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Odisha Muslims

What has Allah to do with this ?

There are no Odisha Muslims - they are Indian Muslims who live in Odhisha.

A thread has been opened for this ?

Basically for religious people like the OP who view the world with their religious blinders on, they can't stop mentioning religion at every point.

Why, even every invention of man in the last century is not due to our intelligence, but it is due to a sky god watching over us.

A god, that needs Human agency to enforce it's will is a god that need not be feared or heeded to.

Minorities key in seven Lok Sabha seats
Siraj Mohammad,TNN | Apr 16, 2014, 09.13 AM IST

Alhamdullillah! Allah Be Praised! Didn't realize Odisha also has a large Muslim population.

What happen , hit by mania? How does it matter ? How does Indian muslim matter to a Pakistani or Bangladeshi?

Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have
one and it's fine to be proud of it, but
please don't whip it out in public and
start waving it around

The OP is also wrong.

Everyone knows the one and true god is SATAN!

Why are people allowing him to get away with Blasphemy?

Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have
one and it's fine to be proud of it, but
please don't whip it out in public and
start waving it around


Couldn't have put it any better.
What has Allah to do with this ?

There are no Odisha Muslims - they are Indian Muslims who live in Odhisha.

A thread has been opened for this ?

Murkh!How will you understand this???

Are you Myopic or Colour blind? @desert warrior : Odisha ku bi chadileni!!

I can recommend you to an ophthalmologist in Hyderabad.Go and see him to treat your eyes. But wait till your/Modi's police have stopped shooting Muslims.
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