sorry this debate just happened because, the peoples who are fighting with terrorists were lablled bieng, non shaheeds by a head of a political party, which is in allaince with, PTI in KPK govt?
the same KPK govt , which failled misserebly to give the security to its members , its minsters & above all KPK citizens?
so , now if PTI or JI thinks, that drones going to stop & they will be giving offices to terrorists tomsolve the terrorism problem they, need to wake up & look around times have changed peoples of pakistan arent intersted in listening foolish media press confrences of TTp supportive politicians like of IMRAN & MUNNAWAR HASSAN any more?
cause peoples of pakistan knows, that for IMRAN & MUNNAWAR only innocents are the terrorists not the innocent, peoples of pakistan?
thats why, both of them are trying thier best to save terrorists politicly,cause they know in the end it would be the hammer of PA to crash thier terrorist bassed politics forever?
instead its time for thier break from national politics, cause even terrorists doesnt wanted to talk, anything & after getting that SAWATI dog as thier head, there are less then -100000000% chances of any negociations?
now whats the solution?
you will know with in a month or so?