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Only China & U.S will dominate the world finance in 2030. The rest are useless countries

LOOOL Are you ok bro??:undecided:

By the way where did you leave your Russian 'allies' who you still buy some key weapons systems/engines from??:cheesy:
I'm sure they won't be happy with what you just wrote, and we all know what an angry bear can do, dont we??:taz::lol:

Will you choose to have 5000 nukes or massive GDP ?

F*** the BRICS, UN, G-20.

US and China should just create G-2 and f*** the rest.
... there's not G-2, bro ! Just U.S and China.
China and U.S are too important in 2030. The others are not.

That is pure arrogance, where does this false sense of superiority come from? Correct your arrogance, remember that even giant states collapse, ergo the Qing Dynasty, the USSR, the Nazi Third Reich, and the Japanese Empire, British Empire.
India will NEVER ever catch up to China.

Anyone that thinks India will surpass China should be sent straight to a mental hospital.

LOOOL Are you ok bro??:undecided:

By the way where did you leave your Russian 'allies' who you still buy some key weapons systems/engines from??:cheesy:
I'm sure they won't be happy with what you just wrote, and we all know what an angry bear can do, dont we??:taz::lol:

By 2030 Britain will be a South Asian colony and be more insignificant than it is now.
Get ready for a new economic order. In the world 15 years from now, the U.S. will be far less dominant, several emerging markets will catapult into prominence, and some of the largest European economies will be slipping behind.

That's according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's latest macroeconomic projections that go out to 2030, displayed in the chart below. The U.S. will just barely remain the global leader, with $24.8 trillion in annual output. The gray bar represents the $16.8 trillion gross domestic product projected for 2015, and the green bar shows how much bigger the economy is expected to be 15 years from now. The country, worth 25 percent of the world economy in 2006 and 23 percent in 2015, will see its share decline to 20 percent.

China's GDP will grow to more than twice its size today, helping the Asian powerhouse to almost entirely close its gap with the U.S.

These Will Be the World's 20 Largest Economies in 2030 - Bloomberg Business

India, Japan, Germany and others......are too small. Gdp weaklings.

numbers are too low for rest of the world
ha ha ha ....so what happened to China will beat the US to the topspot? guess that dream stands postponed by some more years. Hm. Alright let's also see a few risks shall we:

* China's political upheavals - given the history some sort of major upheaval and instability expected every 60 to 70 years. As Mae's 'cultural' revolution plays out to its death soon, next round is due in the coming decade. Signs are already visible

* WHat will the settlement with Japan, S.Korea, Taiwan (VietNam?) look like as China seeks to gain some traction in the ocean front?

* But most importantly, what will China do with all the USD's it is holding? cannot afford to keep it in people's bank because it is not safe there! hm, is that why property prices in both coasts of USA are rocketing up? I see, so how will they uproot that land and buildings and take it back? Japan couldn't do it with the EMpire State Building. Point being China has no option but to keep investing its admirable gatherings of USD in foreign countries and thus perpetuate 2-way dependencies. BTW that I like a lot because it ensure global peace. This might be China's biggest contribution to the world, kudos.

* RMB becoming a world currency? may be. But makes no difference. Will it replace USD ? That can only happen if US economy falters. And per your charts quoted that ain't happening

The wild card is India and Russia. If India gets its political climate straight, and make friends with USA and China, there is great mutual benefit. China can learn social justice and diversification. India can learn disciplined economic thinking. USA can learn a bit of humilty helps both economy and relations a lot.

PS: I forgot to mention the $6T write off that China's local governments are warning the party about (refer Global Daily). No way to know how much of this is under or over stated but if the chinese party rag can print that once can assume it has some fire inside the smoke. One has to see how much of it has been funded by which bank and how those banks have securitized those risks and floated abroad. May be that's how the USd will have to be spent.

And finally, if China gets too obnoxious in rhetoric, expect the walmarts of the world to just shift the manufacture to other locales. THAT China simply cannot afford to let happen.
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see ,Japan,20 years ago, the news also told us ,it will become the first GDP country,now what's happened,USA and
European countries will prevent China's growth,the same thing happened in Japan. Now This is exactly the 2010 U. S. "return to Asia" strategic move to fit. So we must be careful.Don't blindly optimistic.
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