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Official Story Of Pakistan Truck Bombing Is A Lie


May 21, 2006
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The recent truck bombing at the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad Pakistan has been sold to the people of the world as an operation conducted by a blood thirsty Al-Qaeda suicide bomber. The official story states that an Al-Qaeda suicide bomber blew up the Marriott Hotel with a truck bomb killing 53 people and injuring hundreds. Surveillance video of the so called truck bomb that they claim caused all of this death and destruction showed an explosion so weak that it was incapable of doing any real damage to a security shack that was located just a few feet away from where the truck was parked. People who were roughly 15 to 20 feet from the blast were even able to run away from the explosion. It is laughable to think that this truck bomb was responsible for causing massive damage to the Marriott Hotel killing and injuring all of those people. Watching the video is proof that it was just a cover story for the real operation. Foreign news outlets including the Daily Pakistan reported that there was a contingent of U.S. Marines who were in the hotel guarding boxes with unknown contents at the same time that this truck bombing occurred. With all this in mind, it is obvious that we are not getting the full story.

What’s even more ridiculous about the official story is the fact that they want us to believe that an Al-Qaeda suicide bomber would attack a hotel in a country that is on uncertain terms with the United States. In fact, the Pakistan military has recently been in combat with U.S. military units that have violated their national border. The official story simply doesn’t make any sense and can easily be written off as a lie.

The video evidence indicates that there is no possible way that the truck bomb could have caused the damage that they claimed. With U.S. Marines staying in the hotel guarding boxes with unknown contents, the investigation should focus in on the U.S. Marines that were in the area. The damage of the hotel is more indicative of a blast that took place on the inside, instead of the over glorified truck explosion that barely did any damage to the surrounding area. It is quite possible that the boxes under control of the U.S. Marines contained explosive devices that did the real damage to the hotel.

There's no doubt that it is much more likely that this was some sort of black operation designed to further socially engineer the American people to believe that there is an abundance of terrorism in Pakistan, as yet another excuse to have U.S. military operations in the area. The operations don’t really have anything to do with terrorism; instead it has everything to do with maintaining western influence over Pakistan. While all of this is going on, the corporate controlled media continues to spread propaganda that Osama Bin Laden is hiding somewhere in the area around the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Billions have been spent on the terror war but some how they still cannot find Bin Laden and every videotape of Bin Laden released after the 9/11 attacks has appeared to have been a fake. Isn’t it more plausible that Bin Laden is most likely dead and that his likeness is being used as a character to propagandize the phony terror war?

With all this said, it is obvious that there are many questions about this so called suicide truck bombing attack. We will probably never know 100% who was behind this, but the one thing that is certain is that the truck bomb was not responsible for the death and destruction that resulted. There should be an immediate investigation into the activity of the U.S. Marines that were in the hotel when this occurred.
Official Story Of Pakistan Truck Bombing Is A Lie
Well there are reports that blue flams were seen rising from the rooms on 3rd and 4th flour where US marines and officils were staying.

Some channels say that fire erupted when the US official put his lap top in the washbasin and poured some chemical on these. :what:

But indeed the story of truck well---------------
I thought the damage to the hotel was clearly explained by the gas pipelines bursting and setting the hotel on fire.

Also, the size of the crater left behind does not point to a 'small bomb'. Unless the author of this paranoid piece of trash believes that someone quickly brought in a bulldozer and dug out that crater with no one noticing.

This is the same old crap that happened after the Lal Masjid. Some lechers who just refuse to accept that there are "Muslims" who are killing innocent people, and will go to all lengths and concoct all sorts of garbage to avoid placing the blame on Islamic extremism and the threat within from our 'peaceful Muslim brothers'.

And the disgusting part is that many people will buy into this garbage, just like they bought into the lies after the Lal Masjid incident.

When Muslims stick their heads up their arses this far, I almost understand why some in the West rant and rail at Muslims in general.
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I think there were two explosions...

First one just lit up the top side of the truck, then later the truck went boom. The second one is not on tape.

The pieces don't fit for me either. The bombers could've rammed through those flimsy gate poles and blew themselves in the lobby. And how big a boom was it to cause this much damage from the gate to the main hotel.

And I repeat why blow yourself at the gate when u can do it by the lobby.
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The bombers could've rammed through those flimsy gate poles and blew themselves in the lobby. And how big a boom was it to cause this much damage from the gate to the main hotel.

And I repeat why blow yourself at the gate when u can do it by the lobby.

The truck noticeably hits the barrier and bounces against it. That he did not go through is perhaps indicative of the fact that he had to make a sharp turn into the gate and therefore was not able to gather enough momentum to break through the barrier.

Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik said the bomb contained an estimated 1,300 pounds of military-grade explosives as well as artillery and mortar shells and left a crater 59 feet wide and 24 feet deep in front of the main building.

If the crater was this big, the shock wave was probably huge, no to mention the impact from shrapnel.

Physics explains this easily, no need to grasp for conspiracies.
There should've been a video of the bigger blast. Unfortunately we just have a tiny blast. This same cam should've captured the entire scene.

The official story is the most plausible no doubt, though. But someone needs to answer these legit questions. A truck can just power through a pole. I once accidentally went through one with my toyota cressida! And that one looked of better quality than what's scene here.
Asim I wonder

1. Whether Camera's were still Operating during the Blast to capture images.

2. The footing is withheld for investigations or it may have gory images of the terrorist and security guards broadcasting such images is not advisable in public.
Asim I wonder

1. Whether Camera's were still Operating during the Blast to capture images.

2. The footing is withheld for investigations or it may have gory images of the terrorist and security guards broadcasting such images is nod made public.

1. Heck we captured a video in Lahore where the truck bomber rammed into the camera and blew himself up. This looks like the cam was a good 100 ft away.

2. Ha, this is Pakistan. Our TVs love to broadcast all kinds of images. Plus in this world of youtube for how long can they keep such images hidden?
There should've been a video of the bigger blast. Unfortunately we just have a tiny blast. This same cam should've captured the entire scene.

The official story is the most plausible no doubt, though. But someone needs to answer these legit questions. A truck can just power through a pole. I once accidentally went through one with my toyota cressida! And that one looked of better quality than what's scene here.

From what I understand, Pakistani officials released the video we do have. That would imply that the GoP confiscated it. Remember that there were security guards milling around the Truck while it was burning, including the ones trying to put the fire out. It would be in extremely poor taste to release images of that moment, that would show the guards being obliterated. Withholding that part of the video would be in line with GoP policy of not broadcasting gory images, as it has been begging the media not to do since Musharraf's tenure.

On the truck not going through, again, look at the video and the turn the truck makes in order to hit the gate. The vehicle is top heavy by design, its already swaying, and I doubt it could have made the turn any faster and not overturned. There is no sign of the truck slowing down right before it hits the barrier. Add in the visible motion of the truck after the impact and you can see that he tried to go through, but just didn't have enough force because of the turn.

The owner of the Marriot also mentioned in an interview that because they had been bombed twice before, the barriers had been reinforced specifically to stop a vehicle from plowing through.
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going through the video again, he did ram into it.

Must be reinforced then. These are also dumb cheap quality ancient trucks.

I strongly believe we should start making all official buildings with gates far away.
If marines died in hotel blast then it would have been big story.

what are you going to say to their families? UFO took your sons away?
They say fire erupted at 4th and 5th floor first. Gas pipelines were underground not running through floors.

How come then?

There should've been a video of the bigger blast. Unfortunately we just have a tiny blast. This same cam should've captured the entire scene.

The official story is the most plausible no doubt, though. But someone needs to answer these legit questions. A truck can just power through a pole. I once accidentally went through one with my toyota cressida! And that one looked of better quality than what's scene here.


It was not just a simple pole. Both the gates have ground entrenched barriers impossible to cross on any vehicle.Infact, if you see the video closely the gate which truck hit had two barriers, poles and that ground entrenched barrier. The truck hit the ground entrench barrier, truck tyre got busted and truck didnt even touch the pole barrier. The ground entrenched barrier has sharp end which cause the tyre to brust. I personally dont agree with the article at all.

One of my close relatives live in close proximity (300-400 yards) of the Marriot. I went to their home 3/4 days back and there was not a single glass intact and their wooden entrance door was also damaged. They said that shock waves jolted the whole home three to four times and shocks were worse than the last earth-quake.
Just besides Marriot there is Islamabad Software Technology Park with atleast 20-30 software and other companies. Currently the Software Technology park is completely out of service and infact had half dozen casualties in it.
I have had a friend Shaukat Mirza ( ex MD of PSO) shot dead by Lashkar Jhangvi maniacs just because he was a Shia ( he was only shia in name, I can vouch for it). The person was later caught and he claimed that he did it to glorify Islam! This shows the mind set of these maniacs.

Another friend who lives a couple furlongs away from the Marriot had all his windows shattered to bits. So what if there was blue light on the 4th floor. That light did not cause the blast. The fire was caused by the gas but there would have been no fire if there was no blast thus the fire was direct result of this bombing. There was a big crater seen by hundreds. Besides a group called Fidayeen e Islam has already owned up to this blast. Are we going to deny that there was any blast at all and what thousands heard was a figment of their imagination?

All this nonsensical analysis serves only one purpose; to somehow shift the blame from the followers of Satan to someone else and these people claim to love Pakistan and call themselves Muslims! For heavens’ sake what is required for the Pakistanis to understand that it is the Taliban terrorists who are killing Pakistanis in the name of Islam and would not rest until Pakistan is destroyed completely. There may be outside funding but the finger that pulls the trigger is Pakistani and deserves condemnation without any ifs and buts. Any analysis of the event should only be for the purpose of avoiding it to happen altogether in future or to minimise the effects if it does.

An article published in todays Daily News is copied below.

You will notice that the Islamic terrorists have carved up independent States with Pakistan; whereas many evil media personnel are still trying to confuse the issue with needless doubts. Isn't it out and out rebellion? Apparently no matter the situation, support for the enemies of the state continues. Sorry to say that IMO people who continue to sympathise with Taliban and their supporters do not deserve to be called Pakistanis at all because they have no love of Pakistan or life and property of Pakistani citizens. Their hatred of the US is sole purpose of their being.:hitwall:

Terrorism or insurgency?

Sunday, September 28, 2008
by Dr Farrukh Saleem

Pakistan is literally on fire and we, Pakistanis, have neither the appropriate fire-fighting equipment nor trained fire-fighters. We must ask the world to come help us put the flame out or the flame shall burn us all to ashes. The issue is no longer about our sovereignty. The issue is now about our very existence as a nation-state. Our decision makers -- both military and civilian -- somehow remain submerged into all kinds of conspiracy theories involving India, the US and Israel -- and that the whole world is out to destabilise Pakistan. The simple fact is that Pakistan is up against a potent jihadist insurgency, and we would have to take care of this insurgency before it takes care of Pakistan.

On average, terrorist violence is killing 10 Pakistanis a day, every single day. Imagine; 11,129 innocent Pakistanis have already lost their lives. Over the past 9 months, 4,141 innocent Pakistanis have been killed. Last year, Maulana Fazlullah of Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) actually seized 59 villages in Swat and established a parallel government. On Dec 14, 2007, a "shura of 40 senior Taliban leaders established the Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP) as an umbrella organisation" and appointed Baitullah Mehsud as its Emir. Imagine; an area covering some 11,000 square kilometres between the Tochi River to the north and the Gomal River to the south has been lost to the de-facto "Islamic Emirate of Waziristan."

In NWFP, at least 20 of the 24 districts have strong militant presence. Parts of Tank, Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, Lakki Marwat, Kohat, Shangla and Tank are under militant control. In South Waziristan, Pak Army is fighting TTP and elements of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). In Darra Adam Khel, Pak Army is fighting TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. In Swat, Pak Army is battling Fazlullah and his zealots who are part of TTP but in effect represent Al Qaeda. Over the past few months, militants have actually managed to isolate and capture defended government posts (the Sararogha Fort, for instance).

Is this terrorism or is it an insurgency? The distinction is crucial because the state of Pakistan would have to devise its counter-strategy. Should it be counter- terrorism or counter-insurgency?

The dictionary definition of terrorism is the "unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organised group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons (The American Heritage Dictionary)." Terrorists generally do not challenge government forces directly and terror groups do not require sympathy or active support of a large portion of the population. As a matter of record, rarely will terrorists attempt to actually control physical terrain.

An insurgency--as oppose to terrorism--is an "armed revolt aimed at overthrowing or subverting the government regime in power." Yes, insurgents use terror as a weapon. Yes, insurgents do believe in "killing one and frightening a thousand." Yes, "terrorism is not always linked with insurgency but insurgency cannot exist without terror." Yes, the "ultimate goal of an insurgency is to challenge the existing government for control of all or a portion of its territory." And, insurgencies "require the active or tacit support of some portion of the population involved." According to counter-insurgency experts, "external support, recognition or approval from other countries or political entities can be useful to insurgents, but is not required."

Clearly, putting the two--terrorism and insurgency--into two distinct caskets is no easy undertaking. Terror, fear, horror and intimidation are common characteristics to both terrorism and insurgency. At the risk of simplifying two rather complex phenomena, the distinguishing characteristic seems to be an insurgency's attempt to actually hold and control physical terrain.

Is Pakistan up against an insurgency or is it terrorism? Answer: It's a little of both. In South and North Waziristan, it is more of an insurgency than terrorism (insurgent elements in Kurram, Orakzai, Kyber, Mohamand and Bajaur are stronger than ever). In Pakistan that lies east of Indus River, it is mostly terrorism.

To be certain, our counter-insurgency as well as our counter-terrorism capabilities are both next to nothing. We have already spent a colossal $1.43 billion for 18 new F-16C/D combat aircraft, $667 million for AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, $298 million for 100 Harpoon anti-ship missiles and $891 million for 60 mid-life update kits for F-16A/B combat aircraft. We have already spent $4.55 billion on killing machines that may never be used. Isn't it time to concentrate on counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism? Our very existence as a nation-state depends on it.

Postscript: The government pays Rs300,000 to who dies in a suicide attack while death-worshippers among us pay Rs1,500,000 to whoever is wiling to wear a suicide jacket. Guess who has more recruits?

The writer is an Islamabad-based freelance columnist. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com

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What? Another conspiracy, you say?, In Pakistan, you say? Duh - What's the point of all this denial - of course it can't be the work of Steroidl Muslims, has to be some international conspiracy, what in pakistan isn't ? It's all designed as a gigantic plot against steroidal muslims, who are only true muslims, the rest are just so much converted trash.

Onwards!, to ever greater mihilisitc violence, in the name of religion and God of course, oh, and the oppressed (don't want to leave those guys out) .

:pop: :wave::wave:
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