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Offence against all religions comes under blasphemy law: CJ : Take a Bow Pakistani Judiciary

how many hanged for insulting hindu gods ?

when they are gonna hang this guy ?

This picture here encapsulates most of our national failures. I wish I could find this fellow and throw him in this bonfire of Christians' belongings.
I am confused. Your comment actually seconds what I am saying. Secularism means you follow whatever religion you want to.

Sorry when i wrote nope i meant to say i don't disagree with your previous statement.
Remove the law altogether....even extension of the law to include other minorities won't hide the fact that it is an unjust law curtailing the rights of an individual.
This picture here encapsulates most of our national failures. I wish I could find this fellow and throw him in this bonfire of Christians' belongings.
sir everyday hundreds times pakistani muslims insult others religions gods and people nothing happen never will happen never ever. pakistan is for sunni muslims and army - media - judiciary Taliban terrorists . you can't insult all these
Lets be realistic though the Mullah brigade will not allow it, they will get the poor and brain washed Pakistanis out on the streets to ''defend the honour of Islam''. Pakistan are strange, you don't have jobs, no food, no clothes so lets go out create some riots over a law that does not even help them.

You have to approach this topic in a very tactful manner. In a way that doesnt offend the mulla brigade and tightens the noose around their necks. This my dear is a work for Nooas political acumen. Only he can do it or a dictator.

Slow and steady, otherwise you have Salman Taseers, Bhatti and the likes. Minefield this is and treat it as such.
sir everyday hundreds times pakistani muslims insult others religions gods and people nothing happen never will happen never ever. pakistan is for sunni muslims and army - media - judiciary Taliban terrorists . you can't insult all these

I think I shall refrain from giving an intellectual-type answer here. It was a simple comment regarding ignorance, prejudice, and stirring of controversy.

Remove the law altogether....even extension of the law to include other minorities won't hide the fact that it is an unjust law curtailing the rights of an individual.

No individual has a 'right' to insult other peoples' religious personalities. It is downright shameful that hurling insults is seen as a 'right'.
No individual has a 'right' to insult other peoples' religious personalities. It is downright shameful that hurling insults is seen as a 'right'.

Each and every thing in this world is open this open to criticism, when a scientist who dedicated his entire life to a theory is open to criticism , to scrutiny then why not religion.Should we abide by those parts we suspect as oppressive,or to scrutiny those parts which historical and scientific eveidence proves as false.And why is holy cow status gives to religion,why can my belief be that their belief is wrong and why can't i using scientific and other means given to me critisise those beliefs.What you see as an insult might be often a contradiction suppressed by those "holier than thou" mentality people who hold on archaic notions and expect the whole world to turn a blind eye towards them,
Each and every thing in this world is open this open to criticism, when a scientist who dedicated his entire life to a theory is open to criticism , to scrutiny then why not religion.Should we abide by those parts we suspect as oppressive,or to scrutiny those parts which historical and scientific eveidence proves as false.And why is holy cow status gives to religion,why can my belief be that their belief is wrong and why can't i using scientific and other means given to me critisise those beliefs.What you see as an insult might be often a contradiction suppressed by those "holier than thou" mentality people who hold on archaic notions and expect the whole world to turn a blind eye towards them,

I am not getting into an argument with you at this hour.

I will just say that:
1. Religion is not a scientific theory, and therefore your basic premise is misplaced.
2. It is wrong to abuse. Simple as that.
3. If you fail to understand/appreciate others' sensitivities, you fail as a decent person.
4. This thread is not about religion, it is about interpretation of blasphemy law.
I am not getting into an argument with you at this hour.

I will just say that:
1. Religion is not a scientific theory, and therefore your basic premise is misplaced.
2. It is wrong to abuse. Simple as that.
3. If you fail to understand/appreciate others' sensitivities, you fail as a decent person.
4. This thread is not about religion, it is about interpretation of blasphemy law.

1. So....thats my whole point, why its above critisism.
2.Critisism is not abuse...often it is made to be that and put under blasphemy
3.Guess i am indecent then.
4. I am talking about blasphemy law itself, which protects religion from criticism, which i am against.
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