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Osama death coincidence or propaganda?

La ResistanceZ

May 4, 2011
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United Kingdom
Its funny just a couple of days ago i was reading an article about how if Osama were to die the al Qeade will unleash nukes in europe.
Could be pretext to try and take out pakistan's nukes.:undecided:

The militant group al-Qaeda claims to have nuclear weapons and did not hesitate to use them if their leader, Osama bin Laden captured or killed by the United States. Not yet known exactly where al-Qaeda’s nuclear weapons are stored, but are found in Europe.

This was revealed by the results of interrogations of al-Qaeda prisoners at Guantanamo who leaked secret data on the site Leaks, WikiLeaks, as reported by the pages of The Telegraph, Monday, April 25, 2011.

Nuclear al-Qaeda terror conveyed by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the operational commander of al-Qaeda who were detained at Guantanamo and will stand trial this year for his role as the mastermind of the attacks 11 September 2001. He said that they had a hidden nuclear facility somewhere in Europe.

Muhammed said that they would detonate it if Osama bin Laden captured or killed. He explained that al-Qaeda will launch an attack “nuclear hell” in the entire world if that happened.

This is not an empty threat, according to the WikiLeaks documents, U.S. intelligence has revealed nuclear experiments purchase of raw materials by al-Qaeda. It is estimated that this militant group also has the uranium, forming the main ingredient of nuclear power.

Muhammed also reveals that al-Qaeda had planned a massive assault on the major countries in Asia, Africa, USA, and England. Most of the planners attack has the now become the prisoners at Guantanamo.

“The prisoners have various plans for attacks against U.S., allies, and various interests around the world. They plan to make U.S. citizens suffer, especially in economic terms, which will also change the order of U.S. political policies,” said Muhammed.

WikiLeaks documents are distributed in the pages of The Telegraph, Washington Post, and several major daily of the world has revealed the results of interrogations at Guantanamo for more than 10 years consisting of thousands of documents.

Guantanamo prison opened in January 2002 in a U.S. military base in Cuba. In this prison was detained hundreds of suspected terrorists without first undergoing court proceedings. Because the methods of interrogation which was considered cruel, prison is reaping a lot of criticism.

President Barack Obama in his presidential election campaign had promised to close Guantanamo. However, until now he has not been able to do it

Source: WikiLeaks: Al-Qaida Has Nuclear Weapons
this is the great game,pakistan's nuclear assets have always been a target.blackwater has long send in snipers after AQ khan may ALLAH protect him and prolong his life.
Also the daughter of supposed Osama said, that bin laden was taken in alive then shot. Why was he shot if there was no resistances.

Osama bin Laden's wife was at the centre of a diplomatic custody battle today as a US bid to interrogate her was rejected by Pakistan.

US special forces intended to take Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, the youngest of bin Laden's five wives, with them after the raid on his compound. But their bid to gain crucial information about the al Qaeda leader's activities was thwarted when a helicopter crash meant they had no room to take her.

At the same time, Arab TV reported that a 12-year-old daughter of Bin Laden told Pakistani security services that her father had been captured alive before being shot in the head.[/B]

Bin Laden's wife, a 27-year-old Yemeni is now being treated in military hospital in Pakistan where the authorities have already refused an American request to question her. In a further blow to the US, the Pakistan government has also said that she will be sent home to Yemen once she has recovered.

The diplomatic stand-off is likely to heighten tension between the US and Pakistan over the Bin Laden raid by US special forces on Sunday. Pakistani officials claimed that a faulty helicopter prevented the US Navy Seal team which raided Bin Laden's compound from seizing his wife for interrogation.

Up until now it was assumed that the helicopter which crashed and was destroyed, thought to be an Mh-60 Sea Hawk, was meant only to ferry US troops out of Pakistan after the raid. Officials said, however, that the original US plan had been to take Bin Laden's family members with them for interrogation. Bin Laden's wife, who was shot in the calf during the raid, is instead now being treated at a military hospital in Rawalpindi. American officials are understood to have requested access to question her, but Pakistan has refused, saying that she and other family members living at the compound will instead be "handed over to their countries of origin".

That could prevent the US from obtaining important information about Bin Laden's activities during his years on the run, including where else he might have lived and equally significant details about his meetings and contacts.

There were conflicting reports about a second person taken by the US forces. Some Pakistani officials have said it was one of Bin Laden's sons, but others believe that he was killed and it was his corpse that was removed. The US has so far refused to comment.

In a further explosive development today, Bin Laden's 12-year-old daughter claimed that the al Qaeda leader was shot dead in cold blood.

Senior Pakistani security officials, quoted by the al Arabiya television station, said the girl had told them that her father had been captured, but then shot by the Seal team.

Other family members also claimed that no shots were fired by those living in the Abbottabad compound in a further challenge to the US account of the mission. The dramatic allegations follow the White House's admission that Bin Laden was unarmed when he died and the disclosure by the head of the CIA that he was given no chance to surrender.

US officials have also been forced to correct several other key details, including their original claim that Bin Laden had used his wife as a human shield and that she had died during the mission.

The girl, who was one of six of Bin Laden's children present in the compound, is now being held by the Pakistani authorities, along with Bin Laden's wife and another woman, who is thought to be either a relative or servant. In a statement, the Pakistan government said that all were in "safe hands" and would eventually be sent back to their countries of origin. There was no official comment on any US bid to question the al Qaeda leader's wife.

Battle for custody over Osama bin Laden's shot wife | News
I think they captured him and then killed but cannot tell the world hence they lied.
may be cia itself installed a fake guy with a fake id of bin laden, so that they can stage this entire operation

is that girl interview on tv possible
That is like saying that the daughter is fake, wife is fake and everyone is an idiot. Which can still be believed in Pakistan :)
Well the only one that can tell for sure if the person killed was Osama or not, is the wife and daughter who the USA are trying very hard to get they're hands on them to close any loose loops in their story.

IT will only take either the wife or daughter to say that was not bin laden they killed it was someone else and the USA story will come crashing down. There is no evidence left because the US buried the body in the sea to stop any independent investigation.
That is like saying that the daughter is fake, wife is fake and everyone is an idiot. Which can still be believed in Pakistan :)

some one needs should try to resolve the mystery, as the americans are lying, as you just said, no body is believing that osama is suddenly dead, nobody even properly saw osama after the soviet war, osama was unarmed according to the girl and still got killed, girl has proved the accounts from americans are entirely false

from 9/11 americans are trying hard to destroy the evidence, if the event was actually what they said happened, why are they destroying the evidences??
It looks like ISI led them to a trap hole where they found either fake osama or corpse or already dead osama..and to justify all the fervour it was important to stage a face saving exercise and dump the corpse in sea
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whatever happened in abotabbad its past ....... now the next target is our nukes ..... and its gonna happen very soon they gonna start a war against pakistan let's pray and hope for the best ............

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and i believe in it whatever he said in an interview ...... he is not zaid hamid but he is saying the same about nukes ...........
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