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Once Taliban Khan now ISI Khan

What a response.

Imran bashers must come up some original ideas and facts to criticize him.
This forum represents the educated middle class of Pakistani nation...and this forum is OVER-WHELMINGLY PTI supporting.

Tells you alot about alot of things.

Sadly, majority of Pakistanis are illiterate political servants of some families..and hence you see PPP and PML(N) in power :)
its not about, who IMRAN is ?
its about what he feels now, as a true patriot?
doesnt matters what he has done , in the past, but he is the last man standing, aginst the croupt noora mafia, who has buyed the fake mandate, given by iftilhar chodri, through geo ,s employes like NAJAM SEHTI.
no not all, the PDF is the supporter of IMRAN, mostly they are patriots supporting pakistan?
& if IMRAN is standing to defend pakistan, then no one can stop at least my support to him?
it goes that, way if imran is willing to standup for the peoples of pakistan, surly they will stand for him?
doesnt matters, he be called ISI khan , or ARMY KHAN, its part of prapoganda , to save NOORA KINGS FAKE RULE?
its not about, who IMRAN is ?
its about what he feels now, as a true patriot?
doesnt matters what he has done , in the past, but he is the last man standing, aginst the croupt noora mafia, who has buyed the fake mandate, given by iftilhar chodri, through geo ,s employes like NAJAM SEHTI.
no not all, the PDF is the supporter of IMRAN, mostly they are patriots supporting pakistan?
& if IMRAN is standing to defend pakistan, then no one can stop at least my support to him?
it goes that, way if imran is willing to standup for the peoples of pakistan, surly they will stand for him?
doesnt matters, he be called ISI khan , or ARMY KHAN, its part of prapoganda , to save NOORA KINGS FAKE RULE?
When is the hearing ?
imran has taken alot of bad decisions .. he had his heart at good place .... a fight with geo can be very dangerous for his future ... but he took the stand against him .. geo has become a bully .. they bullied political parties, armed forces , beoucrates and judiciary .. they can break or break personalities .. they made iftikhar chuadry a legend ... alot he deserved to be tired in article 6 .. im so proud of imran khan this decision .. but it is not politicallyy a gud descion .. if pml n supported geo and it was not banned .. then they will come after imran khan ...

i think after, 11 may?
dont u think the present government is his on geo's side ?? the decision will be taken by pemra ead who is a stooge of plm n ?
imran has taken alot of bad decisions .. he had his heart at good place .... a fight with geo can be very dangerous for his future ... but he took the stand against him .. geo has become a bully .. they bullied political parties, armed forces , beoucrates and judiciary .. they can break or break personalities .. they made iftikhar chuadry a legend ... alot he deserved to be tired in article 6 .. im so proud of imran khan this decision .. but it is not politicallyy a gud descion .. if pml n supported geo and it was not banned .. then they will come after imran khan ...

dont u think the present government is his on geo's side ?? the decision will be taken by pemra ead who is a stooge of plm n ?
hell im 100000000000000% sure about it, but then it will bring CJ MATCH FIXER in the box? i m glad about it?

imran has taken alot of bad decisions .. he had his heart at good place .... a fight with geo can be very dangerous for his future ... but he took the stand against him .. geo has become a bully .. they bullied political parties, armed forces , beoucrates and judiciary .. they can break or break personalities .. they made iftikhar chuadry a legend ... alot he deserved to be tired in article 6 .. im so proud of imran khan this decision .. but it is not politicallyy a gud descion .. if pml n supported geo and it was not banned .. then they will come after imran khan ...

dont u think the present government is his on geo's side ?? the decision will be taken by pemra ead who is a stooge of plm n ?
its a wrong perception that, if govt support geo it will come out against imran, in that case , a lot of angry mobs friend, in a city like karachi? OMG :woot::enjoy:
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