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Opinion: Boston Bombings: The Most Important Questions | PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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Opinion: Boston Bombings: The Most Important Questions | PKKH.tv


by Dan Qayyum

Muslims around the world held their breath once news of the cowardly Boston marathon bombings broke initially, and with good reason.

In the post 9/11 world, any attack perpetrated by someone remotely linked to the Islamic faith is blamed on the religion and way of life followed by the world's 2.2 billion Muslims. This line of thinking is reserved exclusively for attackers and terrorists linked to Islam, or Muslims. The Anders Breiviks, James Holmes', Narendra Modis of this world don't have to go through such scrutiny.

Internet forums such as 4chan and Reddit were soon buzzing with armchair detectives identifying 'brown folk' on images and videos of the Boston marathon. Then there was the Saudi national - a victim of the bombing just like the other 150-odd people - injured and trying to get away in the panic that ensued. Even as he was being questioned by the authorities at the hospital, some media outlets started reporting it as a significant breakthrough and him as a 'suspect'. The Boston police eventually nullified that rumour, but by then the narrative had been set.

If this wasn't the handiwork of an Al-Qaeda linked sleeper cell, it must be a disgruntled 'lone wolf' Muslim extremist. If it turned out to be a Caucasian it’ll probably be a convert indoctrinated with extremist ideology either in a mosque in the US or on a trip to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.

The emergence of two 'Chechen' brothers as prime suspects made the job easier for the media. Never mind the Chechnyans having more on their mind than attacking the US for foreign policy blunders and aggression in far off Muslim lands. Never mind a full blown decades long conflict right at home, fighting the Russian armed forces for freedom for their homeland. If it is a Muslim, or in this case if the suspect has written the word 'Islam' on his social media profile, he must be a ******.

Here we had two American citizens, brought up in the US after migrating over a decade ago, spent their years growing up integrated in the society they lived in - the younger brother Dzhokhar more so than Tamerlan. Seemignly intelligent and talented youngsters, their influences, upbringing, social fabric, interactions and their anger is more American than it is Chechnyan or anything else.

There is no record of the brothers spending long stretches of time in foreign lands. If they are Islamists, and if they were properly radicalized, why were they so intent on escape? If there was a political message, where is it? There's no video, no letter, no blogs, no diaries - nothing that has come to light that can come close to linking their alleged actions to faith-based terrorism.

There are a million questions that need answering once Dzokhar - or Jahar as he's known - is in a position to talk. However, disowning two American citizens because of their Chechnyan background will not help America's cause. If there is a problem at home, particularly one that isn't seemingly a reaction to the ripples caused by the US foreign policy and the injustices it leaves it its wake, America's interests would be best served by deep introspective look at - and a question that should be of utmost importance to Americans - what pushes its citizens to cause murder and mayhem - whether it is in a village in Afghanistan in the early morning hours, in a packed school or university, or at the finish line of a sporting event.

Dan Qayyum is an editor and analyst at PKKH.tv – writing on Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Dan also writes for the defense and security journal Fortress Magazine, published out of Karachi, Pakistan, and is a senior research fellow at the Pakistan Institute of Strategic Affairs.

America's interests would be best served by deep introspective look at - and a question that should be of utmost importance to Americans - what pushes its citizens to cause murder and mayhem - whether it is in a village in Afghanistan in the early morning hours, in a packed school or university, or at the finish line of a sporting event.

Its not the people ,its the ideology.
was waiting for the delusional comment and here it is, allah bless pakistan .

Himself deluded keeps calling those who are not hypnotized by propaganda as delusional...

Allah bless Pakistan ... Amen.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories .

our opinions varies but i'am not going to blow up neither should you:police:

Yeah i know, you believe in TV & governmental propaganda instead.
Who show you doctored images\footage 2 guys just coming & going & standing & then tell you they placed bombs & you jump the band wagon. But you hear announcement of drill & you see unusual presence of private military contractors behaving bizarre & you see guy allegedly killed in shoot-out being arrested before that fake car chase & you see mental-looking bearded guy with a back-pack matching the exploded back-pack & that doesn't ring any bells to you enslaved mind.


& I don't blow up, elements in your government do... so keep an eye on your Govt.
If you keep trusting them blindly, what you basically ARE, one day it could be your turn to be sacrificial animal for your govt. Bags that Craft-International guys were carrying, ALL of them has white-square tag on handles... & bag that was found exploded has same white-square on handle... yet your slave-brain wants to believe fairy-tales that FBI is making up.





Running AWAY from site while everyone else including 2 regular army uniforms are running towards site to help injured.




Himself deluded keeps calling those who are not hypnotized by propaganda as delusional...

Allah bless Pakistan ... Amen.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories .

our opinions varies but i'am not going to blow up neither should you:police:
"Sur", I think it's hilarious how you think you can say my name and immediately convince me to believe in such stupid conspiracy theories. :lol:

You keep telling me it was "Christian terrorists" and the "FBI" who did it. :rofl: Sorry, the whole world knows who did it.

I am impressed with your level of denial though.
There are two important questions to be answered by the conspiracy theorists here who want to spin their own story pointing at everything except radicalization of these youths.

1. Is Russia in Cahoots with US when they do not see eye to eye on various other issues in that they asked FBI attache in Russia to investigate the elder brother back in 2011?
2. The reason Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center asked the elder brother to leave the premises on one of the congregation encouraging the muslims to celebrate American Independence day and Martin Luther King day.

Here we had two American citizens, brought up in the US after migrating over a decade ago, spent their years growing up integrated in the society they lived in - the younger brother Dzhokhar more so than Tamerlan. Seemignly intelligent and talented youngsters, their influences, upbringing, social fabric, interactions and their anger is more American than it is Chechnyan or anything else......................

Dan Qayyum is an editor and analyst at PKKH.tv – writing on Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Dan also writes for the defense and security journal Fortress Magazine, published out of Karachi, Pakistan, and is a senior research fellow at the Pakistan Institute of Strategic Affairs.


The older brother was NOT a US citizen as he had been denied citizenship. Please get your facts correct.
"Sur", I think it's hilarious how you think you can say my name and immediately convince me to believe in such stupid conspiracy theories. :lol:

You keep telling me it was "Christian terrorists" and the "FBI" who did it. :rofl: Sorry, the whole world knows who did it.

I am impressed with your level of denial though.

And the conspiracy theory begins...
Islamic radicalization begins by spreading victimhood, sympathy to terrorists and persistent brain wash based on a bunch of lies. PKKH is a well known entity that boast of few members who are branded as international terrorist and hence the MO is followed in the above article too.

The same Muslims were granted citizenship with a bright chance to a good life by the U.S. Alas, they were brainwashed like many other muslims as victims of the world, fed a ton of lies and made the country that granted them asylum as their enemy.
There is no record of the brothers spending long stretches of time in foreign lands.

so Chechnya is now part of the US?

When i heard the report my first comment was **** the boston bomers were Russian my partners reply Let me guess they were Chechen.

some previous Chechen bombings

June 2000 Chechnya bombings
June 6–11, 2000 - Chechnya experienced its first suicide bombings when two Chechen girls, 22-year old Khava Barayeva and 16-year-old Luiza Magomadova, and Russian former prisoner of war and Islam convert Djabrail Sergeyev (Sergey Dimitriyev) attacked separate checkpoints manned by Russian paramilitary police in the Chechen capital Grozny and in the village of Alkhan-Yurt with two car bombs, killing at least four OMON troops (25 Russians were killed according to rebels).
July 2000 Chechnya bombings
July 2–3, 2000 - Chechen guerrillas launched five or six suicide bomb attacks targeting various Russian military and police headquarters and barracks within 24 hours, killing at least 54 people and injuring more than 100, including civilians. The most deadly of the attacks killed 25 Russian MVD troops and injured 81 at the Interior Ministry base in the town of Argun (this bombing was also filmed from a safe distance). In the city of Gudermes, 11 people were killed at a police station. Other, less successful attacks in Grozny, Urus Martan and Novogroznensky resulted in the government losses of eight killed and three missing, according to official reports. Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for organization of the attacks, which according to Movladi Udugov, resulted in more than 600 federal casualties.
August 2000 Chechnya bombings
A series of attacks in Urus-Martan, Khankala, Argun and elsewhere killed at least 30 people and injured 50.
November 2000 Urus-Martan bombing
November 29, 2001 - A young Chechen woman, Aiza Gazuyeva (aged 18 or 20), blew up herself with a hand grenade, killing Russian General Gaidar Gadzhiyev, whom she blamed for the death of her detained husband. Two other soldiers were also killed and two were injured.
2002 Grozny bombing
December 27, 2002 - Two Chechen suicide bombers, Gelani Tumriyev and his 17-year-old half-Russian daughter, Alina Tumriyeva, dressed in Russian military uniforms and using official passes, drove a truck bomb into the heavily guarded main republican administration compound in Grozny, wrecking the four-story "government house". At least 83 people were killed and 210 injured, many of them Chechen and federal government officials. Deputy Prime Minister Zina Batyzheva was seriously hurt and a deputy military commandant of Chechnya was also injured. The explosion had the force of one ton of TNT. Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for both the planning and execution of the attack, which was recorded by camera.
2003 Znamenskoye bombing
On May 12, 2003, three suicide bombers (a man and two women) drove a truck full of explosives into a government complex in Znamenskoye, northern Chechnya. The blast gutted the regional republican FSB headquarters responsible for coordinating the ongoing "counter-terrorist operation" in all of Chechnya. At least 59 people were killed and about 200 injured in the filmed attack, including many civilians in the nearby marketplace.
2003 Iliskhan-Yurt bombing
May 14, 2003 - Pro-Russian Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov was targeted by a pair of female suicide bombers (Shakhidat Baymuradova and Zulai Abdulazakova) at a religious festival in the village of Iliskhan-Yurt. The pair were however stopped by his bodyguards. An explosive device detonated by Baymuradova, a 46-year-old veteran woman guerrilla, killed 16 people, including Abdulazakova, and injured 43 others.
June 2003 Mozdok bombing
June 5, 2003 - An unidentified female suicide bomber, apparently dressed as a medic, attacked a bus carrying Russian Air Force pilots and other personnel (including civilian workers) to the Mozdok airbase in North Ossetia, killing at least 17 of them and injuring 14. Mozdok Air Base has been used by the Russian federal forces for operations in Chechnya since 1994.
June 2003 Grozny bombing
June 20, 2003 - A truck bomb attack on a cluster of Grozny government buildings, including headquarters of the OMON special police and the Justice Ministry, failed when the bomb exploded prematurely, killing up to eight and injuring some 36.[4][5]
August 2003 Mozdok bombing
August 1, 2003 - An unidentified suicide bomber driving a KamAZ truck packed with one ton of explosives blew up a military hospital treating the military casualties from Chechnya in another attack at Mozdok, North Ossetia, less than two months after the airbase bus blast. The massive explosion destroyed the hospital building completely, collapsing it and killing at least 50 and injuring 82, mostly wounded or sick soldiers and medical personnel.[6] Chechen rebels loyal to the Aslan Maskhadov government claimed they had nothing to do with the bombing. The commander of the Mozdok military hospital, Lt. Col. Artur Arakelian, was arrested on charges of criminal negligence and failure to carry out an order.
2003 Magas bombing
September 15, 2003 - Two unidentified attackers detonated a truck bomb outside the republican FSB headquarters in Magas, the new capital of Ingushetia, killing three other people and injuring 29.[7][8] The building was only slightly damaged and the devastation was limited mostly to its parking lot.
2008 Vedeno bombing
August 30, 2008 - A pair of suicide bombers in a car attacked perimeter of a base of Internal Troops at Vedeno, killing at least one paramilitary soldier and injuring 11 more.[9]
May 2009 Grozny bombing
May 15, 2009 - An elderly man detonated a bomb after unsuccessfully trying to get into the Interior Ministry in Grozny, killing two policemen at the security gate and injuring at least five other people. A taxi driver who had dropped him there was gunned down by the police and then declared to be an accomplice of the attacker; the first reports said he was a civilian killed in the blast. That was the first suicide bombing in Grozny since 2003.
June 2009 Nazran bombing
June 23, 2009 - Ingush President Yunus-bek Yevkurov was critically injured in a suicide car bomb attack on his motorcade that wrecked his armoured Mercedes car. His brother, who served as his head of security, was also injured, and his driver and a bodyguard were killed.[10] Police said they identified the bomber as an Ingush woman Pyatimat Mutaliyeva.
July 2009 Grozny bombing
July 26, 2009 - A suicide belt attack by 21-year old Rustam Mukhadiyev (Mukhadiev) outside the Grozny theatre and concert hall killed at least six people, including four high-ranking police officers (one of them sent to Chechnya from the republic of Adygea), and injured up to 10. The possible target of the attack may have been Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, who later accused the young Islamic rebel scholar Said Buryatsky (born as Alexander Tikhomirov) of an attempt to assassinate him. The two civilians killed in the attack were said to be from Georgia and Turkey,[11] the first foreigners to have died in North Caucasus suicide attacks.
August 2009 Nazran bombing
August 17, 2009 - A filmed suicide car bomb attack against the police headquarters in Nazran killed at least 25 and injured about 138 people, including civilians, and destroyed the main police station in the republic's largest city.[12] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev sacked the Ingush police chief, while the Ingush President Yevkurov accused Britain, the United States and Israel as well as Islamic militants.[13] The rebels did not reveal the bomber's identity, allegedly out of fear of reprisals against his family, but the preparation of the bombing was claimed by a young Russian, Buryat Islamist ideologist Sheikh Said Buryatsky (Alexander Tikhomirov), at first widely presumed to be the man who had carried out the attack.
August 2009 Chechnya bombings
August 21–25, 2009 - Two suicide bombers riding bicycles staged an apparently coordinated pair of attacks against the Chechen police in Grozny, killing at least four officers and injuring a civilian woman, according to police officials.[14] The use of bicycles would represent a new tactic for the insurgents.[15] Four days later, four more policemen were killed and another one and two civilians injured in a suicide attack at a car wash in the village of Mesker-Yurt, according to the police.[16]
2009 Makhachkala bombing
September 1, 2009 - In the reportedly first suicide attack in the Russian republic of Dagestan, a federal customs officer was killed and 14 people (including five police officers and four civilians) injured in the regional capital, Makhachkala, as a result of a car bomb, a spokesman for the Russian Interior Ministry's office in Dagestan said.[17]
September 2009 Grozny bombing
September 16, 2009 - A female suicide bomber attacked a traffic police car at the crossroads of the Peace and Putin Avenues in the center of Grozny, killing at least one policeman and injuring at least six other people, according to a Chechen police spokesman.[18]
December 2009 Nazran suicide bombing
December 17, 2009 - A suicide bomber blew himself up with a car bomb at a police station in Ingushetia, killing himself and injuring 23 others. It was reported that three children were among the injured. The car reportedly had a license plate from nearby Chechnya.[19]
January 2010 Makhachkala suicide bombing
January 6, 2010 - A suicide bomber detonated his explosives near the gates of the base Battalion DPS[clarification needed]. The bomb reportedly detonated prematurely as local police were suspicious of a vehicle trying to enter the gates to the base and rammed it. The vehicle exploded. At least six people were killed in this bombing and another 14 others were injured.[20]
2010 Kizlyar bombings
March 31, 2010 - In Kizlyar, Dagestan, two suicide bomb blasts resulted in the deaths of at least 12 people, including the local police chief for the area. It is known that the second suicide bomber had been dressed as a policeman, and it has been reported that another 29 were wounded in these blasts. The first suicide bomber detonated his car near the buildings of the Interior Ministry. The second bomber apparently struck as a team of investigators were working at the scene of the first explosion.[21]
April 2010 Karabulak suicide bombing
April 5, 2010 - Two blasts occurred near to a police station in Karabulak, Ingushetia. It was reported that at least two police officers were killed and another 13 injured. At least one of these blasts was carried out by a suicide bomber. The second explosion was allegedly caused by a car nearby that had presumably been mined by the suicide bomber, who had arrived in the vehicle.[22]
April 2010 Ingushetia suicide attack
April 9, 2010 - A female suicide bomber blew herself up after shooting dead a police officer in the village of Ekazhevo within the republic of Ingushetia.[23]
April 2010 Makhachkala suicide bombing
April 29, 2010 - In Makhachkala, Dagestan, a suicide bomber set off a car-bomb at a police checkpoint after being stopped for an inspection. Three police officers were killed and another 16 were injured.[24]
June 2010 Grozny suicide bombing
June 30, 2010 - In Grozny, Chechnya, a suicide bomber blew himself up during a document check in the centre of the capital city. The suicide bomber was killed and at least 10 others were apparently injured, including at least four police officers and six civilians.[25]
August 2010 Prigorodny suicide bombing
August 17, 2010 - In the Prigorodny district of North Ossetia, a suicide bomber blew himself up after an identification check at a police checkpoint between the borders of the North Caucasus republics of Ingushetia and North Ossetia. It was later reported that the suicide bomber and at least two police officers died. At least three others were apparently injured.[26]
September 2010 Buinaksk suicide bombing
September 5, 2010 - A suicide car bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into the gates of a military base near Buinaksk, Dagestan. It was reported that at least five Russian soldiers were killed and that around 39 others were injured. A secondary IED explosion apparently blew up as investigators were traveling to the scene of the first bombing. However, there were no reported casualties.[27]
September 2010 Makhachkala suicide bombing
September 24, 2010 - In Makhachkala, the capital city of Dagestan, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives at a police cordon. At least two police officers were killed and another 44 others were injured, some critically.[28]
October 2010 Grozny attack
October 19, 2010 – Three gunman attacked a parliament building in Grozny, killing three and injuring another 17. All three blew themselves up when police reached them.[29]
October 2010 Khasavyurt suicide bombing
October 23, 2010 - In Khasavyurt, Dagestan, a suicide car-bomber attempted to drive his vehicle into a police station within the city, then blew himself up. At least one police officer was killed and 12 others were apparently injured.[30]
February 2011 Gubden suicide bombings
February 15, 2011 - In the village of Gubden, Dagestan, it was reported that two suicide bomb explosions occurred, one of which involved a female and the other a car-bomber, both targeting a Russian security checkpoint. At least three police officers were killed and more than 25 others injured.[31]
[edit] Attacks against Russian civilians2003 Tushino bombing
July 5, 2003 - According to the official version, 20-year-old Chechen woman Zulikhan Elikhadzhiyeva blew herself up outside a rock festival at the Tushino airfield near Moscow; her bomb did not detonate as expected. 15 minutes later, only a few meters from where Zulikhan blew herself up, 26-six-year-old Zinaida Aliyeva detonated her explosives. The attack killed 11 people on the spot, while at least 60 people were injured and four of them later died in hospital.[32] There was no claim of responsibility from the Chechen rebels and some commentators[who?] speculated the incident might have been orchestrated by Russian intelligence agents.[citation needed]
2003 Stavropol train bombing
December 5, 2003 - A shrapnel-filled bomb, believed to have been strapped to a lone male suicide attacker, ripped apart a commuter train near Chechnya, killing 46 people and injuring nearly 200. The explosion occurred during a busy morning rush hour when the train was loaded with many students and workers; it ripped the side of the train open as it approached a station near the town of Yessentuki in Stavropol Krai. The attacks occurred one day after Russia’s State Duma elections.
2003 Red Square bombing
December 10, 2003 - Only five days later, a blast occurred at Red Square in the very center of Moscow, as Khadishat Mangeriyeva (widow of separatist field commander Ruslan Mangeriyev) set off a suicide belt packed with ball bearings near the Kremlin and State Duma, killing six people and injuring 44.[33] Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for organising both of the December 2003 attacks, as well as the August aircraft bombings.
February 2004 Moscow metro bombing
February 6, 2004 - A bomb ripped through a Moscow metro car during rush hour morning near the Avtozavodskaya subway station in Moscow, killing at least 40 people and injuring 134. This time, Basayev denied responsibility for the bombing. A previously unknown Chechen terrorist group claimed it launched the attack to mark the fourth anniversary of the February 2000 Novye Aldi massacre in Chechnya.
2004 aircraft bombings
August 24, 2004 - Two Russian airliners crashed nearly simultaneously in the Tula and Rostov regions of Russia, killing a total of 90 people. Two Chechen women, Amanta Nagayeva (30) and Satsita Dzhebirkhanova (37), have been identified as the perpetrators of the attack.
August 2004 Moscow metro bombing
August 31, 2004 - 29-year old Roza Nagayeva (sister of Amanat Nagayeva) apparently panicked and prematurely detonated explosives before entering the Rizhskaya metro station in the Russian capital. Ten other people were killed (including her apparent handler, ethnic Ukrainian Islamic militant Nikolai Kipkeyev) and about 30 injured in the blast.
2008 Vladikavkaz bombing
November 6, 2008 - A suspected female suicide bomber exiting a minibus killed at least 11 people and injured as many as 40 others at a taxi-van stop next to the central market in Vladikavkaz, capital of North Ossetia, officials said.[34] No claim of responsibility was issued.
2010 Moscow Metro bombings
March 29, 2010 - Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in Moscow's subway system as it was packed with rush-hour passengers, killing at least 40 and wounding more than 75.
2010 Vladikavkaz bombing
September 9, 2010 - A suicide car-bomber detonated his explosive-laden vehicle at the Central market in the city of Vladikavkaz, capital of North Ossetia. At least 17 people were killed and more than 160 others were apparently injured, according to official reports.[35]
2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing
January 24, 2011 - A male suicide bomber detonated his explosives at the international arrivals hall of Moscow's Domodedovo International Airport, killing at least 36 people and injuring more than 180 others. Several foreign nationals were among the fatalities.[36]
@Chinese-Dragon Your beloved FBI\CIA etc are very bad at Photoshopping ...
Won't you help your master of deception, the-Left-Eyed-Daj'jaal, to improve their skills so next time they are not busted so easily...!!!



Yes terrorists are so divine and so angelic , they wouldnt even hurt an ant; let alone bombing innocent citizens ;) Blame it on CIA, Mossad

Terrorist are YOU indians & your masters. True that YOU along with your masters are hurting civilians your own & of other countries.

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Yes ! ****** terrorists are so divine and so angelic , they wouldnt even hurt an ant; let alone bombing innocent citizens ;) Blame it on CIA, Mossad ! :sick:
@Chinese-Dragon your favorite FBI caught with their pants down. Lying about the suspects who were actually working for them.


Lindsey Graham 'Something's Not Right Here' On FBI & Boston - YouTube

Sur, it was already admitted by the Boston bombers and their families...

So you agree that Boston is inside job by FBI & other US agencies together. Plotted & carried out by Americans themselves. & that Chinese that got killed is NO where to be seen in any of the pictures available after blats. So who killed her??? My guess is The snipers on roof killed her as they wanted China's sympathies against Muslims. Another possibility>>in pictures, as soon as actors started to take on their make-ups & removing their pants to expose fake-bones & amputations & wiping red-color-sachet on face, some ppl are seen escorted away from that area. May be that Chinese was escorted away & then killed, just like they arrested older brother & later killed him in a fake encounter... Chinese government should order an autopsy on that girl to find out cause of her death.

You are obviously wasting your time responding to all these conspiracy theories.
And what did you just do? Made the best use of ur time...! Mr.terrorist indian. :)
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Sur, it was already admitted by the Boston bombers and their families that they are Muslim. Doesn't matter how many conspiracy theories you come up with.

And do you think the Chinese government is framing Muslims too?

Xinjiang terrorist attack kills 15 - People's Daily

Violence in western Chinese region of Xinjiang kills 21 - CNN

Some of the knives recovered by police were more than a meter long, according to Hou Hanmin, spokesperson for the Xinjiang government. She told CNN that some of the captured assailants said under interrogation that they had watched videos "from overseas" that featured violence and acts of terrorism.

"Then they made those large, lethal knives and wanted to use them for Jihad," she said, referring to the Arabic term meaning "struggle."

"They had been training in their own house for several months. They were affected by extremism and hoped to commit themselves to Jihad."

Chinese officials used the word "Jihad" multiple times.

But I guess you think that is a conspiracy too?
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