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Osama bin Laden "may have lived in pakistan for over seven years"

Apr 16, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: Osama bin Laden may have lived in Pakistan for over seven years before being shot dead by US forces, senior Pakistani security officials said on Saturday, a disclosure that could further anger key ally Washington over the presence of enemy number one in the country.

One of Bin Laden’s widows told Pakistani investigators that the world’s most wanted man stayed in a village for nearly two and a half years before moving to the nearby garrison town of Abbottabad, where he was killed.

The wife, Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, told investigators earlier that Bin Laden and his family had spent five years in Abbottabad, before one of the world’s most elaborate and expensive manhunts ended there on Monday.

“Amal (bin Laden’s wife) told investigators that they lived in a village in Haripur district for nearly two and a half years before moving to Abbottabad at the end of 2005,”
one of the security officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Abdulfattah, along with two other wives and several children, were among 15-16 people detained by Pakistani authorities at the compound after the raid.

Pakistan, heavily dependent on billions of dollars of US aid, is under heavy pressure to explain how Bin Laden could have spent so many years undetected a few hours drive from its intelligence headquarters in the capital.

Suspicions have deepened that Pakistan’s pervasive Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency, which has a long history of contacts with militant groups, may have had ties with Bin Laden – or at least some of its agents did.

Pakistan has dismissed such suggestions and says it has paid the highest price in terms of human life and money supporting the US war on militancy launched after Bin Laden’s followers staged the September 11, 2001, attacks on America.

Pakistani leaders were already facing a staggering number of problems before revelations that Bin Laden was in their backyard for years raised new questions about their commitment to fighting militancy. Al Qaeda-linked Taliban militants who seem to stage suicide bombings at will remain a major security threat despite several military offensives against their bases in the forbidding mountainous border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The economy is stagnant and in order to keep it afloat the government must impose politically unpopular economic reforms to keep money from an $11 billion International Monetary Fund loan flowing to Pakistan.

And Pakistanis are growing impatient with high food prices, poor services and infrastructure, and an education system that is so flawed that many parents are forced to send their children to Islamic seminaries that spread hard-line ideologies.

Anger and suspicion between Washington and Islamabad over the raid in Abbottabad, 30 miles (50 km) from the Pakistani capital, showed no sign of abating.

The New York Times on Saturday quoted Pakistani officials as saying the Obama administration had demanded Pakistan disclose the identities of some of its top intelligence operatives as Washington seeks to find out whether they had contact with Bin Laden or his agents before the raid on his compound.

The officials were providing details of what the Times called a tense discussion between Pakistani officials and a US envoy in Pakistan on Monday.

A Pakistani security official denied the report, which he called “untrue” and “malicious”.

Many in Washington suspect Pakistani authorities had been either grossly incompetent or playing a double game in the hunt for Bin Laden and the two countries’ supposed partnership against violent Islamists.

As it engages in damage control over Bin Laden’s presence, Pakistan’s government must prepare for the possibility that supporters angered by Bin Laden’s death will hit back. Since al Qaeda has ties with the Pakistani Taliban, this country could make an easy target.

Al Qaeda has acknowledged that Bin Laden is dead, dispelling doubts by some Muslims the militant group’s leader had really been killed by US forces, and vowed to mount more attacks on the West. The announcement on Friday by the militant organisation appeared intended to show its followers around the globe the group had survived as a functioning network.

Bin Laden “may have lived in Pakistan for over 7 years” – The Express Tribune
It may be true that he was living in Pakistan for last seven years.He may have entered Pakistan through Waziristan which was under the control of militants then.When army took over waziristan he may had escaped to setled areas of Pakistan.
But all we know are assumptions;once Pakistan intellegence investigates further and give briefings to media the situation will remain unclear
Osama is Gine,ISI next.Once this is done, then funding will stop to Taliban.They will become nice dogs, meaning loyal citizens.All this beard,no respect to Women,living in ancient times will stop and they will be straight as a stick.Afghan Women are so pretty and I feel sad they are forced into situations.
Funding to Pakistan should stop immediately as we know they were involved all this time and kill ISI, the most corrupt people.I urge people of Pakistan to do that.And feed them dog by force as that is their value.
It's just an allegation. After all it was only his wife that was interviewed :rolleyes:

There are little substance to any of the evidence released by the officials. Either words from officials which they assume you take as credible evidence. Or fake photos or videos without sound (they trying to hide something desperately here?). :azn:
Funding to Pakistan should stop immediately as we know they were involved all this time and kill ISI, the most corrupt people.I urge people of Pakistan to do that.And feed them dog by force as that is their value.

e ram tu kahan se naazil hua ;)
Even I may have lived in pakistan for 10 years, but I dont remember anything. I am getting irritated by these Osama threads.
Even I may have lived in pakistan for 10 years, but I dont remember anything. I am getting irritated by these Osama threads.

Hail Mary, finally someone with a modicum of decency and common-sense. Please try to keep your excitement confined to one threat people. Personally the old coot is dead and i would like some closure.
A quick question: The widow is in government custody, right? How come they are leaking these confessions which are detrimental to their organisation - ISI/Army/whatever? One would imagine that her confessions would be a closely guarded secret, with very few people having access to her, and perhaps only to be shared with the Americans. Something doesn't seem right.

Does that mean - putting my conspiracy hat on - that the theory of factions within the Pak organisation, particularly Army and ISI, is true? That there is a pro-American faction within the ranks and it is them who are leaking in a bid to corner the rest. Is this why Mr Kiyani talked of 'one army' the other day?

Or is it purely business as usual? 'You pay, I'll talk'.
Osama is Gine,ISI next.Once this is done, then funding will stop to Taliban.They will become nice dogs, meaning loyal citizens.All this beard,no respect to Women,living in ancient times will stop and they will be straight as a stick.Afghan Women are so pretty and I feel sad they are forced into situations.

Funding to Pakistan should stop immediately as we know they were involved all this time and kill ISI, the most corrupt people.I urge people of Pakistan to do that.And feed them dog by force as that is their value.
Every time i hear indian saying KILL ISI i feel that my taxes have been justified
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