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Opposition submits no-trust motion against PM Imran



I have read hundreds of his posts. He can't be sarcastic in each of them.

I have read hundreds of his posts. He can't be sarcastic in each of them.
Sure i can be you just need to understand them

PMLN gets things done by spending 10% and money laundering 90% of the development funds. During PMLN tenure Whole Punjab development funds were spent on Lahore to make it look like Paris and still can’t be compared to any major city of the world.

Why don’t you grow a brain? In democracy reforms are done when government has 2/3 majority or opposition is willing to work with the government. When opposition is full of Chor Dacco criminals then they will try their best to Prevent any reforms. Opposition trying to blackmail government on simple FAFT bill. Do think they want any major reforms?
PTI will complete 5 years and if things go side ways, IK hold all the cards. Opposition has done a big favor to IK by bringing adam aitmad tehreek, this will increase IK popularity in Awaam and people will buy West vs Pakistan.
Let me give you a breaking news…..if things align, both Tareen and Aleem Khan group will not only support IK jalsa on 27th, they might also be their in person.
Govt doesnt need 2/3 majority to do retail taxing or even simple legislation

I agree all its legislation were previously blocked in senate but not since PTI got close in numbers
It can now simply call joint sessions for legislation
All PTI allies '100% inclined' towards Opposition, PML-Q's Pervaiz Elahi says ahead of no-trust motion
  • Pervaiz Elahi says onus on PM Imran Khan to reverse allied parties' inclination towards government.
  • "But I believe the time to send delegations [for assuring support] has passed."
  • Govt to lose majority in NA if three allied parties leave its side and join Opposition.
With the no-confidence motion submitted against Prime Minister Imran Khan, Punjab Assembly Speaker and PML-Q leader Pervaiz Elahi has said that all the PTI allies are "100% inclined" towards the Opposition.
"It is Khan sahab's duty to reverse the tilt. But I believe the time to send delegations [for assuring support] has passed. Had he done this earlier, this could have been avoided," the speaker, whose party is an ally of the PTI in the Centre and Punjab, said while speaking to Hum News.
The speaker termed the alliance of the three Opposition major parties — JUI-F, PML-N, and PPP — as lasting and stable, just weeks before a session to vote on the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan is called.
Read more: If three of PTI's allies join Opposition, party will lose 17 MNAs
The government's key ally in the Centre, the Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA), Monday assured PM Imran Khan of complete support ahead of the no-trust motion, while other allies — BAP, MQM-P, and PML-Q — are still indecisive.
The statement comes just hours after PM Imran Khan said the entire nation was ready to go down with him rather than supporting the "three stooges", as he slammed the Opposition amid rising political tensions.
In his address to a convention of overseas Pakistanis in Islamabad, the prime minister said: "When the people saw the faces of the three stooges — PML-N President Shahbaz Sharif, Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, and PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari — they decided against supporting them and expressed their desire to go down with [me]."
The prime minister thanked the Opposition for moving the no-confidence motion and said that through the move, his party had strengthened, with people all-geared up for the March 27 rally — which is expected to take place at D-Chowk just a day before the National Assembly votes on the no-trust motion.
Read more: 'Pakistanis prefer to go down with me than supporting three stooges'
The government allies — BAP, MQM-P, and PML-Q — have been holding meetings back and forth with each another — and even the Opposition parties, as the PTI awaits their final decision.

Numbers game​

It is noteworthy that the three allies have 17 representatives in the National Assembly. If these parties join the Opposition, the PTI government's strength will fall to 162 from 179, and the total number of MNAs in the unified opposition would rise to 179.
To pass the no-trust motion, the Opposition needed the backing of 172 MNAs. The NA currently has a total membership of 341 members, with one seat empty.
The illustration shows the breakdown of the representatives of the government and the Opposition in the National Assembly. — Illustration via Geo News
The illustration shows the breakdown of the representatives of the government and the Opposition in the National Assembly. — Illustration via Geo News
The ruling coalition now has 179 MNAs in favour, while the Opposition has 162 MNAs in the lower house of parliament. The Opposition required the backing of ten more MNAs to dislodge the Imran Khan government.

Take into consideration that if PTI MNAs which are defecting are not able to vote and they just resign. Then total national assembly seats will not stand at 342. If 20 MNAs resign than total NA seats present would be 322. And opposition will have to get only 162 votes as this will be simple majority.

Oooooo boy. I don't know about you guys but I have an increasing feeling that establishment has indeed become "Janwar". And future Govt will most likely be PPP + PML q + BAP + MQM. Along with punjab going to N league.
Nightmarish scenario.........

Thats really really pathetic and by no means represent Riasat e Madina.
Politics or no politics our talking habits should be civilized and more focused on issues not persons. I know other parties also do this but I for the one wanted IK to set a standard or at least not make it worse.
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My formula is the best .

IK don’t get blackmailed by 5 seaters and 8 seaters …. **** them ….

IK popularity is sky rocketing after the entire country has seen these lotas sell their mothers for dollars….

He should resign enmass from every assembly and force new elections . Hopefully next time he won’t need crutches to stand on.

His first target after winning majiority should be to put Mian saanp and his entire family in jail and torture them to the point where they will spit out every penny of looted money.
‏چوہدری پرویز الیی کہہ رہے ہیں عمران خان کو ہر کام کرا کرایا ملتا رہا انکو ساڑھے تین سال سیکھنے کا موقع ہی نہیں ملا۔۔
بچے کو نیچے اتارتے تو سیکھتا مگر وہ اسکی نیپی ہی بدلتے رہے۔ اب نیپی بھی مہنگی ہو گئی ہے۔۔ حد ہے ویسے خان صاحب کے حوالے سے ایسی گفتگو ؟؟


Is this sort of talk on national tv by a known establishment politician just a coincidence?
My formula is the best .

IK don’t get blackmailed by 5 seaters and 8 seaters …. **** them ….

IK popularity is sky rocketing after the entire country has seen these lotas sell their mothers for dollars….

He should resign enmass from every assembly and force new elections . Hopefully next time he won’t need crutches to stand on.

His first target after winning majiority should be to put Mian saanp and his entire family in jail and torture them to the point where they will spit out every penny of looted money.
Sir, he is going to lose everywhere. I am purely saying this because of his poor governance, his U-Turn, his opportunistic lotas who have damaged Khan's reputation beyond repair. Just check the local government election results throughout punjab or KPK, you will perhaps have an idea of ground reality.

‏چوہدری پرویز الیی کہہ رہے ہیں عمران خان کو ہر کام کرا کرایا ملتا رہا انکو ساڑھے تین سال سیکھنے کا موقع ہی نہیں ملا۔۔
بچے کو نیچے اتارتے تو سیکھتا مگر وہ اسکی نیپی ہی بدلتے رہے۔ اب نیپی بھی مہنگی ہو گئی ہے۔۔ حد ہے ویسے خان صاحب کے حوالے سے ایسی گفتگو ؟؟


Is this sort of talk on national tv by a known establishment politician just a coincidence?
I wish i had that published newspaper statements of Sheikh Rasheed and those Gujraatee Chaudharies about Imran Kha during their "Honey Moon" era of 2002-2007. Khan criticized heavily on corruption of MQM, Q League and of course Sheikh Rasheed throughout the decade. His alliance with these real thugs after 2018 election still hurts every sincere Pakistani. Infact i still can't digest how Imran Khan got trapped by this Pindi Boy....It hurts. !!!
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اپنی مٹی پہ ہی چلنے کا سلیقہ سیکھو
سنگ مرمر پہ چلو گے تو پھسل جاؤ گے

وہ جو دیتے ہیں تمہیں اپنی رفاقت کا فریب
ان کی تاریخ پڑھو گے تو دہل جاؤ گے

PML q defected from PML n. Enjoyed Mushy era. Then left him and joined PPP. Then left PPP and joined PTI. I hope I am proven wrong but now well on their way to ditch PTI for greener pastures again.
Ik's coming back with the two-thirds majority to make a complete change into the Pak system like what Reis Erdo'an did in Turkey. The rest are all details....

The more the opposition is humping and jumping like the Hanuman the more they're exposing themselves like the 100% naked Sadhus...
Zardari, Shahbaz and Maulana Fazl ur Rehman represent a sizable chunk of Pakistan's population. 99% of the people on PDF are upper middle class or overseas Pakistanis who don't realize that people who "CAN" support Maulana Fazl ur Rehman are found in every street and house of Pakistan.

If Imran Khan is dismissed, and his coalition partners permanently leave him for a larger degree of freedom, these are the cons:
1) National Security of Pakistan can be compromised.
2) Pakistan will, again, take a back seat in international politics.
3) The middle class of Pakistan will have to prepare for another 30 years of turmoil and bullying at the hands of the feudal lords (like Patwaris) and industrialists (like Jehangir Tarin).

But on the brighter side:
1) The uneducated people of Punjab and Sindh will get to rejoice, as familiar faces, which remind them of simpler(?) times, will come back again to rule.
2) The Feudal lords, who have been choked by the current government, will initiate massive mobilization of funds, and work with the corrupt Punjabi bureaucracy to expand their power and wealth. Until now, that money has been locked away in safes, away from the market, in the form of Dollars, and gold.
3) Industrialist will be given a better opportunity to capitalize on sugar shortages, wheat shortages and automobile monopolies.
4) CPEC can be delayed for a decade to get some western aid, and it might even help us get out of FATF.
5) The Westerns masters might forgive the billions of dollars in fine we got for committing fraud with the Tethyan Copper Company for the Reko Diq mines.

The possibilities are endless. Please feel free to add more benefits of getting the "familiar faces" back.
Even if IK manages to keep this alliance intact there will be too much bad blood now. In my opinion if IK manages to win no confidence movement he should not wait for next 1.5 years. He should go for an early election and try to get a clear mandate.
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