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Open letter to Imran Khan - kamran shafi bashing IK


May 3, 2009
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Open letter to Imran Khan
By Kamran Shafi

The writer is a columnist, a former major of the Pakistan Army and served as press secretary to Benazir Bhutto kamran.shafi@tribune.com.pk

Trust you are well.

This is in answer to our exchange of SMS messages between Jan 11th and 12th, 2014, repeated verbatim:

Quote: Me to you: 11th Jan, 2014, 5:22 PM: ‘So, no reaction ON Aitzaz Hasans death Imran? How SHAMEFUL!!!’

You to me: 12th Jan, 2014, 9:36 AM: ‘U really have a v poor opinion of me….without ever bothering to hear my side. Was in india for a conf and got back late last nite. Have already announced a fund on my behalf for aitzazs family plus heavily criticized the kpk govt for their pathetic approach in not honoring the hero (no party head has ever openly criticized his own govt in the media).’

Me to you: 12th Jan, 2014, 9:47 AM: ‘So the K-PK govt. can’t move a finger w/out you/Mazari/Jehangir? Sad state of affairs I must say. Unless there is a compact with the Takfiri murderers to do as they will so long as they don’t bother Khattak And Co.?’:what:

You to me: 12th Jan, 2014, 9:58 AM: ‘Grow up kamran. Stop being so pompous. Have never known a “liberal” so bloodthirsty as u hasn’t 9yrs of killing satisfied your blood lust? Hasn’t each operation spawned more groups? Since when have those who want peace become pro taliban and those who want our army to “do more” be called “liberal’. U are what ali shariati described as “westoxified”, a mentally colonized brown sahib without a shred of original thinking’: Unquote.

Right then, Imran: 1) Aitzaz died on January 6th, a full week before you ‘heavily criticised’ your govt. in K-PK upon arrival from India for not taking any cognizance of the brave boy’s sacrifice. So, what was the govt. in Peshawar doing before you ‘heavily criticized’ it, that it could not even verbally salute him and his act of bravery and condemn the perpetrators of the would-be suicide bombing? The cat got its tongue?

Or, was it too terrified to do so because it was afraid to be seen even hinting at criticism of the militants, which is the grand-mother of all the mad-men running about committing murder and mayhem, because you yourself have never by name condemned the murderous monsters and their dastardly deeds? By the way, why could you/your staff not have ‘heavily criticized’ it from India via ‘phone/email?

2) Upon my asking if the K-PK govt. can’t move a finger without approval from the triumvirate: yourself; Jehangir and Mazari; or if there was a tacit understanding between your govt. and the milit ants you really saw red and flailed about with your ‘balla’!

You said you hadn’t known a “liberal” so bloodthirsty as me, and asked if 9 years of killing hadn’t satisfied my blood lust? 9 Years Imran? How many times must I tell you and your minions that Swat and Dir and Malakand began to be taken over in 1994 for God’s sake?

I thirst for the blood of my own, Imran? Lots of us Pakistanis know, and respect, and love the brave people of K-PK and Fata, the real ‘stake-holders’. We have lived among them, and have served with them as comrades and buddies in the Services. You make the ‘tribals’ out as some mysterious people that only you know. How utterly arrogant and ignorant of you. The real ‘stake-holders’ are dead my friend; done in by these Takfiris who have systematically killed off the respected members of every single Jirga of note. Now your ‘stake-holders’ are Chechens and Uzbeks and Arabs and Uighur Chinese and Somalis and other criminals. You are welcome to them, they are not mine! o_O

You say, ‘ Hasn’t each operation spawned more groups’? Yes, every operation against these car hijackers and kidnappers and murderers for hire has spawned more of the same because the first operation was not carried out effectively. Get the point?

You call me “westoxified” and a “mentally colonized ‘brown sahib’”. Now where did I hear this term before: Ah yes: you writing hypocritically in The Nation, many moons ago, having just got out of your morning suits and frequenting Annabel’s every night, as a means of ‘Pakistanising’ yourself for your political career. I am a Brown Sahib? Did I go trotting off to London to ‘Save the Elephant’ in a black-tie event the moment your doctors allowed you out of bed after you fell off that damned fork-lift?

Let’s rewind a little: why is it that you saw red after reading my sms about whether there was a ‘compact’ with the Takfiris to spare Khattak And Co.,? I had said nothing about ‘fighting’ you-know-who, so why the fury? Remember, however, that the mood of the country is changing after the deaths of Aitzaz Hasan and Chaudhry Aslam. Note the grand gesture of the Pakistan Army in not only sending a Brigade Commander to lay a wreath but also an honour guard to the young Pakhtun Shaheed’s grave. The Army seems sick and tired of burying too many of its young warriors without hitting back.

I think it is high time that you woke up and smelt the cordite; and heard the blood gush from the torsos of our brave soldiers and khassadars and police and levies as they are decapitated by the m-onsters. I wonder if your handlers expose you to the blood and gore that is there for all to see on our screens: like the Takfiris playing football with the heads of our soldiers?

Which reminds me: wait until the Americans leave and then see what happens: ‘Traitors’ like me have been saying it for years; our Ambassador in Washington has said it just a few days ago: If all of the Americans left Afghanistan, all of the murderer’s guns would be turned against us.

BTW, did your minders bring this to your notice:You’re a coward, Khan.

Must add that I am gratified that the PM has also named you as one of the negotiators with the TTP: Good Luck.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 17th, 2014.
You to me: 12th Jan, 2014, 9:58 AM: ‘Grow up kamran. Stop being so pompous. Have never known a “liberal” so bloodthirsty as u hasn’t 9yrs of killing satisfied your blood lust? Hasn’t each operation spawned more groups? Since when have those who want peace become pro taliban and those who want our army to “do more” be called “liberal’. U are what ali shariati described as “westoxified”, a mentally colonized brown sahib without a shred of original thinking’: Unquote.

Imran got the man by his balls!!

Kamran Shafi thinks he is all knowledge. He must not have outed the text messages on a public forum like newspaper. This is extreme breach of privacy and against all etiquette. But he wants to prove his point how valid and how complete his argument is against Imran and his 'talks for peace' initiative is.

Criticize Imran to your heart's content but please provide an alternate solution. Alternate is definitely not military operation. We had them for 10 years and result is a collapsed economy, a diminished stature and no respect at all.

Kamran Shafi is Imran says a colonized brown sahib and from guys like him, I have no respect or no expectation of leading us in the right direction. In the end he is advocating troops not to withdraw. The longer they stay the more problems for Pakistan. They are not leaving the region anyways! They did not spend trillions to leave the region just like that!
It is totally a piece of false rhetoric and emotional wizardry/manipulation and KS has failed to give any sound logic at all behind why we should conduct a military operation in haste.

Objective: We want total peace in KPK and rest of Pakistan at all cost. Most of previous operations failed, and resulted in large loss of life of our army, misery and dislocation for millions of poor some of whom started to settle in urban areas where other ethnic groups objected to their presence and were accompanied by a huge wave of bombings that created an atmosphere of fear and affected economic activity everywhere in the country.

Let us try to maintain as much peace as we can and slowly take on the militants with tact. Terrorists that explode bombs cannot be easily defeated by military operations since they are part of our own population and military is trained to fight mostly in wars with other armies. In previous operations this was a great problem. When Army conducted operation in one area, the nation was told later that a large number of militants have escaped with migrant population elsewhere. And bloodshed created sympathies for militants and they continued to breed among their sympathizers.

I appreciate the approach of Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif and it would be best to alienate less radical elements from the militants who have enough humanity and regard for the country and then we could relatively easily ask military to do any operation on the rest who are opposed to total peace. We should also plan other measures with help of army and other law enforcing agencies that could control/check movements of armed groups and take other similar actions that would stop them from freely moving across borders and help enforcing the writ of law.

It is a longer term problem and cannot be solved by any military operation which might, at best, control some symptoms. We have to make a plan at least five years into the future about how to bring peace and slowly take perfect administrative control of tribal areas alongwith a systematic educational and economic uplift. It was a pity that we ran these tribal areas on British lines administered by political agents. They should have been made an outright part of KPK immediately after independence and all of our nation would have been better off. We have to slowly try to merge them with KPK and run them under the provincial authority and extraordinary tribal liberties/customs that sometimes border on those in medieval/ancient societies and special laws should slowly be made to conform with the laws in rest of the country.
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That awesome moment when you read what Imran Khan says in SMS, totally loved it the way he nailed the guy who couldnt get security clearance to become ambassador, speaks alot about his aukat !! :lol:
Reading Imran Khan SMS just proves its same Khan on ON and OFF AIR.... And this shity kamran sending sms and than publish it in public just show how low he can go....

And than reading rest of crap makes me laugh.
He who does not get security clearance to represent Pakistan is left with no credibility to criticize anyone! Such people can find place on Express Tribune.

How can express tribune allow him column space for such a personal, vile and cheap attack, on any one, not just Imran Khan.

Reading Imran Khan SMS just proves its same Khan on ON and OFF AIR.... And this shity kamran sending sms and than publish it in public just show how low he can go....

And than reading rest of crap makes me laugh.

Inadvertently, Kamran Shafi exposed the truthfulness of Imran Khan. He could be wrong, and everyone has right to disagree, but he is what he is public, what he is away from it.
IK should sue this piece of shit for publishing a private conversation without IK's written consent for financial gain.

Kamran obviously got financial compensation for this publication.
IK should sue this piece of shit for publishing a private conversation without IK's written consent for financial gain.

Kamran obviously got financial compensation for this publication.

It's quite evident from this publication that he was hell bent on making IK look like a fool without actually acknowledging IK's responses. It's best to ignore these morons. A lawsuit would just give people like him more ammunition.
Imran got the man by his balls!!


Reading Imran Khan SMS just proves its same Khan on ON and OFF AIR.... And this shity kamran sending sms and than ....

That awesome moment when you read what Imran Khan says in SMS, totally loved it

Its seems that most of you didnt managed to read the full article in response to the great SMS sent by bravado khan , who and his symphatisers can use silly abusive language against those who critisize his idiotic moves however the same guy never have uttered any thing disrespectful against killers of thousands of Pakistanis , This is zero standard !!
Several analysts blame the new governments that they lack the political will to start operation against Taliban. 'Political will to solve a problem' does not mean that we have to take the most brute force methods to solve it that would result in great damage to everyone and especially to those people who actually want peace and have nothing to do with terrorism. Emphasis on 'all out war' approach might be good to score points in others' eyes and to demonstrate that we are firmly against terrorism and Taliban or to put all blame on the new governments who do want peace at all cost but really do not want outright bloodshed.

It would be be wiser to ask the army to start with restricting movement of militants in terrorism infested areas. This would be done in case of a war with terrorists anyway and would be a prerequisite for any success. It would be right to restrict some movements of people bearing arms in the tribal areas. If we cannot immediately take away the 'right to carry arms' in tribal areas, it would probably be possible to restrict this right to their own tribal agency or some other administrative regions so that people living in one tribal agency cannot take their arms to any other tribal agency and will have to disarm before doing that. If army wants an operation, they should first work on such lines before a full-fledged war as I consider it a pre-requisite for any success against militants. It should be easier than a total war and if military could achieve this objective, we could be more sure of their success in a full blown operation. And if success in this step helps in maintaining peace and limits terrorist activities, we can think about what has to be done after that. It would put more pressure on Taliban for accepting demands of people from rest of the country and they might be ready for talks in a more earnest way. And if they are not ready for talks with honest intentions for peace, it would be easier to use force as in an all out war.
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Which reminds me: wait until the Americans leave and then see what happens: ‘Traitors’ like me have been saying it for years; our Ambassador in Washington has said it just a few days ago: If all of the Americans left Afghanistan, all of the murderer’s guns would be turned against us.

Isn't it just obvious!

It is amazing people are so looking forward to the withdrawal assuming it will be back to the good old days of 1990s.
All things considered, the Taliban nominating IK as their guy has thrown up a PR storm. Regardless, Kamran Shafi has descended to lower level to go ahead and critique IK. Especially when its easy to do from a much more civil level(provided PTI workers can come up to it).
put all my difference aside with Imran, this Kamran shafi guy is a total moron, he feels a total moron hearing him speak on TV so I never even bothered reading his articles. To me Kamran shafi and @batmannow are the same people where I see the lips moving but no sense comes out of it
put all my difference aside with Imran, this Kamran shafi guy is a total moron, he feels a total moron hearing him speak on TV so I never even bothered reading his articles. To me Kamran shafi and @batmannow are the same people where I see the lips moving but no sense comes out of it
with a noora mind, no you cant see my lips moving?
you got to, stand on one leg facing yourself towards raiwind noora mahal?
watch my lips, but before that happens
you what it means? lolzzz
no you dont, it means best place for nooras RR? lolzzz
with a noora mind, no you cant see my lips moving?
you got to, stand on one leg facing yourself towards raiwind noora mahal?
watch my lips, but before that happens
you what it means? lolzzz
no you dont, it means best place for nooras RR? lolzzz

sorry yar teri dum pe pare aa gya tha
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