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October 27: a Black Day for Kashmir


Jan 28, 2012
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The month of October arrived with so many ominous incidents that made us forget October 27, the ‘Black Day’ for Kashmir. But how can we forget October 27, 1947 the day India landed its army in Jammu and Kashmir, in total disregard to the Indian Independence Act and Partition Plan in 1947. In order to change the demographic of the territory, Indian troops, the forces of Dogra Maharaja Hari Singh, and Hindu extremists massacred hundreds of thousand Kashmiri Muslims within a period of two months and the same path of terror continues today even after six decades.
Back in 1947, India violated the guidelines set for deciding the future of Hyderabad, Junagarh and Kashmir, three of the independent Princely States at that time, which were given the choice to either accede to Pakistan or India, considering the geographical situation and communal demography. It forcibly occupied Hyderabad and Junagarh, which had Hindus in majority, but their rulers were Muslims. Kashmir was a Muslim majority state and had a natural tendency to accede to Pakistan, but its Hindu ruler destroyed the future of Kashmiri people by announcing its accession to India under a controversial accession document.
The UN Security Council through its successive resolutions nullified Indian invasion and occupation of Kashmir. It also approved a ceasefire, demarcation of the ceasefire line, demilitarization of the state and a free and impartial plebiscite to be conducted under the supervision of the World Body. Although the ceasefire and demarcation of the ceasefire line was implemented while demilitarization of the occupied territory and a free and impartial plebiscite under UN supervision remain unimplemented till date.
The time may have changed but the Indian style has not; their atrocities keep coming to light by researchers who find a chance to cross into the Indian side of Kashmir, despite their strict media blackout. The journalists Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark, an award-winning investigative journalist team in their book published in May 2012 “The Meadow: Kashmir 1995 — where the Terror Began” investigated the kidnapping and murder of some westerners. They claim that the westerners were murdered by a group of Kashmiri militants who worked for the Indian Army. The writers say that adventurers and nature lovers across the globe regard Kashmir as a paradise on earth. But for this group, a trip to the meadow became a nightmare.
These men - two Americans, two Britons, a German and a Norwegian - journeyed to Kashmir in search of nature and humanity, but became entangled in a hostage situation that lasted for six months, before they vanished leaving their loved ones and family in agony. The conclusions in the book are drawn through investigations based on the interviews with police officials then investigating the case and the wives of the missing men. Indian government, Indian intelligence agencies and Indian military prolonged their capture and sabotaged negotiations with the kidnappers which resulted in their deaths. This was later discovered to be an Indian conspiracy to put the blame on Pakistan and its intelligence agencies.
The annual UNHRC ‘Report of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances’ was published on February 6, 2012. The Working Group was the first UN Human Rights mechanism to be established with a universal mandate. The report says that between1989 and 2009 the actions of military and paramilitary forces in Kashmir have resulted in more than 8,000 enforced and involuntary disappearances.
But despite these clear and authentic reports, by credible organizations and writers India succeeds in keeping a lid over its atrocities by a strict media control. The world media and its ethics demand that true picture of sufferings in Kashmir and other parts of India must be exposed. October 27 must be observed as a day of solidarity with the oppressed people. The Indian government must be pressurized to provide basic rights to its minorities and fulfill its commitments made to the world community.
Lahore, October 15.

October 27: a Black Day | The Nation

[video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX1hAQt-DWI [/video]


The month of October arrived with so many ominous incidents that made us forget October 27, the ‘Black Day’ for Kashmir. But how can we forget October 27, 1947 the day India landed its army in Jammu and Kashmir, in total disregard to the Indian Independence Act and Partition Plan in 1947.

Are you celebrating the tribal raid, led by Pakistani Army officers, who, even before October 27, invaded the Kaffir ruled kingdom of Kashmir, and started raping the local inhabitants.

The Pathan tribesman under Khurshid Anwar’s command halted after reaching Baramulla, only an hour’s bus ride from Srinagar, and refused to go any further. Here they embarked on a three-day binge, looting houses, assaulting Muslims and Hindus alike, raping men and women and stealing money from the Kashmir Treasury. The local cinema was transformed into a rape centre; a group of Pathans invaded St Joseph’s Convent, where they raped and killed four nuns, including the Mother Superior, and shot dead a European couple sheltering there. News of the atrocities spread, turning large numbers of Kashmiris against their would-be liberators. When they finally reached Srinagar, the Pathans were so intent on pillaging the shops and bazaars that they overlooked the airport, already occupied by the Sikhs.

Tariq Ali · Bitter Chill of Winter: Kashmir · LRB 19 April 2001

This image is from 2008.. link


This image is again from 2008 --> link

And that Arundhati's interview is age -old

So enlighten us - What are you trying to do by showing age old pics as the ones for protest on Oct 27th 2012? And do let us know that for how many more years are you people going to use the same pics? It is lame and you people have not learnt at all from the fake Myanmar pics.. Such news and pics are laughable as of today.. Keep on doing the good job of degrading your credibility..

On this Pic it says "We want Azaadi"
Happy Black day :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: . I ask you again , what is the point of this thread? You want to show us that kashmiris don't like us ? Yes , you have proved that several times and most Indians know that kashmiris don't like them. But I tell you yet again , we don't care if they don't like us. The land is ours. Kashmiris who don't accept this have the right to leave or to become martyrs fighting occupational forces.

This image is from 2008.. link


This image is again from 2008 --> link

And that Arundhati's interview is age -old

So enlighten us - What are you trying to do by showing age old pics as the ones for protest on Oct 27th 2012? And do let us know that for how many more years are you people going to use the same pics? It is lame and you people have not learnt at all from the fake Myanmar pics.. Such news and pics are laughable as of today.. Keep on doing the good job of degrading your credibility..

So what if I show old stuff... Kashmir is the saame as it was back in 2008

Are you celebrating the tribal raid, led by Pakistani Army officers, who, even before October 27, invaded the Kaffir ruled kingdom of Kashmir, and started raping the local inhabitants.

Those weren't PA officers... And pull up a better source, there is no proof that any PA officer raped any Kashmiris... That fictional story looks parralel to what Indian Army is doing 1947-today in Kashmir
Yes so? Is Balochistan, Gujrat, Bihar,Assam,Sindh any different? Is Fata any different?
Everything is same as 2008. Yeah may be a few new trains must have been introduced, a few highways repaired, broadband speed may have improved. What else will change in 4 years.
Also, the Indian constitution is almost the same as in 2008. Few amendments here and there and Kashmir is still a part of India just as it was in 2008 and as it will be in 2808.
So what if I show old stuff... Kashmir is the saame as it was back in 2008

Come on dude you can surf the net and see videos of Pakistan army beating civilians in KP and rangers killing people in Sindh. So? That's wrong and should be improved. Same with Indian police and paramilitary and army.
Tourists like to see Indian Army beating up civilians?
Come on dude you can surf the net and see videos of Pakistan army beating civilians in KP and rangers killing people in Sindh. So? That's wrong and should be improved. Same with Indian police and paramilitary and army.

Rioters and Trouble makers getting beaten up... Whats so wrong

No they visiting the beauty of Kashmir

Into the rural areas I guess... No Indian wants to be in the Kashmiri cities, and definently not on August 14/15, or October 27th

Indian separatist leader from All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Zafar Akbar Bhat (R), holds a placard as supporters shout pro freedom slogans during a protest in Srinagar on October 25,2012. The protesters where demanding the release of political prisoners from Indian jails. Demands Kashmir freedom.
Into the rural areas I guess... No Indian wants to be in the Kashmiri cities, and definently not on August 14/15, or October 27th

Not for a tourist,Even the most hardline separatist like Syed Ali Shah Geelani wrote open letter welcoming tourists to Kashmir.You clearly don't know a thing about Kashmir or Kashmiris.They are very warm and friendly people.
Rioters and Trouble makers getting beaten up... Whats so wrong

Into the rural areas I guess... No Indian wants to be in the Kashmiri cities, and definently not on August 14/15, or October 27th

Forget Indians even Germans and other nationals are visiting Kashmir these days
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