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One-Child Policy 'Weakens China's Military'


Sep 3, 2012
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"He says that democratic countries with a constitutional government are more effective at mobilizing people and accessing resources."

"That's because the citizens of such countries share a sense of mastery and responsibility ... while the Chinese leadership is either the product of factional strife, or the party of princelings," Wang said.

China's draconian "one-child" population controls are affecting the country's military readiness, according to an article circulating in state-run media.

The article, originally attributed to Japan's Asahi Shimbun but picked up by China's official Xinhua news agency, reflects current thinking in the People's Liberation Army (PLA), which fears an aging population will shrink the pool of potential military recruits, analysts said.

PLA strategists are also concerned that China's new generation of "little emperors," only children who are used to attracting all their family's attention and resources, make young Chinese people particularly unsuited for conflict, whether literal or psychological.

"PLA analyses recognize that ... because of the one-child policy, young people are pampered and may therefore be more psychologically brittle and less capable of handling stress," wrote Dean Cheng, a research fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, in an article published in July on the foundation's website.

Cheng's article set out the primacy of psychological warfare in PLA strategy, adding that: "Defensive psychological measures are therefore seen as an essential means of limiting the impact of wartime pressures on [young people]."

In the article carried by Xinhua, the one-child policy is also blamed for a lack of discipline among existing PLA troops.

"Soldiers listen to music players when they are lying concealed on military exercises," the article states, by way of example. "This means that their opponents discover them very easily."

Future at stake

The article quotes an unnamed military source as saying that the future of the PLA may be at stake through demographic changes alone.

"If the population controls remain in place, then this is going to endanger the future of the military," the article quoted the source as saying.

The number of "young people" in Beijing shrank from 560,000 in 2008 to just 300,000 in 2012, it said.

But Toledo University international politics professor Ran Bogong said the PLA's appeal as a way of bettering one's position in life remained.

"A lot of families in rural areas are still encouraging their young people to join the military," Ran said.

"And the PLA doesn't need as many young people as there are in the population."

Training issue

According to U.S.-based political scholar Wang Juntao, the PLA's biggest challenge now lies with ensuring quality and training among the armed forces.

"All that the one-child policy does is to affect the population figures in the recruitment pool," Wang said.

"What they need is to set up an elite army, and then the problems caused by the one-child policy can be addressed through training."

He said disciplinary problems within the PLA were as much a product of authoritarian leadership by the ruling Chinese Communist Party as family planning controls.

"A Chinese scholar has written a book arguing in favor of political reforms as a way of improving the effectiveness of the country's administration, as well as boosting the country's capacity to leverage natural resources overseas," Wang said.

"He says that democratic countries with a constitutional government are more effective at mobilizing people and accessing resources."

"That's because the citizens of such countries share a sense of mastery and responsibility ... while the Chinese leadership is either the product of factional strife, or the party of princelings," Wang said.

One-Child Policy 'Weakens China's Military'
Mao liked to say, "every mouth comes with two hands attached"

Human resource is the most valuable asset of a nation

One child policy and forced abortion should be abandon immediatly
good news especially for China's enemies. so do support our one child policy or else you are idiot.haha....
Mao liked to say, "every mouth comes with two hands attached"

Human resource is the most valuable asset of a nation

One child policy and forced abortion should be abandon immediatly

Their one child policy will ruthlessly backfire. In the civilian section, discontent is growing as poor people can't afford to pay the fines for having more than one while the rich can easily afford and thereby making cracks in the Chinese harmonious society and on the other hand, it will shrink the pool of potential military recruits as said in the article.

good news especially for China's enemies. so do support our one child policy or else you are idiot.haha....

We are just discussing. Your commie leaders won't change the policy just because some members don't support it on PDF.
How is the one child policy enforced in China? Positive reinforcement in the form of sops and incentives and scholarships and housing etc. or negative penalization like fines and imprisonment and second child taken away etc.?
How is the one child policy enforced in China? Positive reinforcement in the form of sops and incentives and scholarships and housing etc. or negative penalization like fines and imprisonment and second child taken away etc.?

Only negative penalty for violating the policy is fine. You don't take children from their parents and it is not a criminal offense. Of course, the biggest negative penalty is actually social---if you have too many children and incapable of giving them good education, then there will be large social stigma for you.

And the whole "democratic countries with a constitutional government are more effective at mobilizing people and accessing resources" is a load of bull. Did the idiot realize that US constitution have specific clauses that give the congress and president war time powers which grants massive amount of central control in order to properly fight war? It is common knowledge that a centralized government and command structure is significantly better at fighting wars.

Their one child policy will ruthlessly backfire. In the civilian section, discontent is growing as poor people can't afford to pay the fines for having more than one while the rich can easily afford and thereby making cracks in the Chinese harmonious society and on the other hand, it will shrink the pool of potential military recruits as said in the article.

No, it will not. The "family planning policy" is implemented with the promise that reduced number of children for the current generation will stabilize population, improve the standard of education and raise the standard of living. These promises have fulfilled down to the letter.

The Chinese governments, throughout the history, derive its right to rule through neither birth caste nor religious power. We don't believe that in-born right or divine origin crap. We care for something much more direct----did it give its people better lives? Did it lead the nation to greatness by defeating its enemies and building its wealth? The current CCP government is no different. The CCP is in power and able to maintain its power because it is good at leading a country and has delivered spectacular results in both economic and military achievements,
Their one child policy will ruthlessly backfire. In the civilian section, discontent is growing as poor people can't afford to pay the fines for having more than one while the rich can easily afford and thereby making cracks in the Chinese harmonious society and on the other hand, it will shrink the pool of potential military recruits as said in the article.

We are just discussing. Your commie leaders won't change the policy just because some members don't support it on PDF.

Did you just say we will be short people? China will be short people. Wow, I can't wait for that day.

But look at this guy he knows our policy better than ours.

The quote you quoted is stupid, if democracy is the best way to mobilize, what was Prussia, Nazi, Japanese, Russians doing all these years? We were undemocratic since ever, this isn't new, by that logic India should have a massive advantage, but wait.....
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