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over $ 200bn to be ‘legally transferred outside Pakistan from 1992 to 2018 - Shabbar zaidi

Dude get your head checked first.

1. This is Shabbar Zaidi speaking. So take this with a mountain of salt.

2. Conspiracy buffs are so very fond of a figure of 200 Billion, whether of dollars or rupees. I dunno why?

3. Chances are that you or people around you were/are Mushy lovers. You should ask them about this.

4. A lot happened over the last 4 years. Focus on that.

Don't take any of this seriously.

The tweet is someone who touts his services for government by throwing about improbable numbers to impress people. This guy was an abject failure as head of Federal Bureau of Revenue. He wants another shot.

In Pakistan there are no consequences for lying & peddling conspiracy theories. This figure has its origins in a typo where someone wrote that $200 millions in Swiss Banks belonged to Pakistan. Instead of million, the word billion was typed. Its been 5 or so years now, but every charlatan quotes that figure as though it is the holy truth.

Your so right...... no consequences for lying and peddling conspirany theories.

Now tell me this 'Typo' was it written in 'Calibri' or in 'Times New Roman'

I would rather believe shabber Zaidi than pmln pinky a known forgerer and blatant liar

Everything you see is in pmln rose tinted glasses
Your so right...... no consequences for lying and peddling conspirany theories.

Now tell me this 'Typo' was it written in 'Calibri' or in 'Times New Roman'

I would rather believe shabber Zaidi than pmln pinky a known forgerer and blatant liar

Everything you see is in pmln rose tinted glasses
No logic. Just empty rhetoric. This is classic Insafi style. Even when your mahatama is on the street, you still do not realize what went wrong?
No logic. Just empty rhetoric. This is classic Insafi style. Even when your mahatama is on the street, you still do not realize what went wrong?

Take a look in the mirror, i just gave it you

You cast aspersions, judge credibility of others but do not apply to your pinky? Classic noonies. Defending the indefensible

What happened with the deliberate changing of fonts to forge documentation anyway?
can we expect further 200 B USD in next 15-20 years
No the law was changed by PTI one of the reasons elite dont like him.

Now for transfer m9ney proof of goods and services received néeds to be provided

Dude get your head checked first.

1. This is Shabbar Zaidi speaking. So take this with a mountain of salt.

2. Conspiracy buffs are so very fond of a figure of 200 Billion, whether of dollars or rupees. I dunno why?

3. Chances are that you or people around you were/are Mushy lovers. You should ask them about this.

4. A lot happened over the last 4 years. Focus on that.

Don't take any of this seriously.

The tweet is someone who touts his services for government by throwing about improbable numbers to impress people. This guy was an abject failure as head of Federal Bureau of Revenue. He wants another shot.

In Pakistan there are no consequences for lying & peddling conspiracy theories. This figure has its origins in a typo where someone wrote that $200 millions in Swiss Banks belonged to Pakistan. Instead of million, the word billion was typed. Its been 5 or so years now, but every charlatan quotes that figure as though it is the holy truth.
Do u even know which law he is talking about ? Go and read FERA before PTI and the changes brought in FERA in 1992.

Please read the law and history before discarding anything ...

Cant confirm the figure of 2 billion but can assure you that legally fore8gn currency was being transferred in big amounts prior to amendments made during PTI regime

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