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OCHA: Israel separates Jerusalem from the West Bank and empties Area C


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
OCHA: Israel separates Jerusalem from the West Bank and empties area C

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA, has revealed that the Israeli authorities have demolished a number of buildings in six populated districts in Area C, east of Jerusalem in the E1 settlement zone and the surrounding region. The demolitions took place on May 19.

According to OCHA, the affected communities are in Nakhila, al-Kassarah, al-Khan al-Ahmar, Makab al-Samen, Mount Pope and Bethany.

Palestine online news site reported a press release issued by the UN which said that 13 structures were destroyed under the pretext of having no building permits. The Israeli action has led directly to the displacement of 37 people, including 23 children, and disrupted the lives of 50 others in one way or another.

The targeted structures included four residential buildings, an outdoor kitchen, an animal feed storage unit, a tent, three portable toilets and three animal shelters. Four of these structures were funded by donor organisations.

"The region which includes 18 localities and hosts 2,800 people has been identified as a priority region to implement an official Israeli scheme to deport most of the communities across area C and limit them in certain sites," said OCHA. "The emptied area will be used to expand Israeli settlements including the E1 zone. It is planned that the wall surrounding Maale Adumim settlement bloc will surround this region."

E1 project is "East 1", one of the largest settlement projects in the West Bank which, if implemented fully will divide the West Bank into two parts and isolate East Jerusalem from the West Bank permanently.

absolutely pathetic, shameless creatures these. not only blatantly encroach on West Bank with their settlements, but now forced demolition of Palestinian homes. same thing theyre doing with occupied muslims in the negev desert in a documentary i just saw, bulldozing poor peoples homes specifically and shoving them off to go somewhere else. the more I see these incidents the more it reinforces my opinion that Fatah is not serving Palestinian cause well enough, if at all. at least Hamas would show some backbone and put up resistance if they were in government in West Bank.
Here they are at a certain pace annexing all of the West Bank...of course the 'evil' Palestinians who want to 'destroy Israel' that are helpless when Israel powers it's way demolishing homes left and right expanding their state in occupied territory are the ones who don't want 'peace'....

Tell me about that joke...

The peaceful Israelis now going to divide the West Bank, in the next five years they'll cut more pieces out for them through brute force.

Ten years from now Palestinian territory won't exist and Palestinians will be forced to live in cornered and surrounded villages under tough conditions until they completely decide to leave. This IS an ETHNIC CLEANSING policy.

Netanyahu has said it himself:

“Greater Israel” and The “Disappearance” of Palestine: Israel is Considering the Annexation of the West Bank Territories | Global Research

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu says that Israel can possibly annex West Bank territories because he has the support from both sides of the political spectrum, if the Peace Process had failed. He also denied any plans of “unilateral territorial withdrawals” from the West Bank. According to the Jerusalem Post, Natanyahu was interviewed by Bloomberg View and said “The idea of taking unilateral steps is gaining ground, from the center-left to the center-right.”


Netanyahu: We are considering unilateral moves in West Bank - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz


absolutely pathetic, shameless creatures these. not only blatantly encroach on West Bank with their settlements, but now forced demolition of Palestinian homes. same thing theyre doing with occupied muslims in the negev desert in a documentary i just saw, bulldozing poor peoples homes specifically and shoving them off to go somewhere else. the more I see these incidents the more it reinforces my opinion that Fatah is not serving Palestinian cause well enough, if at all. at least Hamas would show some backbone and put up resistance if they were in government in West Bank.

I completely agree with you here, all diplomatic efforts have been made. It's clear Israel doesn't want peace and wants more land and it's clear the world is perfectly fine with that. Even encourage it and support it militarily and with funds. Something needs to happen in the West Bank soon. And I know something is being prepared and hopefully in the near future it will be a success.
Extremist Israeli settlers damage church in al-Quds

Extremist Israeli settlers have vandalized a church in al-Quds (Jerusalem) following a visit by Pope Francis to the area.

Israeli police said on Monday that an unidentified Israeli man entered the church and set a prayer book on fire before fleeing the scene.

A wooden bench and small crosses nearby also caught fire, the police added.

According to reports, the incident happened near the place where Pope Francis celebrated mass on Monday.

“Around 7 o’clock, one of the monks smelled fire, and we came to the place and saw that someone had taken the book of prayers and gone behind the church organ, where he set the book on fire in a small storeroom,” said Father Nikodemus Schnabel, a spokesman for the church.

“Luckily the organ didn’t catch fire, which could have sent the whole church up in flames,” he said, adding, “We don’t know who could have done this but because of the timing, it could be that it was connected to the pope’s visit.”

There has been a recent spate of hate crimes, mainly in the form of vandalism and graffiti, targeting churches and mosques in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israeli vandals spray-painted the outside walls of a church in Beersheba’s Old City with anti-Christian graffiti ahead of the Pope's visit on Friday.

Israeli settlers also regularly carry out price tag raids against Palestinians and their properties.

Price tag attacks are acts of vandalism and violence against Palestinian properties as well as Islamic holy sites.

The United Nations has recorded “399 attacks” of this kind by Israeli settlers, which have “resulted in Palestinian injuries or property damage.”

Earlier this month, the former chief of Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency, said Tel Aviv does not stop the “price tag” attacks against Palestinian properties, because it lacks the desire to do so.

“We don’t see results because we don’t have the intention to,” Carmi Gillon said, adding that in the Shin Bet “there’s no such thing as can’t – there’s don’t want to.”

On Sunday, Pope Francis arrived in the occupied West Bank at the start of a two-day tour to the occupied Palestinian territories amid protests by Israelis opposed to his visit.

The Pope, who concluded his tour to the Middle East on Monday, visited Jordan earlier on Saturday.

PressTV - Israeli settlers damage church in al-Quds
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