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Opinion: Pakistani Influence in the Muslim World, Zionism and Freedom of Expression

Osman Devlat


New Recruit

Nov 11, 2020
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Pakistan is an Islamic State that has always been a leader when it comes to leading the Muslims. Though that image is mostly based on being the First Muslim Country to go ahead and do so.

Pakistan needs to go ahead and give its people and the world the image that we are a modern, moderate Islamic Society that redefines the current and past stereotypes that were present in the minds of the propagandized west. We need to go ahead and give the people of the Islamic World a real chance, a real chance at showing that we do not want war, we are individuals of high moral character, our armies are one of the best in the world and can defend ourselves.

Pakistan so far has been successful in proving all of this, it has proved through its Nuclear Program and its JF-17 Thunder Project with the recent success of having Argentina and Iraq considering it, despite the intense pressure from the US and the British, thanks to the now forming Quad, in which India would play quite an essential role against China, to deter its influence. Therefore, the incentive Is there. The current geo-political theater is quite different one naïve mind might suggest from previous ends. But as a student of History, one draws parallels from the Romans and the Persians to the German Reich and the British Monarchy. From the Ottomans and the Hapsburgs to the Soviets and Americans. The world inevitably becomes multi-polar.

Whenever, there is only one, others strive harder to be the one, that results in a one-on-one.

Let’s, talk about what each one of powers lack and how that effects Pakistan and Pakistani Future and our Identity as we talk about two very important things.

If we go ahead and side with the Americans, we side with same side that has basically ended Palestine at this point. On the other hand, if we go ahead and side with the Chinese, we side with those who committed a genocide of Uighur Muslims. Because Pakistan’s Center, Kashmir, based upon the same argument that made us support Baku against Armenia. And helped cement the Pakistani Stance on Palestine as well. It becomes an ideological dilemma so harsh; I must say it can be exploited quite well by our enemies, and to some extent it is.

Some people may argue that Pakistan is destined to doom and that to some extent is true, because Pakistan itself is a gamble. That statement, though I might try to argue or disagree, but it does hold some truth. When Pakistan came into being it was a country destined to be destroyed. Did it? No, it survived. Then came the Soviets in Afghanistan. The world watched in shock and awe how we were surrounded by Soviet Supporting Countries including India which took every step possible to utilize this situation against us and was successful in taking East Pakistan, which will always have a very deep place in my heart away from us thanks to in my belief the Identity Dilemma we faced, similar to the Young Turks against the Great Sultan Abdul Hamid Han II, the Last True Caliph of Islam, whose dignity and whose greatness can not be expressed in words of this humble servant.

When a Country has a great leadership, but your Youth is already conquered it is at that moment you have been defeated now only Gods Miracle can save you. God’s (Allah the One and Only), Miracle is Pakistan.

All that happened to Sultan Abdul Hamid Han II (The Ever Victorious), is the key to understanding the modern world. Not only the World of Islam but Europe and the New World Order as a whole.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. Neither am I anti-semantic, I will just state one line of historical truth upon which all agree.

Sultan Abdul Hamid Han II was imprisoned in a Jewish Bankers House in Salonica, after the Young Turks came to power. Emanuel Caruso (look him up), Theodor Herzl and Abdul Hamid, Google that. If you are a Muslim and your mother taught you some dignity, or belonging to any race, faith or sex. Think!

Think is a big word.

I love my Jewish Brothers; they are the sons of Adam and Eve (May Blessings of God be upon Both of Them). I am also the son of Adam and Eve. I have nothing wrong with the Oriental Arab Jews living in Palestine, nor do I have any hard feelings for Secular Jews who know and acknowledge how that Israel is apartheid. For me it is better to have a clean conscience. We are scarce, dispersed in many religions, you see humanity does not belong in a certain religion. Humanity does not belong in a certain race. Civilization does not belong in a certain civilization.

The Freedom of Speech. The Freedom of Expression. Huh!

We want Ultimate Freedom. What is Freedom?

Well, I must say the Zionists are the hallmark of freedom are they not, the freedom to kill, the freedom to plunder, the freedom to kill, the freedom to invade, the freedom to colonize, the freedom to brutally murder, the freedom to destroy childhood, the freedom to take a mother away from his child.

Ah, Zionism the upholder of Freedom!

Anyhow, getting away from my point aren’t I or am I. Time is limited, either we reform now or we perish. Pakistan has the best shot at making us a great civilization again the respects and tolerates all religions. Let us treat our minorities with equality. Give the people of color and everyone equal rights. Women and Men and all other to come, the different must only be anatomical. If we do it, History will speak. It is now or Never. We are at the same point where we were a century ago, its NOW or NEVER.

So what do you think how our next Ideological Dilemma would be dealt with, I legit have no Idea, please do let me know. :)
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I disagree with many things said.

Pakistan is an Islamic State that has always been a leader when it comes to leading the Muslims.
so many mistakes in this statement.

first of all, Pakistan has never been a leader when it comes to leading the muslims.
In fact there is no one leading the muslims, the last leader of the muslim world died a long long time ago.
Pakistan is just one that meekly follows the Arab world (with refusing to be involved in yemen a happy exception)

second of all , Pakistan is not an Islamic state. You can recite a kalima when butchering a pig, but it will not make the meat halal. Similarly calling yourself an islamic state will not make you an islamic state.
An Islamic state requires an Islamic financial system in place. Since our currency the backbone of the financial system, is based on the US dollar, a fiat currency with no value, our currency is UnIslamic. Furthermore, we have a interest based banking system in place, the banks tend to replace the word interest, with the word "policy rate", or sometimes "profit rate" to avoid using the word interest because they know that it is haram, but it is used in the same way.

until the day the Financial system is made islamic, this state will be islamic in name and in name only.

we are individuals of high moral character, our armies are one of the best in the world and can defend ourselves.

I could write how pakistani society is diseased, from top to bottom, how we have been cursed with individuals with no moral character, leading this country to ruin on the economic and the military fronts. but it is late and I am tired, so i will end it here.
Pakistan needs to go ahead and give its people and the world the image that we are a modern, moderate Islamic Society that redefines the current and past stereotypes that were present in the minds of the propagandized west. We need to go ahead and give the people of the Islamic World a real chance, a real chance at showing that we do not want war, we are individuals of high moral character, our armies are one of the best in the world and can defend ourselves.

Great idea, but how does one create the image without any substance to back it up?
I disagree with many things said.

so many mistakes in this statement.

first of all, Pakistan has never been a leader when it comes to leading the muslims.
In fact there is no one leading the muslims, the last leader of the muslim world died a long long time ago.
Pakistan is just one that meekly follows the Arab world (with refusing to be involved in yemen a happy exception)

second of all , Pakistan is not an Islamic state. You can recite a kalima when butchering a pig, but it will not make the meat halal. Similarly calling yourself an islamic state will not make you an islamic state.
An Islamic state requires an Islamic financial system in place. Since our currency the backbone of the financial system, is based on the US dollar, a fiat currency with no value, our currency is UnIslamic. Furthermore, we have a interest based banking system in place, the banks tend to replace the word interest, with the word "policy rate", or sometimes "profit rate" to avoid using the word interest because they know that it is haram, but it is used in the same way.

until the day the Financial system is made islamic, this state will be islamic in name and in name only.

I could write how pakistani society is diseased, from top to bottom, how we have been cursed with individuals with no moral character, leading this country to ruin on the economic and the military fronts. but it is late and I am tired, so i will end it here.
Some of your points are good but losing hope is not Pakistani way. Pakistan is country it is fighting for its existence since its birth.. I mean it has faced many challenges. But still Pakistan is there it will be there as big player of the game. Mark my words your good time is going to start soon. Fight in west is already started. fight between Asia n west is already started.. you better stay tune n help your leader khan n enjoy your popcorn 🍿
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Some of your points are good but losing hope is not Pakistani way. Pakistan is country it is fighting for its existence since its birth.. I mean it has faced many challenges. But still Pakistan is there it will be there as big player of the game. Mark my words your good time is going to start soon. Fight in west is already started. fight between Asia n west is already started.. you better stay tune n help your leader khan n enjoy your popcorn 🍿

Hope is lost when there is only Lip service, false promises, lame statements by the rulers/establishment on future/ uplifting of scocity etc...without anything concrete on ground.

People of Pakistan have not lost "Hope"...they have just lost the "Faith and Trust" in our rulers.
yes keep telling people you are moderate and modern I suggest we should eliminate the word muslim, we should post videos of private parties in Pakistan where young indulge in drinking drugs sex and rock and roll.
Hope is lost when there is only Lip service, false promises, lame statements by the rulers/establishment on future/ uplifting of scocity etc...without anything concrete on ground.

People of Pakistan have not lost "Hope"...they have just lost the "Faith and Trust" in our rulers.
Ruler com n go.dont worry every thing will be fine.. good time is ahead..
Come out of fantasy world. Travel out of Pakistan and you will learn that the world is very different and Pakistan is an insignificant country.
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