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"One case" threatens Egypt's water security after filling the Renaissance Dam

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
22 June 2020


A member of the Egyptian Negotiating Committee on the Renaissance Dam, Alaa El-Zawahiri, revealed that Egypt will not face the crisis of water shortage due to the filling of the Renaissance Dam except in a specific case.

Al-Zawahiri said in statements reported by the Cairo newspaper, "Al-Shorouk", that this might happen in the event of a prolonged drought that lasts for decades, confirming that the Ministry of Irrigation have plans for this case if this matter occurs.

Al-Zawahiri described, during a telephone interview via satellite, "Sada Al-Balad", that Ethiopia announced the start of filling the Renaissance Dam with quantities of rain, as a "pre-emptive statement" to confirm that it started filling.

He revealed that the "only concern" relates to what happened between 1979 and 1989 when a prolonged drought lasted and when the water levels in the Blue Nile and the High Dam decreased.

He explained that this is the case that "can worry Egypt" and Cairo seeks to avoid by imposing conditions on Ethiopia to extract enough quantities of water, noting that this is something that cannot be expected, and that the current negotiations are taking place to ensure that no water problem occurs to Egypt for 120 years to come.

Al-Zawahiri considered that the Ethiopian side, before any negotiations sessions, used a kind of pressure and psychological statements to raise the ceiling of negotiations, as he put it.

The Egyptian presidency announced, on Tuesday evening, that it was agreed, at the conclusion of the African mini-summit on the Renaissance Dam, to continue negotiations, while giving priority to the elaboration of a legal, fair and binding agreement for all parties.

Ethiopia has egypt by the balls.

Turkey also built dams which control Iraq and Syrias water supply.

The Arabs are going to die of thirst LOL
Practically thinking, its very risky for a whole nation to depend on one river. Egypt should have diversified, spreading population, reducing reliance on the nile. Instead of wasting money on expensive weapons, Egypt should invest and plan for this problem.
Practically thinking, its very risky for a whole nation to depend on one river. Egypt should have diversified, spreading population, reducing reliance on the nile. Instead of wasting money on expensive weapons, Egypt should invest and plan for this problem.
What Egypt really, really needs is a proper waste water system but the regime doesn't care about the Egyptians.
Practically thinking, its very risky for a whole nation to depend on one river. Egypt should have diversified, spreading population, reducing reliance on the nile. Instead of wasting money on expensive weapons, Egypt should invest and plan for this problem.
Hmmm..it is the expensive weapons that bother you most.. we know..
Egypt has more projects in that regard than you can even dream of..and precautions were taken long time ago..just for these eventualities.. you can't come lecture a 12 000 years civilisation here..
Hmmm..it is the expensive weapons that bother you most.. we know..
Egypt has more projects in that regard than you can even dream of..and precautions were taken long time ago..just for these eventualities.. you can't come lecture a 12 000 years civilisation here..

12000 years civilisation is failing in all fronts...

On of the project is destroying house of Egyptians...:-)

Come surrender and pay your debt...:p:

What Egypt really, really needs is a proper waste water system but the regime doesn't care about the Egyptians.

No they don't give a fak...
12000 years civilisation is failing in all fronts...

On of the project is destroying house of Egyptians...:-)

Come surrender and pay your debt...:p:

No they don't give a fak...

understood being provoked by mentioning our legacy of 12,000 years of civilization except the dark 280 years of Ottman occupation..!
You people are the opposite of everything of the Egyptian great history.
Practically thinking, its very risky for a whole nation to depend on one river. Egypt should have diversified, spreading population, reducing reliance on the nile. Instead of wasting money on expensive weapons, Egypt should invest and plan for this problem.
The Egyptian goverment have been doing that for like forever, anyway, they are currently building new cities away from the Nile with distillation plants, Like the New Captial, New Mansoura and plenty others i cant remember, Egypt also started demolishing illegal buildings [Like building who are on farmland/who excede their floor limit]
So probably in the next years or so, people wouldnt be so concentrated in the Nile Basin or Delta.
Hmmm..it is the expensive weapons that bother you most.. we know..
Egypt has more projects in that regard than you can even dream of..and precautions were taken long time ago..just for these eventualities.. you can't come lecture a 12 000 years civilisation here..

Why would it bother me, we have no quarrel with Egypt, also those weapons are nerfed so doznt pose much danger to anyone. If they have taken steps then its good, should keep reducing reliance on the nile.
its not a coincidence that the hadith mentions both the Turks and the Ethiopians at the same time
My only concern is Sudan I hope for them at least will be enough water
understood being provoked by mentioning our legacy of 12,000 years of civilization except the dark 280 years of Ottman occupation..!
You people are the opposite of everything of the Egyptian great history.

Rather be a nomad than some incest practising pharaoh

He is just angry becasue Egypt destroyed the Turkish AD and Koral system in Libya ,we can understand his anger .:omghaha:

Hahahaha you egyptians cant get out of a wet paper bag
Rather be a nomad than some incest practising pharaoh

Hahahaha you egyptians cant get out of a wet paper bag

there are some wich I have ignored I cna only see your reply.. so this people must really bad character people I havent even ignored saif al arab or the russian Multithread Opener...

let the arab brotherhood handle it they can send some oil to drink :)

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