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Over 30 robot factories under construction in China

This year so far China has created over 10 million new jobs. There is always something to do for those who are willing to grab the opportunity. Thanks for your concern, though.

aye lmao let's hope that continues and the robots and Vietnamese don't steal your jobs :sarcastic:
aye lmao let's hope that continues and the robots and Vietnamese don't steal your jobs :sarcastic:

Ideally, robots will steal manufacturing at a gradual pace, as the economy moves to high-end production and services. The poor developing nations will steal low-end production, which is fine. China won't be the first to experience this.
China is already the largest market in the world for industrial robotics.

And that is only the very beginning.

The industrial robotics market in China is booming at an unprecedented rate. Think about it, in 2009 our industrial robotics market was nearly non-existent, now we are the largest market.

Regular workers are now much more educated, they can move into our growing services sector. Best of both worlds.
Regular workers are now much more educated, they can move into our growing services sector. Best of both worlds.
Thats how people climb up the ladder. But i always think, is society growing as a single entity? Because development is not necessary progress or may be materialistic progress but is it helping society to bond together or people are becoming more self centered?
Thats how people climb up the ladder. But i always think, is society growing as a single entity? Because development is not necessary progress or may be materialistic progress but is it helping society to bond together or people are becoming more self centered?

Chinese society is very much based on the family, and on concepts such as "face" so people usually interact with each other in a very decent manner. Obviously there are some exceptions but it is more rare.

This has been my experience in China, and even with regards to overseas Chinese. Whenever I have needed help, I got help. Even without asking for it.
Thats how people climb up the ladder. But i always think, is society growing as a single entity? Because development is not necessary progress or may be materialistic progress but is it helping society to bond together or people are becoming more self centered?

Materialistic progress may in fact bring the people together more firmly as, ideally, everybody would be able to preserve their self and thus interact with the rest on a more equal basis.
Materialistic progress may in fact bring the people together more firmly as, ideally, everybody would be able to preserve their self and thus interact with the rest on a more equal basis.
I agree but only if it is equally distributed across the society, else it creates divides as well. If it unequal, people climbing ladder of prosperity faster will have new friends and relations thus fading the memories of old friends even though if it is unintentional.

Anyways...good to see growth of Asia once again and regain its lost glory.
I agree but only if it is equally distributed across the society, else it creates divides as well. If it unequal, people climbing ladder of prosperity faster will have new friends and relations thus fading the memories of old friends even though if it is unintentional.

Anyways...good to see growth of Asia once again and regain its lost glory.

Very good points and I will not deny the class nature of pure capitalistic development which creates a new society based on a new set of values. People will almost certainly experience a change of identity (be that identity is related to their physical dwelling, social groups, neighbors and even relatives) and it may not always be good for those who are left behind. As you mention, the solution (although I am not sure how social issues would really be "solved" in the rationalist sense) would be not dragging down those who progress faster, but, offering more opportunities to those who perform more poorly (and this may not necessarily be because of their own fault) so that they would be able to catch up with the general progress of the larger society.
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