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October Surprise: my prediction for war

I feel like I am undercounting when I say 150.

We have 5 confirmed PLAAF "regiments" with H-6K and H-6N.

We have 2 confirmed PLAN "regiments" with H-6J.

You do the math.

I didn't even bother to count the older bombers like H-6M, which we know can carry at least 2 large ALCMs.

So stop playing dumb Deino. I know you like to fish for information because it is your JOB. But your tricks won't work on me.

Not sure why so offensive and it is surely not my job. I'm a teacher for sports, chemistry and biology, that's my job.

Otherwise I don't know what you want to archive with plying high? Especially why promoting all PLAAF Flankers to ALCM-capable bomber-like types when we know that only a small percentage of the huge fleet is a striker and simply no ALCM for the Chinese Flankers is known.
Especially why promoting all PLAAF Flankers to ALCM-capable bomber-like types when we know that only a small percentage of the huge fleet is a striker and simply no ALCM for the Chinese Flankers is known.

Because it is a well known fact that the Flanker can carry a large Tomahawk-sized ALCM.



It is also a fact (perhaps not so well known) that there are now 7 confirmed batches of J-16, which has an air to ground/surface capability.

Also 3 confirmed batches of J-15. hehe
Because it is a well known fact that the Flanker can carry a large Tomahawk-sized ALCM.



It is also a fact (perhaps not so well known) that there are now 7 confirmed batches of J-16, which has an air to ground/surface capability.

Also 3 confirmed batches of J-15. hehe

Don't forget the massive 3M-54AE placed beside a Su-35.

Do I have to remind everyone that China has 24 Su-35s? You know China loves to copy.

Because it is a well known fact that the Flanker can carry a large Tomahawk-sized ALCM.

It is also a fact (perhaps not so well known) that there are now 7 confirmed batches of J-16, which has an air to ground/surface capability.

Also 3 confirmed batches of J-15. hehe

Again you are over-hyping issues that are not confirmed! The fact that some Russian test Flankers carried them and that the Indian MKI uses the Brahmos means only the PLAAF Flankers COULD carry a similar system, but NOT THAT they actually do so, especially since we don't know such a Chinese weapon compatible with the J-series.

And concerning that there is a 7th Batch J-16 and 3rd Batch of J-15 (my the way both published in the Western media my me!) also says nothing but the fact that there is a 7th Batch J-16 and 3rd Batch of J-15.
Rumored PLA deployment of DF-17 hypersonic missiles near Taiwan Straits could deter US meddling in China's internal affairs: analysts

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has deployed its most advanced hypersonic missile, the DF-17, to the Chinese mainland's southeast coast near the island of Taiwan, Hong Kong media reported on Sunday, sparking fear on the island. Although the reports are merely speculation, the PLA missile that is impossible to be intercepted can effectively deter Taiwan secessionists, control the Taiwan Straits and keep foreign interventions away, Chinese mainland analysts said on Sunday.

Citing an anonymous source, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post said on Sunday that the PLA has deployed DF-17 missiles to the area that would gradually replace the older DF-11 and DF-15 missiles, which have shorter ranges and less accuracy.

The DF-17 has a maximum range of 2,500 kilometers, the report said.

This report has aroused fear on the island of Taiwan, with media including the Taipei-based newspaper the Liberty Times reporting that the DF-17 could enable the PLA to directly attack Taiwan air force bases in Taitung and Hualien in the east of the island. Taiwan media also noted that the PLA has been deploying J-20 stealth fighter jets and Marine Corps units to the coastal region in preparation of a possible reunification-by-force operation.

Beijing-based military expert Wei Dongxu told the Global Times on Sunday that Hong Kong and Taiwan media have been paying close attention to the movements and development of the Chinese mainland's strategic weapons, but most of their reports are pure speculation. The DF-17s are highly mobile and information about their deployments is not available to the general public.

The DF-17 is a newly developed short- to medium-range hypersonic missile that was showcased at the National Day military parade on October 1, 2019 in Beijing for the first time. Thanks to its capability to change trajectory in mid-flight at a very high speed, the enemies have a minimal chance of intercepting it, Yang Chengjun, a Chinese mainland missile expert, told the Global Times at that time.

US air defense systems including THAAD, SM-3 and Patriot missiles deployed in South Korea, Japan, the island of Taiwan and on US warships will not work against the DF-17, experts said.

Wei said that if the DF-17 is forward-deployed near the Taiwan Straits, it can effectively control the region, deter Taiwan secessionists and keep foreign interventions away.

The PLA Rocket Force's older generation missiles are already sufficient to wipe out most of Taiwan's key military installations, and the island is not capable of intercepting them, so it is not necessary to use the DF-17 against the island's military, Chinese mainland experts said, noting that the DF-17 will play a more significant role in stopping forces from the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and other locations, should they attempt to militarily interfere in China's internal affairs.

The PLA operates the DF-21D and DF-26 anti-ship ballistic missiles capable of sinking aircraft carriers. Taiwan media said that the DF-17 could also serve this purpose.
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China unveils first practical drone swarm tech, ‘to be used in amphibious landing missions’

China has grasped the technology to practically use a drone swarm, a concept featuring the simultaneous and coordinated operation of a large number of drones that could prove to be very difficult to defend against, a Chinese arms firm recently demonstrated in tests. Capable of deployment from the ground, sea and air, this new tool could play a vital role in challenging missions including amphibious landing operations, analysts said on Sunday.

The China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology under the state-owned China Electronics Technology Group Corporation recently conducted tests on a fixed-wing drone swarm system, Ordnance Industry Science Technology, a Xi'an-based defense magazine, reported on Saturday, citing a statement the academy released over the past week which did not reveal the system's designation.

During the tests, drones were released from truck-based, 48-unit launchers and from airborne helicopters. The drones were rapidly and simultaneously deployed while the transport platforms were on the move, and the system can launch as many as 200 drones in one go, the report said.

After being released, the drones switched between different formations and conducted reconnaissance and attack missions on ground targets, the report said, noting that the drones look similar to China's domestically made CH-901, which is about 1.2 meters long, has a top speed of 150 kilometers an hour and a combat radius of 15 kilometers. Also known as a loitering munition, this kind of drone functions just like a normal drone in reconnaissance missions, but can turn itself into a cruise missile and launch suicide attacks when it receives the order.

A drone swarm is a concept in which a large number of drones released at short intervals share information and conduct attacks and defense missions in coordination and outnumber the enemy. Simply deploying a large number of drones but not having them interconnected is technically not a real drone swarm, analysts said.

The test is done in a simulated combat scenario, and this marks that the drone swarm system has become the first in China that is practical for use, and it will not be long before the drone swarm can enter military service, the magazine said.

Dozens or even hundreds of this kind of armed reconnaissance drones in swarms can conduct reconnaissance over large areas and launch coordinated attacks on valuable targets, which could be particularly useful in amphibious landing missions, Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military expert, told the Global Times on Sunday.

The enemy would set up beachhead positions with many mobile and fixed targets, but they will not escape an attack by drone swarms, which can be equipped with different types of warheads, including high explosive and anti-tank rounds against different targets including infantry, bunkers and armored vehicles, Wei said.

Drone swarms can also be released from warships like amphibious landing ships and warplanes like bombers in addition to ground vehicles and helicopters, as the drones could then accurately, automatically and intelligently identify and attack maritime and coastal targets, Wei said.
Mainland warns Taiwan not to become part of Trump’s ‘October Surprise’

"Don't say you have not been forewarned!" The Chinese phrase, which has been used by the Chinese mainland previously before going to war, reappeared on Thursday in a commentary posted on the flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China, the People's Daily. The commentary demanded that Taiwan intelligence organs stand on the right side of history, and not to serve the Trump administration to create any "October Surprise" before the November US presidential election.

"People on either side of the Taiwan Straits are not willing to see war. But if one day war breaks out, Taiwan secessionists would be the chief criminal," reads the article bylined "An Ping," who some observers believe represents the voice of the mainland's state security agency.

The article was published online after the mainland state security agency revealed selected Taiwan espionage cases that it has cracked down recently.

Observers from the mainland said that as the Trump administration is likely to create the "October Surprise" by playing "the Taiwan card" to challenge China's bottom line to serve its reelection, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of Taiwan with separatist stance is likely to use this as an opportunity to push secessionism, the article published on Thursday could be regarded as a solemn warning to not only the Taiwan authority but also the US.

On the same day, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft also reportedly appeared in the "airspace of Taiwan," and a charter plane carrying Taiwan military men was rejected and forced to return by the management authority at Hong Kong's flight information region in the South China Sea. This showed increasing tensions and a complicated situation between the mainland and the island of Taiwan.

US military presence has also compounded the situation. The PLA Eastern Theater Command organized naval and air forces, and monitored the USS Barry destroyer when the US warship sailed through the Taiwan Straits on Wednesday, the command announced on Thursday.

"We urge Taiwan intelligence organs not to be kidnapped by the chariot driven by Taiwan secessionists traveling to the dead end," which will run to only one destination - that is to be smashed and ruined, the commentary said.

"We solemnly warn die-hard extreme Taiwan secessionists" in the island's intelligence organs who have threatened national security and conducted secessionist activities that the state security agency of the mainland will firmly track and chase them, the article said, stressing that "hopefully, these extremists can learn the trend and stop their wrongdoings rather than stubbornly seeking a path to a dead end. Don't say you have not been forewarned."

US impact

Over the years, the DPP authority on the island of Taiwan has ganged up with the US and gradually pushed Taiwan separatism. The latest US arms sale to Taiwan also betrayed Tsai Ing-wen's promise of peace and a softer tune in her October 10 speech.

Reuters reported on Tuesday that the White House is moving forward with three sales of advanced weapons to Taiwan.

Apart from arms sales, foreign media also predicted that the Trump administration could make more risky moves before the November election. Japanese media reported that US President Donald Trump is likely to visit Taiwan in a desperate attempt to get reelected.

Diao Daming, an associate professor at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times on Thursday that the possibility is remote, but some conservative Republicans are pushing for US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Taiwan tour.

"Whether the conflicts [in the Taiwan Straits] would happen depend on the US," said Chang Ya-chung, a professor with a Taiwan-based university.

The People's Daily's commentary also noted that the mainland's door of communication and exchange is always open to compatriots across the Taiwan Straits, and it welcomes cooperation in all fields and forms, making clear that the commentary is not aimed at all Taiwan residents.

Hope for peaceful reunification

Chang said the mainland's move on the crackdown of Taiwan spies also shows the disappointment with its Kuomintang (KMT), because KMT is shifting its stance from pro-reunification to pro-US.

Some KMT members on the island have proposed restoring diplomatic relations with the US, and even removing the "China" from the party's official name, the Kuomintang of China, or the Nationalist Party of China, Taiwan media reported.

Analysts believe that the mainland still welcomes Taiwan's businesses in the Guangdong-Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area.

The People's Daily article also told Taiwan intelligence organ agents who support reunification that the mainland would cooperate with them, welcome them to the mainland, and urge them to oppose separatism.

By colluding with the US, the DPP authority has set obstacles to reunification, including politics, social system, economics and law, experts said, stressing that the mainland will not give up the possibility of a peaceful reunification, but will also prepare for war in the worst scenario.

As for the DPP authority, whose nerves have been strained due to PLA patrols and dissent from Taiwan people after allowing ractopamine-enhanced pork from US in exchange for "political benefits," has purchased arms worth $800 million from the US twice amid the pandemic.

The collusion between the US populist right-wing and the pro-secessionism Taiwan forces have forced Beijing to make countermeasures, which have reached war-like intensity, an expert said.

Wang Jianmin, a Taiwan affairs expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Thursday that China should also pay close attention to what the US does, knowing how erratic the Trump administration is.

The DPP authority tries to regionalize the cross-Straits relations, and to bring the US and Japan into China's internal affairs, Wang said.

We hope the US could understand the determination of the Chinese people to maintain national unity and territorial integrity, the expert said.
Analyst predicts next year for Taiwan reunification by force

Media reports in and outside Taiwan have been hyping that the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is preparing to strike the Taiwan island with new weapon deployment, and Chinese military experts believe weapons like hypersonic missile, the DF-17, should actually target foreign military forces if they intervene in PLA's reunification operations, and that targeting the island would be a waste.

According to Taiwan media Liberty Times, PLA sent military aircraft to Taiwan's southwestern "airspace" on Monday, and it said the number of PLA aircraft "intrusions" into Taiwan "airspace" in October appeared to have increased significantly.

Taiwan media noted that the PLA has been deploying J-20 stealth fighter jets and Marine Corps units to the coastal region in preparation of a possible reunification-by-force operation.

Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported on Sunday that the PLA has deployed its most advanced hypersonic missile, the DF-17, to the Chinese mainland's southeast coast near the island of Taiwan, for possible "invasion" of the island.

However, Chinese mainland military experts said the DF-17 is not for the use on Taiwan-based targets, since the close distance between the island and the mainland makes the bombing mission against Taiwan military targets very easy, and the advanced missiles like DF-17, if being deployed, are meant for targeting the more powerful enemies that try to intervene in the Taiwan question during the PLA's operation, and other threats that undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"The military targets on Taiwan are totally within the reach of the PLA's rocket launchers and air-launched missiles carried by military aircraft, so using advanced missiles to strike against Taiwan would be a waste. If the PLA deploys missile like the DF-17, that would be a weapon for striking foreign military force's military bases or fleets in the West Pacific region if those 'foreign forces' dare to intervene in the PLA operation to reunify the island," said a military expert at a Beijing-based military academy on the condition of anonymity.

Taiwan is also making its preparations, which is futile to some experts.

Some media also recently speculated that the island may deploy Hsiung Feng IIE cruise missile and other missiles at Matsu, a small island close to East China's Fujian Province, and they could reach important mainland cities and military facilities in Fujian and South China's Guangdong Province.

However, a military expert told the Global Times on condition of anonymity that it's easy for the PLA to locate the Taiwan authority's missiles as the Matsu island is very small, and there are 100 ways that the mainland can destroy any missile on the Matsu island in the very beginning amid a conflict.

Although current reports on PLA's weapon deployment were mere speculations, analysts in both mainland and the island believe that PLA has always been preparing for fighting and winning a war and reunification-by-force was never ruled out.

"The PLA is preparing for a response to provocations from the US and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP),"Yang Lixian, a research fellow at the Beijing-based Research Center of Cross-Straits Relations, told the Global Times on Monday.

Chen I-hsin, honorary professor at Taiwan's Tamkang University, told the Global Times on Monday that the recent news, although not verified, served as a strong warning to Taiwan secessionists, Taiwan residents and the US.

Many residents on the island have been aware of the possible reunification-by-force option, and have increasingly realized that Taiwan regional leader Tsai Ing-wen and DPP are just a joke, whom they will no longer support, Chen said.

As the DPP authorities have increasingly pinned their hopes on the US to confront the mainland, including buying more American weapons, the US has kept playing the Taiwan card in the presidential election and the DPP has showed no willingness to uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, there is no peaceful means for reunification, Yang said.

Based on the development of the current situation, whether to use the reunification-by-force option is no longer a question; the only question is when and how to use it, Chinese analysts said.

A well known commentator in the Taiwan island, Chiu Yi, predicted that the PLA may use force with the first purpose to force Taiwan to surrender and bring it to the negotiation table, and the best time for unification-by-force may be next year.

When and How

Previously, several former US military officials have suggested that shortly before or around the US presidential election in November is a good timing for the mainland to use force.

The Hill predicted that the US election would be an opportunity for mainland to "strike" Taiwan island, and believed that there may "never be a better moment" for mainland to "strike" than the week of November 3.

But Chinese analysts brushed off the possibility of the week before or on November 3.

Tsai and DPP authorities were scared by the recent deterrence from the mainland, as Tsai softened her tone on cross-Straits ties in her "National Day address," and Taiwan authorities immediately denied rumors that claimed diplomatic ties would be established between the island and the US, Chen said.

However, Chiu Yi, former Taiwan legislator and Director of the Taiwan Institute for Economic Research, told the Global Times on Monday that this is only a delaying tactic of Tsai.

Tsai is fully aware that Taiwan's defense is currently in a vacuum, meaning that all of Taiwan's current weapons are outdated and the new weapons ordered from the US won't arrive in at least a year, Chiu said.

Tsai is also waiting to see the result of the US presidential election, to decide whom she should bow to and how to strengthen ties with the US, according to Chiu.

It may take Tsai a year, and the Taiwan defense vacuum may be filled in a year, thus Chiu said and predicted that next year is a better time for reunification- by-force.

Last week, a charter plane carrying Taiwan military personnel was rejected and forced to return by the management authority of Hong Kong's flight information region on its way to the Dongsha islands, the South China Sea.

The incident triggered lots of speculations in the island, with some believing that it was a drill of mainland's blockade of Taiwan.

Chiu said it's possible that the PLA will isolate the Dongsha islands first to force the island to negotiate in future, which is a minimal cost option.

Some Taiwan-based commentators and politicians are trying to downplay the determination and preparation made by the PLA, and expecting the US to provide reinforcement to save Taiwan secessionism when the mainland launches operation to reunify the country, but Song Zhongping, a mainland military expert, told the Global Times that this kind of wishful thinking will make Taiwan separatists take more risky moves and get punished one day.

"The preparation and frequent training around the island can make the PLA air force and navy get more and more familiar with the potential battle zones and further improve their plans and tactics, so that in the scenario of a war, the cost will be minimized. Of course, the PLA is also preparing for the worst case-scenario - an all-out military intervention by the US," said Song.
Can we get this thread renamed to "China vs. America War" to make it more accurate?
China's latest bomber H-6N spotted carrying hypersonic missile

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force's latest bomber, the H-6N, was recently spotted carrying what seems to be a ballistic missile with a hypersonic warhead, overseas media reported. This new capability will enable the H-6N to become a real strategic bomber capable of covering the entire Indo-Pacific region with air strikes against which there is no defense, Chinese analysts said on Tuesday.

A video circulating on Chinese and overseas social media platforms over the weekend showed an H-6N landing at an unidentified airbase. The bomber carried a new missile resembling the shape of the DF-17, a hypersonic ballistic missile first showcased to the general public at the National Day parade in Beijing on October 1, 2019, under its belly, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported on Monday.

Citing a screenshot of the video, media on the island of Taiwan said that the missile is about 13 meters long and has a diameter of about 1 meter.

US news website thedrive.com also gave coverage to the video. It said that the massive weapon's unique wedge-shaped profile of its forward section points to the possibility that the missile is a hypersonic weapon system.

The H-6N is capable of carrying outsized loads, including high-speed drone aircraft to anti-ship ballistic missiles, as well as more traditional cruise missiles, the US media report said, noting that an air-launched DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile is thought to have been in development for some time.

Technically, if an aircraft can launch a ballistic missile, it can also launch a hypersonic one, because one typical type of hypersonic missile consists of a rocket booster used on a traditional ballistic missile and a hypersonic boost-glide vehicle. The main difference between a traditional ballistic missile and a hypersonic one is only that the traditional warhead is replaced by the hypersonic boost-glide vehicle, experts said.

Compared with its predecessor the H-6K, the H-6N can carry more fuel and can receive aerial refueling, which could greatly extend its operational radius and range, transforming it from a medium- to long-range bomber to a long-range strategic bomber, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

When equipped with long-range, air-launched ballistic missiles, the H-6N can gain greater attack range and defense penetration capabilities compared with traditional cruise missiles that fly at subsonic speeds, Fu said, noting that this kind of attack cannot be intercepted.

The combination of the H-6N and ballistic missiles can cover the entire Indo-Pacific region, Fu said. US military bases on Guam and Wake Island will be within range, thedrive.com reported.
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