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One of first female infantry Marines being discharged after facing fraternization, adultery and larc

USA de facto uses female soldiers as military prostitute.

Currently Pentagon go after a few high profile case for show cases only. Numerous survey indicates the severity of mass orgy among service personnel.

lol, I can't even begin to say how stupid is this sentence.

First of all, if they are prostitute, they are paid, if not, that's sexual slavery.

Second of all, if there is such orgy, I wanted to be a part of it, why no one told me such thing exist when I was serving with the US Military as a Senior Company Officer?

Third of all, these "Prostitute" can kick your butt, so you probably better watch out.

Other than that, your post did not actually deserve my serious response.
So young men and women housed and working together are having sex?

Now there's a surprise!:woot:
I put a bunch of hyper testosterone, low education, weak morale young man and woman with in close quarters and few segregation. Expect them not to make love?

The intent is very clear.

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