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Odds Say China Won’t Send At Least 100 Doctors to USA Before July 4 to Combat Covid-19


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Odds Say China Won’t Send At Least 100 Doctors to USA Before July 4 to Combat Covid-19
By JJ De La Torre in News
March 13, 2020 4:09 PM PDT

Coronavirus continues to impact the United States. Will China send help?
  • The coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading across the globe and getting worse in the United States
  • China has sent support to some European countries. Will they do the same for the USA?
  • Odds heavily favor “No”, mostly due to Donald Trump’s strained relationship with China
With the Coronavirus pandemic spreading across the entire globe, it appears the World Health Organization’s plan to control the virus isn’t quite working just yet.

President Donald Trump just announced the virus is now considered a national emergency in the United States. Given that cases in the US are growing while China’s have begun to diminish, there’s a question of America obtaining foreign aid from China in this time of crisis.

The subject of the latest political prop from Bovada focuses on whether China will send medical help across the Pacific.

So far, China has sent aid to Italy and Spain. Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio asked his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, for help with medical supplies. Yi delivered.

The situation in Italy is a bit more extreme than America at the moment, with the largest number of coronavirus cases outside of China. Presently, Italy is under lockdown.

With medical experts and supplies arriving in Italy and Spain, the focus is now on the next-most affected countries: Iran, South Korea, Germany, France, and the USA.

Naturally, when looking into the potential for USA relief, all eyes are on Trump. Trump has had a rocky relationship with China since he entered office in 2016. He put tariffs on Chinese imports, insisting the US is too economically dependent on China.

Now that the USA is in a moment of crisis, Trump’s past behavior may work against the American public. It is doubtful that Trump would bother asking for help from China at this—or any—point. Trump has shown strides in terms of his efforts to keep America safe, but those efforts are being done internally.

In fact, America seems to have its own strategy for dealing with Coronavirus if Trump has his way. Trump has urged each state to open up emergency operations centers. “We want to make sure those who need a test can get a test,” he said during a Press Conference on March 13.

This bold maneuver is slated to cost America up to $42 billion to keep its people safe. Whether or not Trump’s open-minded financial strategy in relation to Coronavirus will work is yet to be seen, though.

But even so, America seems to be fending for itself for the time being. With news updates rolling in constantly on this topic, literally anything could happen at this point. But for now, it’s almost unfathomable to imagine China sending medical help to the United States.

too many violent people, too many guns.. I don't think any doctor or nurse are willing to go even if China wants to send help
China would be putting its nationals in dangers. Already there is a increase of hate crime against Asian people. I say let nature do its course over USA.
too many violent people, too many guns.. I don't think any doctor or nurse are willing to go even if China wants to send help
The 3.8 million Chinese immigrants and the nearly 370,000 Chinese students studying in USA disagree with you.
The 3.8 million Chinese immigrants and the nearly 370,000 Chinese students studying in USA disagree with you.
no one knows how bad things can get in the next couple of months. recession is coming, if the US economy hits rock bottom and society starts deteriorating, you can expect a drastic surge in gun violence cases..
The 3.8 million Chinese immigrants and the nearly 370,000 Chinese students studying in USA disagree with you.

3.8 million Chinese Americans, not immigrants. Most were born in the US and are just as much US citizens as whites and blacks are. Chinese aren't like Indians where most are foreign born H1-Bs stealing American jobs.
no one knows how bad things can get in the next couple of months. recession is coming, if the US economy hits rock bottom and society starts deteriorating, you can expect a drastic surge in gun violence cases..
I am glad they contribute to the US economy instead of stealing their tech doing espionage for the CCP. How many times will they embarrass their own country.
And about Chinese Americans, they were Chinese immigrants who loved it so much, they didnt bother to return to China. So that guys statement about US being dangerous falls flat.

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