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Ongoing: Myanmar refugees rush to China


Feb 23, 2015
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This thread is about refugees and humanitarian assistance for them.
There will be some updates of the ongoing conflicts.
Pls avoid ethnic issues and immigration (warning: @Bussard Ramjet)

屏幕快照 2016-11-23 12.40.06.jpg

Hoards of Myanmar refugees gathered at the China-Myanmar border on Sunday as armed conflicts erupted in Northern Myanmar.

Conflicts between Myanmar government troops and armed ethnic groups started around 3 am Sunday local time in several areas, including Mongkoe and Muse, causing military and civilian casualties, local media reported.

A press release on Sunday afternoon from the State Counsellor’s Office of Myanmar said the over 600-strong joint groups included the Kachin Independence Army, Ta-ang National Liberation Army and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Xinhua News Agency reported.

The armed groups cut off the government troops' support line and occupied several important strongholds, and more intensive fighting is yet to come, CCTV said.

Stray bullets have fallen in China, an anonymous source on the border told the Global Times on Sunday. China shares a border of over 2,000 kilometres with Myanmar. The sound of artillery can be heard in Wanding, a small town in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, said the source.

Moreover, some 80 refugees appeared in Wanding on Sunday morning and were received by the Chinese government, which is properly dealing with the increasing number of refugees while trying to maintain order, the source added.

The wounded Myanmar residents were sent to Chinese hospitals, a businessman surnamed Yin told the Global Times on Sunday.

In 2015 some 60,000 Myanmar residents fled across the border following Northern Myanmar's Kokang conflicts and more than 10,000 were temporarily resettled in the city of Lincang, Yunnan Province.

A peaceful Myanmar will not only benefit Myanmar and its people, the Sino-Myanmarese trade will also profit from it, Zhuang Guotu, head of the Center of Southeast Asian Studies at Xiamen University, told the Global Times.

Yin said the conflict has exerted a huge impact on trade between China and Myanmar.

"China has invested in planting fruits in Myanmar and it's time to harvest. If the conflict continues, these fruits won't be able to be imported to China, which will cause great loss," said Yin.

Myanmar is also a key part of China's Belt and Road initiative. "A chaotic Myanmar will be disruptive to the whole project," said Zhuang.

Northern Myanmar is home to varied ethnic armed forces including the MNDAA in Kokang, with nearly 50,000 fighters in total.

China has repeatedly demanded that Myanmar take greater steps to deter the ongoing conflicts in the country from spilling over into Chinese territory. In March 2015, five Chinese were killed when a Myanmar warplane bombed a sugarcane field in Lincang, Yunnan province. In May the same year, two shells fired from Myanmar injured five more people in Lincang, including a Chinese national and four from Myanmar.

Courtesy Global Times

From left to right
South China Grid/ Medicine/ Red Cross/ China Inspection and Quarantine /Police

Local companies take part in.
CRCC, China Railway Construction Corporation

Local doctors and nurses
22. Nov
Updates on the wars in Burma

Gov. troop encircled
Supply line cut off
屏幕快照 2016-11-23 01.31.50.png

One gov. warplane was allegedly shot down

屏幕快照 2016-11-23 01.31.55.png

23rd Nov.

This morning, a bomb exploded only 200m from the refugee camp in Manghai Village!

No one hurt

屏幕快照 2016-11-23 23.24.38.png


Local people donate basic necessity.
It looks like a local advertisement company....

Childhood amid gunshots

Several hundred children are now living in the shelters.

4th grader Jin Chengxi hoped
there would be no more wars.
He was supposed to take part in an English
exam on 21 Nov.

16-year-old Xiaoliang was afraid to be caught.
"It is said that children over 10-year-old will be caught to be soldiers".
"What does it mean to go to the battlefield", asked a journalist.

屏幕快照 2016-11-23 23.31.16.png

Tonight will be the fourth night at the shelter

@ahojunk @cirr @TaiShang @Daniel808 @long_ @terranMarine @grey boy 2
Last edited:
From Weibo 30min ago

The Alliance has regained 勐古 today, the gateway to China's Manghai Checkpoint,
which has been under control of the Burmese military since 2001.

23rd Nov.

This morning, a bomb exploded only 200m from the refugee camp in Manghai Village!

No one hurt

View attachment 354798

View attachment 354797

Local people donate basic necessity.
It looks like a local advertisement company....View attachment 354799

Childhood amid gunshots

Several hundred children are now living in the shelters.

4th grader Jin Chengxi hoped
there would be no more wars.
He was supposed to take part in an English
exam on 21 Nov.

16-year-old Xiaoliang was afraid to be caught.
"It is said that children over 10-year-old will be caught to be soldiers".
"What does it mean to go to the battlefield", asked a journalist.

View attachment 354800 View attachment 354801

Tonight will be the fourth night at the shelter
View attachment 354802
@ahojunk @cirr @TaiShang @Daniel808 @long_ @terranMarine @grey boy 2

My wish with that kids.
Hope they can get better future, than wars and conflict.

Thanks so much for the updates, bro @AndrewJin
While the mediation led by the Chinese government is ongoing, refugees are still living in China.
One women with her four kids are now living in the house which belongs to the employer of her husband.



The son (right) of her husband's employer is teaching them how to play Chinese chess.


China is the only hope now!
There is a wrong perception in Dhaka that if BD moves against Burma will antagonize China. How much of the reality in that perception? If BD actively support Rohingyas inside Burma, how will be the reaction from China?

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