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One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

You could not be further from truth.

What do you work as? If you were to become famous, I want an autograph.

This is a wrong place to reveal such things. Let's just say I'm 200% confident I'll continue to live out my days as the noname jack@$$ that I presently am.:lol:
This is a wrong place to reveal such things. Let's just say I'm 200% confident I'll continue to live out my days as the noname jack@$$ that I presently am.:lol:

Respect. You are on the right track. Too much of money would not mattered anyway. Else you would not be doing what you are doing.
I guess that would be a good way to keep the masses down. Tell a man he is a Dalit because he MUST have done something terrible in his past life and in order to earn good karma he must be obedient and faithful to those in the higher caste, since those in the higher castes must have been really good people in their past lives.

That is a good racket because it worked for thousands of years and still works today. Am glad that am such a badass that I control my journeys in the afterlife.

LOL. It does not work that way. Being a Dalit was not all that bad in India. Just some parts they were marginalized, not enslaved mind you. Most of the time they lived in forests or where just floating population. No one tells them they have to "obey" upper caste.

The caste system was designed such that no group would appropriate all means of power.

Top most was Brahmin -- they had authority over religious scriptures and could work as teachers, priests, advisors. They were not to accumulate wealth or own land or own weapon. Only knowledge. Brahmins were meant to live off food given by general people like monks. Their survival depended on the goodwill of the people.

Second in line were Kshatriyas (warriors/administrators/rulers) --- They could wield weapon and administor but were not to own land or be the authority on knowledge. They were to seek advise from the Brahmins and never hurt a civilian. They lived off a salary paid by taxes.

Third were the Vaishnavas (traders) -- They had access to wealth but not weapons or knowledge.

Fourth were the Shudras (farmers, artisans, skilled workers) -- They owned land, did agriculture and all other assorted skilled works. Were guaranteed protection by the Kshatriyas.

Outside the caste system come the Dalits or non permanent population of a town, tribals, forest dwellers: Small traders or skilled workers. Free as a bird without any obligations to anyone. Could work or just wander about. They had their own villages, their own land whatever but outside the main societal structure.
The Brahmins were the poorest of all groups. That is true even today in a large section of Brahmins. What helped them up the economic ladder was that they were already knowledge oriented. So when the Brits introduced the English education and school system, they were the first to get educated and hence employable.

@gambit Wont reply to a direct post, but he would show up somewhere else and make a snide remark as to how people who hold a different view than him are buffoons.
That atheist is also celebrating Onam in honor of the Hindu Asura legend Mahabali. The irony of it completely misses this New Zealander.
hahaha what can i say their parents didn't teach them much,so are such times and therefore it rests upon every parent to learn and know and impart such knowledge to next generations already "BALVIKAS" being done and next generations are imparted with wisdom and knowledge.
Oh Paleezzeee!

Indians can't wait to get on the D!cks of NRI when they become the CEO of a major company.

My whole state is not a Sh!thole due to NRI's. And the majority of tourism income comes from NRI's visiting their homeland.

As far as I am concerned, if Indians can sermonise Westerners on how Hinduism is behind every Invention known to man, I very well can sermonise the Indians here, It's called Freedom of speech and I am breaching any rules here.

You are going to encounter views different to your own in the real world. You better have a much better excuse other than

'You are not from here, so you can't comment.'

It's such a weak comeback I can't believe you actually posted it.

someone should dust off their thesaurus and look up the word 'irony.' And even if I were a white New Zealander or even an Eskimo I still can comment here. It's called freedom of speech.

And guess what, Keralite Christians and Muslims here and back in Kerala celebrate it too. Oh let me guess, they believe in God right.
Didnt i say before what post you wil post that how you helped indians and so many schoolchildren back in india, that you as NRI's are helping us somehow and how we should be grateful, like i said you havent let go of the teats yet and still stuck onto it , time to move on and be a citizen in mind and body of your respective country. No we Indians dont suck upto you NRI's you left because you wanted to and gave up your citizenship of india cos you liked so much that country, then it is time you started acting like one and not stuck up on India and please dont preach us morals, :D
The Brahmins were the poorest of all groups. That is true even today in a large section of Brahmins. What helped them up the economic ladder was that they were already knowledge oriented. So when the Brits introduced the English education and school system, they were the first to get educated and hence employable.

@gambit Wont reply to a direct post, but he would show up somewhere else and make a snide remark as to how people who hold a different view than him are buffoons.
Talk about irony. Americans who holds 'a different view' are buffoons to you Indians, but when the table is turned and your own religious nonsense are exposed for the intellectual inconsistency that they are, you demand equal standing for your own 'different view'. It never occurred to you that for rational thinkers, you are no more than those Americans, do you? :lol:
To start with, i don't believe in a creator to start with, so your effort on including me into your sphere of belief is futile. I agree on the fact of conservation of mass and energy, and the physical and chemical transformation of my body.

And there one thing that bugs me about the believers. You guys never hold back to mock the scientists when we have discrepancies in test results but always comes in forefront to lecture about the preaching of books on any such instances. Do you have any personal manifestation of conservation of consciousness or any valid data to back that up with?

As per consciousness is concerned, even computers can be programmed to develop primitive form of emotions and consciousness. Read about the recent publications on Game theory. In my university there is active work going on artificial intelligence and machine-human interface, and there are programs which can replicate human emotions. If i die, my consciousness is dies with me. Consciousness is a state of understanding of stimulus around me. That is why my consciousness prompts me to work for the betterment of mankind every day, and for some to run an aircraft into to a building. Can you equate both at same level?

If you take a microbe, and subjects it to stimulus to modify it's homeostasis, it'll adapt to the environment to nullify the effect of the stimulus for stable homeostasis, that is its level of consciousness. Now increase the level of complexity and intelligence of the cellular being, the complexity of the consciousness increases along with the intelligence.

By 2080, machines will surpass human intelligence and develop superior consciousness than ours. What will be your answer then?

my old favorite, under the most tightly controlled humidity, temperature, environment and feeding, the organism will do as it damned well pleases.

Karma= every action has equal and opposite reaction isnt that what newton laws of physics taught?

Spirit living inside a rock?rocks have atoms inside it carbon based,even humans are carbon based and have almost same atoms .
Atoms are alive with electrons,protons and neutrons spinning in their orbits when a electron gains energy it jumps orbit it is called ascendance to higher plane or moksha hinduism , when it loses energy it falls into lower orbit, we call them lower planes,
Once the atom collapses or merges with another it is called " Laya" which is collapse of universe.
Your big bang theory is also mentioned in Vedas, God created the world by saying ""Eko'ham, bahu syam," "I am one; let me be many,".
Earlier scientists believed plants felt no pain- nowadays research proves that they too feel pain and emotions and are as much living as other living beings.
We are open to criticism are you?
We accept many paths of thought can you accept anything different from yours?
Not much of a spiritual person....but I always remind my friends, consciousness is a property of matter. We are "conscious," we are made of matter...this is beyond refute.
LOL. It does not work that way. Being a Dalit was not all that bad in India. Just some parts they were marginalized, not enslaved mind you. Most of the time they lived in forests or where just floating population. No one tells them they have to "obey" upper caste.

The caste system was designed such that no group would appropriate all means of power.

Top most was Brahmin -- they had authority over religious scriptures and could work as teachers, priests, advisors. They were not to accumulate wealth or own land or own weapon. Only knowledge. Brahmins were meant to live off food given by general people like monks. Their survival depended on the goodwill of the people.

Second in line were Kshatriyas (warriors/administrators/rulers) --- They could wield weapon and administor but were not to own land or be the authority on knowledge. They were to seek advise from the Brahmins and never hurt a civilian. They lived off a salary paid by taxes.

Third were the Vaishnavas (traders) -- They had access to wealth but not weapons or knowledge.

Fourth were the Shudras (farmers, artisans, skilled workers) -- They owned land, did agriculture and all other assorted skilled works. Were guaranteed protection by the Kshatriyas.

Outside the caste system come the Dalits or non permanent population of a town, tribals, forest dwellers: Small traders or skilled workers. Free as a bird without any obligations to anyone. Could work or just wander about. They had their own villages, their own land whatever but outside the main societal structure.

LOL, your illuminating post explains why India remains a backward archaic society despite the economic progress the country has made. If most Indians lie and delude as much as you do, no amount of education and economic growth can save India :rofl:
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You are so wrong in your history. Europe was no where advanced, else Indian would have gone looking for West and not the other way around. Yeah according to you backward East needed to be conquered because of altruism of the West. That rating given was misuse of your privilege and intolerance of a point of view differing to your own.

Can you tell us how West was already ahead of the world scientifically at that time?

Sry,i couldn't reply due to absence from forum for exams.Will reply tomorrow or the day after.For starters technological advancement is not always equal of economic prosperity.Will expand on the point in detail taking into the comparative scientific advnaces at that time when i have time.
As long as Americans know where thier nukes are pointing, who needs evolution and theories about the sun :lol: Boy, do I love America :D

What,u questioning newton's existence now?I get ur ultra nationalist views -every nation has its share,but seriously have some sane limits.Otherwise ur posts amount to uninformative trolling.
What,u questioning newton's existence now?I get ur ultra nationalist views -every nation has its share,but seriously have some sane limits.Otherwise ur posts amount to uninformative trolling.

Newton was accused of stealing ideas even during the time he was. There are many indications about where he stole his theories from.


HowStuffWorks "Newton's Rivals and Legacy"

Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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