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Obsessed Tanatanis: Hindus release new propaganda film called "72 Hoorain"

I don’t understand the issue here really, can you help?

Feigned ignorance is not a good strategy for agitprop if the remainder of your statements end up merely unmasking your agenda. Any lawyer worth his/her salt would have taken you to the cleaners had you attempted the following in a court of law:


In summary, you have attempted the following:
  • Presented yourself as being very knowledgable about Islam;
  • Mocked the very concept of Heaven as described by Islam as a fallacy;
  • Applied coercive tactics to get someone, anyone, to confess belief in 72 hoors as a reward for martyrs;
  • Sowed confusion between the concept of hoors (confirmed from most authentic Islamic sources) and 72 hoors for martyrs (not confirmed from authentic Islamic sources).

Okay. If you say that Sunan Ibn Majah 4337 is not authentic. Then it’s fine by me 😊

Of the six major Hadith collections, Ibn Majah's ranks lowest in terms of authenticity, and has been severely and consistently criticized by Sunni scholars for the large number of unreliable narrations it includes. 4337, in particular, is universally classified as having a very weak chain of narration and is therefore untrustworthy, at best, and outright fabricated if one takes into account Ibn Majah's hallmark emphasis on utility over authenticity in his collection.

But after 9/11, when your Zio-buddies went all out in their MSM war on Islam, 4337 was the single narration most used to promote the "72 virgins" myth. Never mind that the Arabic word hoor (a life form that is known from other authentic sources to not even be from the lineage of Adam, and therefore not even human by definition) does not translate into "virgin". But hey, it makes for great propaganda when your aim is to frame the following narrative: that those who sacrifice themselves in fighting the nonbelievers are doing so out of a desire for "72 virgins", rather than as an act of worship to please God.
It is actions of a person who make someone terrorist not United Nations

Hindu terrorists live in national capital and urban centers instead of hiding in a cave. It is that much normalized in hindu society
Actions you mean perception. Because you, a Pakistani say it doesn't mean someone is a terrorist, neither do I. I can call anyone including you a terrorist, and you can do that same doesn't make either of us one.

That's why certain rules and laws are created to figure out who is a terrorist and who is not. And by those, there are hardly any "Hindu terrorist groups" or Hindu terrorists. Even your country who yap day in and out about it doesn't designate any Hindu militant (if they exist at all) organization as terrorist.
Actions you mean perception. Because you, a Pakistani say it doesn't mean someone is a terrorist, neither do I. I can call anyone including you a terrorist, and you can do that same doesn't make either of us one.

That's why certain rules and laws are created to figure out who is a terrorist and who is not. And by those, there are hardly any "Hindu terrorist groups" or Hindu terrorists. Even your country who yap day in and out about it doesn't designate any Hindu militant (if they exist at all) organization as terrorist.

Nope actions mean actions. If you act like a terrorist then you are a terrorist irrespective of whether United Nations call you a terrorist or not

There are hindu terrorists and hindu terrorist groups because of the actions they perform. It is pretty simple to understand
Actions you mean perception. Because you, a Pakistani say it doesn't mean someone is a terrorist, neither do I. I can call anyone including you a terrorist, and you can do that same doesn't make either of us one.

That's why certain rules and laws are created to figure out who is a terrorist and who is not. And by those, there are hardly any "Hindu terrorist groups" or Hindu terrorists. Even your country who yap day in and out about it doesn't designate any Hindu militant (if they exist at all) organization as terrorist.
That chutiya modi himself was barred from entering western capitals for his hand in anti Muslim pogroms.

Bastards like Pragya, and mofos who on camera admitted opening stomachs of pregnant women and putting the babies to death on swords, raping and whatnot are out and in your parliament. So that's fukin rich coming from member of gau (ND) rakshak dung brigade.

Baqi tumhari 1 ganay nay phar k dey hath mein dey di thi. Now keep making more such movies and we will see where you end up in the next 10 years.

Nope actions mean actions. If you act like a terrorist then you are a terrorist irrespective of whether United Nations call you a terrorist or not

There are hindu terrorists and hindu terrorist groups because of the actions they perform. It is pretty simple to understand
Chor yaar yeh dagardalai roti ko chochi kehtay haien.
That chutiya modi himself was barred from entering western capitals for his hand in anti Muslim pogroms.

Bastards like Pragya, and mofos who on camera admitted opening stomachs of pregnant women and putting the babies to death on swords, raping and whatnot are out and in your parliament. So that's fukin rich coming from member of gau (ND) rakshak dung brigade.

Baqi tumhari 1 ganay nay phar k dey hath mein dey di thi. Now keep making more such movies and we will see where you end up in the next 10 years.

Chor yaar yeh dagardalai roti ko chochi kehtay haien.
Since when the west is the apostle for deciding who is a terrorist? Also, he wasn't declared a terrorist either, they simply boycotted him, and declined his visa and all this was revoked when he started winning state elections in 2012-13, basically, they are batting for the winning team. You guys are dilli dallying with the idea of terrorism, trying to find equivalence elsewhere doesn't cover for actions in your community. Also, extremists like Pragya et al never claimed on camera they did anything of such, even if they claimed, it needs to be proven. Communal violence does not come under the definition of terrorism.

You don't have to stretch this far, go take a look at the UN-designated terror list TTP, for example, assassinate people to draw the attention of the government and for their movement. They just bomb markets and spray bullets on people so that government consider what they want, attack govt installations etc etc etc... Sometimes it has worked, see they got your government to release terrorists of TTP and agree to their demands. That's a terror group. There are no such Hindu terror groups, now you can claim some Gau rakshak is the same as TTP :lol: but no sorry but they are a bunch of hooligans who take laws into their own hands.
Chor yaar yeh dagardalai roti ko chochi kehtay haien.

These clowns call Maoists and North East separatist militants as terrorists even though both are not terrorists as per United Nations

As I said before. Hindu terrorism is not considered terrorism in Hindu society. It is simply a way of life. A part of daily life
Feigned ignorance is not a good strategy for agitprop if the remainder of your statements end up merely unmasking your agenda. Any lawyer worth his/her salt would have taken you to the cleaners had you attempted the following in a court of law:

View attachment 933234

In summary, you have attempted the following:
  • Presented yourself as being very knowledgable about Islam;
  • Mocked the very concept of Heaven as described by Islam as a fallacy;
  • Applied coercive tactics to get someone, anyone, to confess belief in 72 hoors as a reward for martyrs;
  • Sowed confusion between the concept of hoors (confirmed from most authentic Islamic sources) and 72 hoors for martyrs (not confirmed from authentic Islamic sources).

Of the six major Hadith collections, Ibn Majah's ranks lowest in terms of authenticity, and has been severely and consistently criticized by Sunni scholars for the large number of unreliable narrations it includes. 4337, in particular, is universally classified as having a very weak chain of narration and is therefore untrustworthy, at best, and outright fabricated if one takes into account Ibn Majah's hallmark emphasis on utility over authenticity in his collection.

But after 9/11, when your Zio-buddies went all out in their MSM war on Islam, 4337 was the single narration most used to promote the "72 virgins" myth. Never mind that the Arabic word hoor (a life form that is known from other authentic sources to not even be from the lineage of Adam, and therefore not even human by definition) does not translate into "virgin". But hey, it makes for great propaganda when your aim is to frame the following narrative: that those who sacrifice themselves in fighting the nonbelievers are doing so out of a desire for "72 virgins", rather than as an act of worship to please God.

Great rebuttal. I feel very much the same as you wrote above.
Thank you Jinnah. Could you imagine our cities like Peshawar, Lahore or Multan being over run by these ugly pajeets? I'm so glad when I'm in Pakistan I don't have to ever think about smelly vegetarian pajeets trying to lynch people over eating beef or their weird obsession with our women. Any Pakistani that watches Pajeet wood needs to get his/her head checked.
Feigned ignorance is not a good strategy for agitprop if the remainder of your statements end up merely unmasking your agenda. Any lawyer worth his/her salt would have taken you to the cleaners had you attempted the following in a court of law:


In summary, you have attempted the following:
  • Presented yourself as being very knowledgable about Islam;
  • Mocked the very concept of Heaven as described by Islam as a fallacy;
  • Applied coercive tactics to get someone, anyone, to confess belief in 72 hoors as a reward for martyrs;
  • Sowed confusion between the concept of hoors (confirmed from most authentic Islamic sources) and 72 hoors for martyrs (not
Thanks for spending the time in coming up with these analyses. You can sue me if that makes you happy 😊

Of the six major Hadith collections, Ibn Majah's ranks lowest in terms of authenticity, and has been severely and consistently criticized by Sunni scholars for the large number of unreliable narrations it includes. 4337, in particular, is universally classified as having a very weak chain of narration and is therefore untrustworthy, at best, and outright fabricated if one takes into account Ibn Majah's hallmark emphasis on utility over authenticity in his collection.

But after 9/11, when your Zio-buddies went all out in their MSM war on Islam, 4337 was the single narration most used to promote the "72 virgins" myth. Never mind that the Arabic word hoor (a life form that is known from other authentic sources to not even be from the lineage of Adam, and therefore not even human by definition) does not translate into "virgin". But hey, it makes for great propaganda when your aim is to frame the following narrative: that those who sacrifice themselves in fighting the nonbelievers are doing so out of a desire for "72 virgins", rather than as an act of worship to please God.

Again, thanks for this detailed reply.

I already said, If you don’t find that authentic, it’s fine by me.

Finally, seems 72 number isn’t correct after all, I’m taking your word for it. Can you finally tell us how many hoors are going to be provided anyway?
You can sue me if that makes you happy 😊

No need - it is sufficient to know that you will find yourself in the court of God on Judgement Day.

Finally, seems 72 number isn’t correct after all, I’m taking your word for it. Can you finally tell us how many hoors are going to be provided anyway?

What does it matter? 72 or otherwise, on your present trajectory, you ain't even getting one.
No need - it is sufficient to know that you will find yourself in the court of God on Judgement Day.

That’s just a belief and not real. No proofs whatsoever. All religions are like that.

What does it matter? 72 or otherwise, on your present trajectory, you ain't even getting one.
In case you didn’t notice, that’s what we were discussing before you jumped in.

with rsss hendooo watching this will it result more rapes ?

BTW what is the lie about 72 hoors? Is it invented by pornjeets now?

Is any thing from you people the truth?
That’s just a belief and not real. No proofs whatsoever. All religions are like that.

This is a defence forum. If you wish to engage in a debate on the existence and uniqueness of God, go elsewhere.

In case you didn’t notice, that’s what we were discussing before you jumped in.

Sure - and your behavior on this thread provides ample evidence of the veracity of that statement.
This is a defence forum. If you wish to engage in a debate on the existence and uniqueness of God, go elsewhere.

That’s the very thing being discussed on this thread. This thread is about 72 hoors reward by god. Allegedly.

Sure - and your behavior on this thread provides ample evidence of the veracity of that statement.

Only trying to find out if you get 72 hoors after death. Also came across a Hadith, which you said wasn’t authentic and that’s fine by me.

But then again, hoors will be rewarded is something which all agree. It’s just that no one is sure of the number of the hoors.

Is any thing from you people the truth?

You mean the concept of 72 hoors was invented by us?
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