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One third of Britons 'admit being racially prejudiced'


May 7, 2013
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United Kingdom

There were wide variations in racial prejudice across the country

Nearly a third of people in Britain admit being racially prejudiced, research has suggested.

The British Social Attitudes survey found the proportion had increased since the start of the century, returning to the level of 30 years ago.

According to the survey, by social research company NatCen, 30% of those polled described themselves as either "very" or "a little" race prejudiced.

Penny Young, chief executive of NatCen, said the findings were "troubling".

The survey of more than 2,000 people revealed that prejudice had risen since an all-time low of 25% of people in 2001.

It also found wide variations currently across the country: 16% of people in inner London admitted to prejudice but the figure was 35% in the West Midlands.

Older men in manual jobs were the most likely to say they were prejudiced, but the group recording the biggest rise was educated male professionals.

Levels of racial prejudice increased with age, at 25% for 17 to 34-year-olds compared with 36% for over-55s.

Education had an impact with 19% of those with a degree and 38% of those with no qualifications reporting racial prejudice.

'National psyche'
The social attitudes survey has been carried out every year since 1983.

People were asked whether they would describe themselves as prejudiced "against people of other races".

Ms Young told BBC Radio 4's Today programme self-reported prejudice was "very difficult" to study in detail.

It appeared to be in "inexorable decline" in 2001 as part of "increasingly socially liberal Britain" - but has since gone back up.

The effect of the 9/11 attacks and an increase in concern about immigration were two possible reasons for the turnaround, she said.

The strongest message to politicians from the survey concerned immigration.

More than 90% of those who admitted some level of racial prejudice wanted to see a reduction in the number of people entering the UK.

But so did 73% of those who said they were not racially prejudiced.

Ms Young added: "Levels of racial prejudice declined steadily throughout the 90s, but have been on the rise again during the first decade of this century.

"This bucks the trend of a more socially liberal and tolerant Britain. Our local and national leaders need to understand and respond to increased levels of racial prejudice if we are to build strong local communities."

Alison Park, co-director of the survey, said: "Racial prejudice, in whatever guise, is undoubtedly still part of the national psyche."

BBC News - One third of Britons 'admit being racially prejudiced'
When you have Mirpuris acting like bellends, this was bound to happen.

Its not just the Mirpuris. Look at the behaviour of some Somalian gangs in London. I remember reading a news about Somalian girls who attacked a white girl and racially abused her. Ironically most of the media didn't pay much attention to this news.
Its not just the Mirpuris. Look at the behaviour of some Somalian gangs in London. I remember reading a news about Somalian girls who attacked a white girl and racially abused her. Ironically most of the media didn't pay much attention to this news.
I heard that news this early morning at BBC Radio 4.
Prejudice! Nothing new, I experienced that from the mouth of perhaps an 8 years old in London 52 years ago.And now from the mouths of mqm walas,and they are not even a different race.
Prejudice! Nothing new, I experienced that from the mouth of perhaps an 8 years old in London 52 years ago.And now from the mouths of mqm walas,and they are not even a different race.

What do you expect? Most of British people were not like this, they usually don't care about these topics. But certain behaviours of Muslim communities have arisen suspicion and hatred. I do no condone racism but there is not point putting fingers in the ear and not listening to the majority of people. The media has also played a negative role in this. But most of this problem is economic. Sort the economy out most of people would stop complaining.
This is BS, been in UK all my life and have been called a racial slur once.
Its not just the Mirpuris. Look at the behaviour of some Somalian gangs in London. I remember reading a news about Somalian girls who attacked a white girl and racially abused her. Ironically most of the media didn't pay much attention to this news.
In my part of London, no one goes to a certain area in the South part because it's been overrun by gangs from refugee communities like Somalia, Sri Lanka and Iraq etc.
In my part of London, no one goes to a certain area in the South part because it's been overrun by gangs from refugee communities like Somalia, Sri Lanka and Iraq etc.

Ghettos produce nothing but hatred amongst different communities.
What do you expect? Most of British people were not like this, they usually don't care about these topics. But certain behaviours of Muslim communities have arisen suspicion and hatred. I do no condone racism but there is not point putting fingers in the ear and not listening to the majority of people. The media has also played a negative role in this. But most of this problem is economic. Sort the economy out most of people would stop complaining.
Missed the point.Racial prejudice WAS THERE,IS THERE,WILL ALWAYS BE THERE.

This is BS, been in UK all my life and have been called a racial slur once.
Have you been living in Southall,Hendon or Hayes?.
Missed the point.Racial prejudice WAS THERE,IS THERE,WILL ALWAYS BE THERE.

Well obviously racial prejudice will exist for as long as Humans exist. Whites aren't the only ones that can be racist, anyone from any race can be. I know a lot of racist Pakistanis who hate each other based on languages and ethnicity. And Somalians are strange creatures I have failed to understand their mentality.
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