a single country on the planet, that pointed fingers at India on Feb 26, for violating Pakistan's sovereignty. Even Christian Fair, till date practically cries herself hoarse that she 'wishes' India had bombed us to bits. US wanted us to 'de-escalate'. Even the 'brotherly' nation of Iran was issuing threats of committing attacks on Pakistani soil right after. Heck, even China did not issue any 'threats' to India on 26th, instead had called upon both countries to 'exercise restraint' - alongside EU and France. Our Arab brothers were inviting Sushma Swaraj to speak at OIC conference just prior to the strikes and literally stayed mum on the day of 26th Feb, 2019. There was a heck a lot of diplomatic pressure on Pakistan to just 'accept' the strikes and not do anything. (I actually used Google to specifically make sure that my claim above is dead right. Feel free to do that same, enter the dates and see statements from all countries on 26th Feb)

We really had no one in our corner on that day, except ourselves. And for once, Pakistan did what it does absolutely best when faced with dire consequences and pushed against the wall. That cornered tiger syndrome is pretty f'n real, if you ask me.

And while no one country had anticipated Pakistan to respond. Not even India. We did come back forcefully and PAF's response was actually measured as per damage caused and gave a surprise to not just the Indians, but to friends and foes alike. Where's the cowardice in taking war directly to an enemy that is multiples of time bigger than you in tech, size and practically had the world siding with it? And to make sure to land a punch, that it had to withdraw an entire arm of its armed forces from the fight. When was the last time a so called super-power like force withdrew and 'entire' arm of their armed forces one day 'one' and resorted to a sub conventional threat, only out of fear of unbearable losses?
India practically did, what the entire world until that day anticipated Pakistan would do, if faced with a massive conventional strike. They have managed to subvert the strategic calculus of a multitude of nations, in the aftermath of this.

And Pakistan and Pakistanis really need to stop forgetting lessons learnt in the time of hardship.

Once again, read the piece 'Hit and Run' by DCAS Ops of IAF, where he clearly puts it to his own leadership that when they think about firing SOW at Pakistan, they'd know that similar capability exists with the other side just as much. They have this realization burnt into their minds now.

Excellent Post. However, a side question:

How did JFT's perform against Mirage 2000s? And are B's as capable as single seaters or more?
Excellent Post. However, a side question:

How did JFT's perform against Mirage 2000s? And are B's as capable as single seaters or more?
I know as much about JFT's performance on the day as the rest of you. What I do know is that we were locking on to their birds, just fine.
I challenge someone's honor and deliver a slap later on. Is that guy gonna back off and celebrate over my further inaction?
You should know when to call it quits. We could've downed 9 of their jets, proceeded with blowing up their sub and sent Shaheens at Mumbai for good measure. India wouldn't have gotten up after that.
I know as much about JFT's performance on the day as the rest of you. What I do know is that we were locking on to their birds, just fine.

Thanks. Locking birds with JFTs or F16s? or both?

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