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Opinion: Why Pakistan Needs To Be Prepared For A Violent Decade Ahead As US, Saudi Turn Against Islamabad?


Dec 11, 2016
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United States
India is clearly on cloud nine after signing BECA with the US, as now, India is to be on an equal turf with China and has an even greater advantage against Pakistan. The signing of BECA means the US is now firmly with India against all threats.

The US through India will contain China and India will teach Pakistan a lesson by solving the issue of Kashmir for all times to come. India and the US have a convergence of interests, which is most arguably, the foremost lifeline project of China i.e. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which the US and India want to destroy at all costs. India with US help will also be able to ‘put the record straight’ with China of its 1962 war.

Mike Pompeo came to India barely a few days before the 3 November US elections to sign the BECA deal with India, which shows the importance the US is giving to the partnership, no matter what the US dispensation be.

This is on the sidelines of the US planning to move out of Afghanistan after ‘privatizing’ or ‘renting’ the war to Blackwater forces and the leftover remnants of Ashraf Ghani government against the Afghan-Taliban, which of course, will be a great help to India as the country considers Afghan-Taliban to be a scourge for their sentiment over Kashmir.

The stakes in the US are highly in favor of Donald Trump, who has already threatened not to relinquish power in case he loses. Thus, it is not a hard guess to make that Pompeo is soon going to visit Pakistan and with a renewed ‘stick-and-carrot’ approach, but this time it would brood more on a threat.

Pakistan - Highway image

The US will seek Pakistan’s withdrawal from CPEC and leave China in a lurch, and in exchange, the country would also offer alternative aid or development projects, etc. This is where Pakistan will be thrown between a rock-and-a-hard-place, and hence, would confront a new existential crisis, but owing to Pakistan’s stand, since August, when it distanced itself from Saudi Arabia over the Kashmir issue, and the help with which China has always stood with Pakistan, it is expected that the Islamic country would no more sing to the tunes of Washington.

No wonder, the clock has turned back to the days when after the Afghan war with the Soviet Union had ended and Pakistan’s role to help the US in it had concluded, the real objective of the US had shifted, which was to contain China through India.

Which explains why the then US President Bill Clinton, had readily abandoned Pakistan to visit India for five days, and only after intense lobbying Clinton had obliged to also visit Pakistan for a mere five-hours.

The world polity stands exactly on the same juncture, albeit, after a lapse of 20 years, marred by the fallout of the ‘war on terror’ which started after the 9/11 attacks and ended up with the most horrendous ‘death-and-destruction’ of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, and Middle-East, with the exception of the stupendous rise of Israel.

India, after BECA, has to a large extent given a quid pro quo to China against the ‘clouds of war’ in immediate coming winters, as now the US would fully gear up to meet China, which will soon be followed by sanctions against the belligerent country.

These events would eventually engulf Pakistan, and its fallout is also expected to be first focused on the promised railway track which China wants to carry from its Kashgar province to the Gwadar port, Balochistan, which is the tail end of its CPEC.

Then a war between India and China may soon ensue on Gilgit-Baltistan, inside Pakistan, as that is where the gateway to CPEC lies, for choking Chinese exports to reach central Europe, Middle-East and the western world, as straits of Malacca is where the US had already set its stations, along with India, to block Chinese goods from traveling.

In this new developing scenario, Russia has given 121 combat helicopters to China, on 21 October 2020, according to RussianAviation, to counter the joint India-US bonhomie.

This duo has also answered China which had made Nepal release a map that ‘shook’ India and the same ‘shock’ has been given to Pakistan by KSA, which has axed GB and Kashmir from Pakistan map on its 20 Riyal banknote.

The Saudi economy depends on oil and its largest importer is China, which has already relegated the country to the third position, resulting in the Islamic country’s economy plummeting to a downslide, as has been debated by EnergyVoice on 2 September 2020. The report explains how the Saudi economy is in a deep recession and its oil market collapsing because of the China move.

How India-US and China-Pakistan-Russia are to assimilate to the new situations after the US elections is now quite well-written on the wall, already China has been constrained in its South China Sea. And it is yet to be seen if Pakistan goes ahead with forming its new bloc with Turkey, Iran, and Malaysia as its long-term ally KSA is now with India, US, and Israel.

The writer is a former State Information Commissioner, India. He is a media analyst and writes on international issues.

Source: https://eurasiantimes.com/why-pakis...ade-ahead-as-us-saudi-turn-against-islamabad/
India is clearly on cloud nine after signing BECA with the US, as now, India is to be on an equal turf with China and has an even greater advantage against Pakistan. The signing of BECA means the US is now firmly with India against all threats.

The US through India will contain China and India will teach Pakistan a lesson by solving the issue of Kashmir for all times to come. India and the US have a convergence of interests, which is most arguably, the foremost lifeline project of China i.e. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which the US and India want to destroy at all costs. India with US help will also be able to ‘put the record straight’ with China of its 1962 war.

Mike Pompeo came to India barely a few days before the 3 November US elections to sign the BECA deal with India, which shows the importance the US is giving to the partnership, no matter what the US dispensation be.

This is on the sidelines of the US planning to move out of Afghanistan after ‘privatizing’ or ‘renting’ the war to Blackwater forces and the leftover remnants of Ashraf Ghani government against the Afghan-Taliban, which of course, will be a great help to India as the country considers Afghan-Taliban to be a scourge for their sentiment over Kashmir.

The stakes in the US are highly in favor of Donald Trump, who has already threatened not to relinquish power in case he loses. Thus, it is not a hard guess to make that Pompeo is soon going to visit Pakistan and with a renewed ‘stick-and-carrot’ approach, but this time it would brood more on a threat.

Pakistan - Highway image

The US will seek Pakistan’s withdrawal from CPEC and leave China in a lurch, and in exchange, the country would also offer alternative aid or development projects, etc. This is where Pakistan will be thrown between a rock-and-a-hard-place, and hence, would confront a new existential crisis, but owing to Pakistan’s stand, since August, when it distanced itself from Saudi Arabia over the Kashmir issue, and the help with which China has always stood with Pakistan, it is expected that the Islamic country would no more sing to the tunes of Washington.

No wonder, the clock has turned back to the days when after the Afghan war with the Soviet Union had ended and Pakistan’s role to help the US in it had concluded, the real objective of the US had shifted, which was to contain China through India.

Which explains why the then US President Bill Clinton, had readily abandoned Pakistan to visit India for five days, and only after intense lobbying Clinton had obliged to also visit Pakistan for a mere five-hours.

The world polity stands exactly on the same juncture, albeit, after a lapse of 20 years, marred by the fallout of the ‘war on terror’ which started after the 9/11 attacks and ended up with the most horrendous ‘death-and-destruction’ of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, and Middle-East, with the exception of the stupendous rise of Israel.

India, after BECA, has to a large extent given a quid pro quo to China against the ‘clouds of war’ in immediate coming winters, as now the US would fully gear up to meet China, which will soon be followed by sanctions against the belligerent country.

These events would eventually engulf Pakistan, and its fallout is also expected to be first focused on the promised railway track which China wants to carry from its Kashgar province to the Gwadar port, Balochistan, which is the tail end of its CPEC.

Then a war between India and China may soon ensue on Gilgit-Baltistan, inside Pakistan, as that is where the gateway to CPEC lies, for choking Chinese exports to reach central Europe, Middle-East and the western world, as straits of Malacca is where the US had already set its stations, along with India, to block Chinese goods from traveling.

In this new developing scenario, Russia has given 121 combat helicopters to China, on 21 October 2020, according to RussianAviation, to counter the joint India-US bonhomie.

This duo has also answered China which had made Nepal release a map that ‘shook’ India and the same ‘shock’ has been given to Pakistan by KSA, which has axed GB and Kashmir from Pakistan map on its 20 Riyal banknote.

The Saudi economy depends on oil and its largest importer is China, which has already relegated the country to the third position, resulting in the Islamic country’s economy plummeting to a downslide, as has been debated by EnergyVoice on 2 September 2020. The report explains how the Saudi economy is in a deep recession and its oil market collapsing because of the China move.

How India-US and China-Pakistan-Russia are to assimilate to the new situations after the US elections is now quite well-written on the wall, already China has been constrained in its South China Sea. And it is yet to be seen if Pakistan goes ahead with forming its new bloc with Turkey, Iran, and Malaysia as its long-term ally KSA is now with India, US, and Israel.

The writer is a former State Information Commissioner, India. He is a media analyst and writes on international issues.

Source: https://eurasiantimes.com/why-pakis...ade-ahead-as-us-saudi-turn-against-islamabad/

Out of date already? The US is not going to offer Pakistan anything they have clearly shown a shift to pro-India look at the BECA for example.
The writer is a former State Information Commissioner, India. He is a media analyst and writes on international issues.

Who ever this person was matters no more, he is now the "village idiot". A list of unrealistic wet dreams is all this article is... someone pass him the tissue paper ...

Yes, Saudia Arabia and Pakistan are growing apart, largely driven by the USA pressure for Saudia to surrender to Israel in the same way that UAE has, but to say that Pakistan's "security" rests at the altar of Saudi good will is plain stupid. Saudia from time to time has provided cheap oil and loans for the last few decades. Nothing else.

Indians are now too occupied trying to get the Chinese off their backs, to ever think about Pakistan again, and that will be the case for quite some time.

The Chinese now see the threat that India poses through her alliance with USA, and they will make sure India is alway kept "off balance". The Chinese will wear down the Indian Military from now on. An intelligence sharing pact is not going to change the reality of the current situation. India lacks sufficient military capabilities to be able to effectively tack advantage of the new intelligence information and the gap between India and China is increasing, day by day.
They are entitled to their opinion but for Pak the "private army" that this Indian is claiming would
further delay peace in the region and allow continuation of the drug trade to flourish by supporting the warlords put in place from the beginning of the invasion.


The private army has gotten a bigger role over the years. While the real number is hidden, the Military Times attempted last year to dig in and find out. Their findings are bad news for those in the developing world, including India--they just don't realize it yet. Privatization helps feed the narrative of withdrawing.

In 2016, one in four U.S. personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan was a private contractor. This means that the war is already being outsourced, yet scholars, the media and the general public know almost nothing about it.

Because contractors operate in the shadows, without effective public oversight, they allow policymakers to have their cake and eat it too – by appearing to withdraw, while keeping proxy forces in theater.

Who are the contractors who actually execute American policy? Are they equipped to succeed in this important task? What risks is the U.S. asking them to take?

We learned that the contractors in our sample are predominantly white man in their 40s who choose contracting as a second career. Most are veterans with significant military experience.

Among those contractors who were previously deployed as service members, many are former officers and about half of them are Special Forces veterans. They are more likely to have a college degree than their active duty counterparts, but less likely than their fellow veterans in the general population.

They come from parts of the U.S. or United Kingdom with higher unemployment rates and fewer job opportunities – not the areas with the strongest traditions for military service.


Pak will still continue to get blamed. But, Pak should stay focused on India and not be distracted and get the interested regional parties, Iran, Russia, and the bordering Central Asian countries to also pitch in against violence in Afg and further isolate India regionally who is being very selfish here by creating chaos in the region so they can get ahead at everyone else's expense. This is no 1971: India's blind ambitions have started yet another fire.
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India is clearly on cloud nine after signing BECA with the US, as now, India is to be on an equal turf with China and has an even greater advantage against Pakistan. The signing of BECA means the US is now firmly with India against all threats.

The US through India will contain China and India will teach Pakistan a lesson by solving the issue of Kashmir for all times to come. India and the US have a convergence of interests, which is most arguably, the foremost lifeline project of China i.e. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which the US and India want to destroy at all costs. India with US help will also be able to ‘put the record straight’ with China of its 1962 war.

Mike Pompeo came to India barely a few days before the 3 November US elections to sign the BECA deal with India, which shows the importance the US is giving to the partnership, no matter what the US dispensation be.

This is on the sidelines of the US planning to move out of Afghanistan after ‘privatizing’ or ‘renting’ the war to Blackwater forces and the leftover remnants of Ashraf Ghani government against the Afghan-Taliban, which of course, will be a great help to India as the country considers Afghan-Taliban to be a scourge for their sentiment over Kashmir.

The stakes in the US are highly in favor of Donald Trump, who has already threatened not to relinquish power in case he loses. Thus, it is not a hard guess to make that Pompeo is soon going to visit Pakistan and with a renewed ‘stick-and-carrot’ approach, but this time it would brood more on a threat.

Pakistan - Highway image

The US will seek Pakistan’s withdrawal from CPEC and leave China in a lurch, and in exchange, the country would also offer alternative aid or development projects, etc. This is where Pakistan will be thrown between a rock-and-a-hard-place, and hence, would confront a new existential crisis, but owing to Pakistan’s stand, since August, when it distanced itself from Saudi Arabia over the Kashmir issue, and the help with which China has always stood with Pakistan, it is expected that the Islamic country would no more sing to the tunes of Washington.

No wonder, the clock has turned back to the days when after the Afghan war with the Soviet Union had ended and Pakistan’s role to help the US in it had concluded, the real objective of the US had shifted, which was to contain China through India.

Which explains why the then US President Bill Clinton, had readily abandoned Pakistan to visit India for five days, and only after intense lobbying Clinton had obliged to also visit Pakistan for a mere five-hours.

The world polity stands exactly on the same juncture, albeit, after a lapse of 20 years, marred by the fallout of the ‘war on terror’ which started after the 9/11 attacks and ended up with the most horrendous ‘death-and-destruction’ of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, and Middle-East, with the exception of the stupendous rise of Israel.

India, after BECA, has to a large extent given a quid pro quo to China against the ‘clouds of war’ in immediate coming winters, as now the US would fully gear up to meet China, which will soon be followed by sanctions against the belligerent country.

These events would eventually engulf Pakistan, and its fallout is also expected to be first focused on the promised railway track which China wants to carry from its Kashgar province to the Gwadar port, Balochistan, which is the tail end of its CPEC.

Then a war between India and China may soon ensue on Gilgit-Baltistan, inside Pakistan, as that is where the gateway to CPEC lies, for choking Chinese exports to reach central Europe, Middle-East and the western world, as straits of Malacca is where the US had already set its stations, along with India, to block Chinese goods from traveling.

In this new developing scenario, Russia has given 121 combat helicopters to China, on 21 October 2020, according to RussianAviation, to counter the joint India-US bonhomie.

This duo has also answered China which had made Nepal release a map that ‘shook’ India and the same ‘shock’ has been given to Pakistan by KSA, which has axed GB and Kashmir from Pakistan map on its 20 Riyal banknote.

The Saudi economy depends on oil and its largest importer is China, which has already relegated the country to the third position, resulting in the Islamic country’s economy plummeting to a downslide, as has been debated by EnergyVoice on 2 September 2020. The report explains how the Saudi economy is in a deep recession and its oil market collapsing because of the China move.

How India-US and China-Pakistan-Russia are to assimilate to the new situations after the US elections is now quite well-written on the wall, already China has been constrained in its South China Sea. And it is yet to be seen if Pakistan goes ahead with forming its new bloc with Turkey, Iran, and Malaysia as its long-term ally KSA is now with India, US, and Israel.

The writer is a former State Information Commissioner, India. He is a media analyst and writes on international issues.

Source: https://eurasiantimes.com/why-pakis...ade-ahead-as-us-saudi-turn-against-islamabad/
Eurasiatimes another indian website 😆
Lol Saudia can't deal with a bunch of rag tag militas in Yemen, how tf will it pose a threat to Pakistan?

We only need to get our economy in order. And UNEQUIVOCALLY and DECISIVELY make Gilgit Baltistan a formal territory of Pakistan. Leave no causus belli or room for India to try and disrupt CPEC. The Azad Kashmiris and their RR can take a backseat for some time. CPEC is more important right now.
intelligence cannot be shared with stupid who chose a 10th grade as their PM who want to extract water from air to overcome water shortage, use clouds to evade radars.

you share intelligence with this character
Some one Fiverr can write a better article for $5 than this so called "Intellectual".:sarcastic:
India is clearly on cloud nine after signing BECA with the US, as now, India is to be on an equal turf with China and has an even greater advantage against Pakistan. The signing of BECA means the US is now firmly with India against all threats.

The US through India will contain China and India will teach Pakistan a lesson by solving the issue of Kashmir for all times to come. India and the US have a convergence of interests, which is most arguably, the foremost lifeline project of China i.e. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which the US and India want to destroy at all costs. India with US help will also be able to ‘put the record straight’ with China of its 1962 war.

Mike Pompeo came to India barely a few days before the 3 November US elections to sign the BECA deal with India, which shows the importance the US is giving to the partnership, no matter what the US dispensation be.

This is on the sidelines of the US planning to move out of Afghanistan after ‘privatizing’ or ‘renting’ the war to Blackwater forces and the leftover remnants of Ashraf Ghani government against the Afghan-Taliban, which of course, will be a great help to India as the country considers Afghan-Taliban to be a scourge for their sentiment over Kashmir.

The stakes in the US are highly in favor of Donald Trump, who has already threatened not to relinquish power in case he loses. Thus, it is not a hard guess to make that Pompeo is soon going to visit Pakistan and with a renewed ‘stick-and-carrot’ approach, but this time it would brood more on a threat.

Pakistan - Highway image

The US will seek Pakistan’s withdrawal from CPEC and leave China in a lurch, and in exchange, the country would also offer alternative aid or development projects, etc. This is where Pakistan will be thrown between a rock-and-a-hard-place, and hence, would confront a new existential crisis, but owing to Pakistan’s stand, since August, when it distanced itself from Saudi Arabia over the Kashmir issue, and the help with which China has always stood with Pakistan, it is expected that the Islamic country would no more sing to the tunes of Washington.

No wonder, the clock has turned back to the days when after the Afghan war with the Soviet Union had ended and Pakistan’s role to help the US in it had concluded, the real objective of the US had shifted, which was to contain China through India.

Which explains why the then US President Bill Clinton, had readily abandoned Pakistan to visit India for five days, and only after intense lobbying Clinton had obliged to also visit Pakistan for a mere five-hours.

The world polity stands exactly on the same juncture, albeit, after a lapse of 20 years, marred by the fallout of the ‘war on terror’ which started after the 9/11 attacks and ended up with the most horrendous ‘death-and-destruction’ of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, and Middle-East, with the exception of the stupendous rise of Israel.

India, after BECA, has to a large extent given a quid pro quo to China against the ‘clouds of war’ in immediate coming winters, as now the US would fully gear up to meet China, which will soon be followed by sanctions against the belligerent country.

These events would eventually engulf Pakistan, and its fallout is also expected to be first focused on the promised railway track which China wants to carry from its Kashgar province to the Gwadar port, Balochistan, which is the tail end of its CPEC.

Then a war between India and China may soon ensue on Gilgit-Baltistan, inside Pakistan, as that is where the gateway to CPEC lies, for choking Chinese exports to reach central Europe, Middle-East and the western world, as straits of Malacca is where the US had already set its stations, along with India, to block Chinese goods from traveling.

In this new developing scenario, Russia has given 121 combat helicopters to China, on 21 October 2020, according to RussianAviation, to counter the joint India-US bonhomie.

This duo has also answered China which had made Nepal release a map that ‘shook’ India and the same ‘shock’ has been given to Pakistan by KSA, which has axed GB and Kashmir from Pakistan map on its 20 Riyal banknote.

The Saudi economy depends on oil and its largest importer is China, which has already relegated the country to the third position, resulting in the Islamic country’s economy plummeting to a downslide, as has been debated by EnergyVoice on 2 September 2020. The report explains how the Saudi economy is in a deep recession and its oil market collapsing because of the China move.

How India-US and China-Pakistan-Russia are to assimilate to the new situations after the US elections is now quite well-written on the wall, already China has been constrained in its South China Sea. And it is yet to be seen if Pakistan goes ahead with forming its new bloc with Turkey, Iran, and Malaysia as its long-term ally KSA is now with India, US, and Israel.

The writer is a former State Information Commissioner, India. He is a media analyst and writes on international issues.

Source: https://eurasiantimes.com/why-pakis...ade-ahead-as-us-saudi-turn-against-islamabad/

No worries. We have been fighting against all odds for our very survival since August the 14th 1947..............BRING IT ON!............ :azn:
BECA provides India info against China and that will be limited im sure about that. USA will be extremely reluctant to share info on Pakistan with India, in the past they even refused their spoiled child Israel any info on Pakistan. I agree our future now is with China and we need to Bring Russia even closer. KSA and Pakistan are now on different path and this will continue. A new block is emerging and it is just a matter of time. Pakistan is also emerging now from the shadows of USA and KSA. A very good thing.
Written by an Indian so not much credible.

Few points though.

With interest in Afghanistan waning and war on terror given enough profits to war industry, the new front is China. And new foot soldiers are needed. So Pakistan importance will be put aside. In fact, we could be facing threats like we had sanctions after USSR was dismembered.

The alliance in the region is between Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkey and likely Iran. This could be a solid block with converging economic and security interests.

No matter how much USA flogs this horse, India as a country cannot fight China. It has inefficiencies in its system and its military is not up to world standard. Its a country which is 5 times bigger than the country it percieves as its arch rival yet cant do sh*t about it and gets defeated every time there is a war. So good luck USA! You are betting on a wrong horse.

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