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PAF - a Pakistani Christian war hero of 1965

What equality are we talking about where in all Non-Muslims are not allowed by law to become Prime Minister or President of Pakistan.

This must be called the greatest equality. :rofl:

yes this one thing is not allowed by our religion

and one thing more our religion teach us that. all the non-Muslims living in a Muslim country

their blood is as sacred as Muslims blood.

its the responsibility of the govt to provide protection of all kind to them.

we don't Slater them.
as u have done with Muslims, Cristian's, Sikhs and even what u do with your own kind(shudders)
The filthiest people on earth have started multiplying themselves at a startling pace. The rest of us should move to other planets before it is too late.

These barely-humans wallow in dirt, swallow dirt, eat dirt, piss dirt and incessantly talk on the cell phone. Some Americanized-apes among them keep driving through a cacophony of cows, birds, Mazdas, donkeys, dogs, dog-like humans, sewer-water-rivers, etc. and keep telling each other to 'be proud of being Indian'. The human history has never witnessed such colossal collective ***** and such colossal collective ignorance, assembled with such haughty collective arrogance.

Beggars continue begging endlessly on endless streets but the apes roll car windows, pretend India has become another USA, and drive on.

A dumbo who does not even know when not to smile is their 'prime' minister. Another dumbo whose only asset is her female-ness calls herself 'president' . Another comedian incessantly talks of ‘growth rate’ while remaining totally blind to zillions starving in full public view.

India is the biggest hallucinating experience on earth. What you thought existed only in tales about hell is actually real here.

Congratulations folks, you have achieved what even God assigned zero probability to.


Nuke the entire country (including all its equally disgusting neighbors) twice over. Then wait for a few million years for the stench to go away. Then, allow only very carefully selected humans to settle back in (no dwarfs this time around please, thanks in advance!).
We pays tribute to Peter Christy, a Pakistani Christian war hero of 1965.

By Nabeel Javed

We would like to pay high tribute to our Christian Fighter Pilot who served well for our country Pakistan and did not hesitate to risk his life for the cause of our nation.

eter Christy a fighter pilot, a consummate military professional, a natural, charismatic leader, and a true, heroic servant of our republic he was always committed to flying for his country and taking risks for a national cause and had offered his life for the defense of his country.

Mr. Christy was born in Karachi , Drigh road cant bazaar; in 1937 the son of M.B Christy he initially achieved secondary school education from ST. PATRIC School Saddar, Karachi and passed matriculation with good marks. According to Mr. Christy teachers he always had been very intelligent and clever student who always performed very well in sports while studying.

Football was Mr. Christy favorite sport and he had good reputation in football. after doing Matriculation he joined Pakistan Air Force and gained basic flying training from PAF Academy (Risalpur) and begin his career in 1962 as (Flying Commission Officer) by the passage of time he was promoted to (Flight Officer) and then later to (Flight Lieutenant) due to his great personality, performance and goodwill.

During the war of 1965 when enemy's of Pakistan attacked on our nation this talented man did not even care of his precious life he was ready to defend his country at any cost he targeted our enemy's with B-57 BOMBER AIRCRAFT and greatly affected their bad intentions he was victorious in many of his encounters with enemy aircraft. His perseverance as a soldier created a new level of dedication to the country as well as inspired Fighter Pilots in future to come Due to his bravery and honor The Government of Pakistan awarded him special military reward and he continued his road to success and in 1968 he was further promoted to SQUADRON LEADER.

On 4th of December 1971 at 4:00 o'clock in the evening from PAF Base Shah rah-e-Faisal Karachi he was given a special mission to destroy an Indian Air base (JAAM-NAGAR) because missile attack had been increased from the Indian side and their fighter planes were continuously targeting our Flying base and other areas of Karachi.

But in-spite of all these hurdles and danger he had high aims this brave and fearless pilot was going with (DO OR DIE) vision. Mr. Christy successfully completed his mission but his plane became a victim of opposite attack and he therefore martyred for his country and acknowledged his name in the golden history of our martyred Great one's.

Due to his fearless and great performance The Government of Pakistan awarded him Military Reward (SITAR-E-JURAT) because he had shown bravery and courage in Times of War. Great people like Mr. Christy inspire our young Christians to become a successful, well recognized and courage’s person like them in all walks of their life and Give Glory to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with his devoted family as they mourn his loss, a loss we feel as well. Pakistan , our Air Force and Our community are eternally grateful for his leadership and accomplishments, and will remember him always,"

(Nabeel Javed is Vice President of Karachi Pakistan Christian Congress)

Pakistan Christian Post

Fantastic !

What equality are we talking about where in all Non-Muslims are not allowed by law to become Prime Minister or President of Pakistan.

This must be called the greatest equality. :rofl:

ONly one word sums of DrEvil's post:

Jealous !

India will never see that kind of equality in thier country.
Yep I understand you're green with envy ! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

See how they treat their Chirstain counterpart:

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The filthiest people on earth have started multiplying themselves at a startling pace. The rest of us should move to other planets before it is too late.

These barely-humans wallow in dirt, swallow dirt, eat dirt, piss dirt and incessantly talk on the cell phone. Some Americanized-apes among them keep driving through a cacophony of cows, birds, Mazdas, donkeys, dogs, dog-like humans, sewer-water-rivers, etc. and keep telling each other to 'be proud of being Indian'. The human history has never witnessed such colossal collective ***** and such colossal collective ignorance, assembled with such haughty collective arrogance.

Beggars continue begging endlessly on endless streets but the apes roll car windows, pretend India has become another USA, and drive on.

A dumbo who does not even know when not to smile is their 'prime' minister. Another dumbo whose only asset is her female-ness calls herself 'president' . Another comedian incessantly talks of ‘growth rate’ while remaining totally blind to zillions starving in full public view.

India is the biggest hallucinating experience on earth. What you thought existed only in tales about hell is actually real here.

Congratulations folks, you have achieved what even God assigned zero probability to.


Nuke the entire country (including all its equally disgusting neighbors) twice over. Then wait for a few million years for the stench to go away. Then, allow only very carefully selected humans to settle back in (no dwarfs this time around please, thanks in advance!).

No need for that, Trolls usually emerge when they see Pakistan, Muslim, Pakistani, Islam in progress to better themselves further, eventually being better than them. It’s a threat to them, they are afraid of you.

Please be advice people like them have nothing in their lives, cannot progress or have not got a future so they resort to such mindless, uneducated rants because they can not improve themselves. It is nice to see how much they cry as it shows how strong you are and they can’t do anything due to their pathetic state their in Sitting in their parents house having wet dreams of “how I will become a solider and rid of Pakistan”
Whoever it may be

Seriously how sad can it be ?
How many threads are we going to have with Indian Trolls ?

Can you Indians ever have educated adult discusion or are you people are born brain damaged ?

It seems to me, people like Dr evil are many in India every discussion you go there is an Indian who can't debate.
It seems that India is filled with inbred brain damage retards.(with the exception people like Ghandi and Dr Naik)

Is there any Intelegence life form in India ? THis should be humanity's question and not SETI inteligent life in other worlds.

Indians believe in one idea:
Jaisa desh, vaisa bhesh...meaning....When in Rome, do as Romans do.


Indians believe in one idea:
Jaisa desh, vaisa bhesh...meaning....When in Rome, do as Romans do.



apne indian forum main jaa ke dekho, finest examples are BR forum, you indians are lucky to have so much freedom here, which is given by mods, by irony is, we have just a handful of indians who utilize this advantage, others take it as an opportunity to maximize their trolling ability.

most of the indians here have suffered a ban or two, just take a survey and youll realize this fact..
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