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OBSESSED: Radical Hindu HACKS the account of a Muslim boy and posts offensive comments about Bharat to incite a riot, leading to widespread violence


Mar 10, 2023
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As per media reports, a Hindu created a FAKE account to target a Muslim who he was jealous of for talking to a female friend. This lead to WIDESPREAD riots and violence. BhaRATis will RIOT and MURDER over FAKE posts made by people among their own vile community.

Where are the Tanatani BhaRATis who constantly claim Tanatanis are peaceful smelly veggie 'n' gobar munchers who don't chimp out over these things?
Oye idhr aa Tanatani Kuchrewale @Kuru @Jaeger . I've seen you make multiple comments along these lines.
I think as per tanatan dharma one can say and post "Bharat mata ki ma** ki *****" as long as your intention is to incite violence against Muslims

So that guy did no wrong as per 5000 years old way of life
Al Qaeda was at least honest about their motives - Al Coweda, for some reason, puts on a facade of secularism.
BJP and RSS are trying to actively radicalize Hindus - more than ever, to achieve their goals.

Muslims staying India aren't radicalized or politicized to a large extent.

When both happen, this will be a really bad situation. India will become unlivable - there will for sure be a civil war.

The goal of Hindu Rashtra won't come easily. These people are morons.

BJP/RSS/Shivsena are playing with fire.
It's so incredible that India reached moon with 5000 year old caveman mentality

As per media reports, a Hindu created a FAKE account to target a Muslim who he was jealous of for talking to a female friend. This lead to WIDESPREAD riots and violence. BhaRATis will RIOT and MURDER over FAKE posts made by people among their own vile community.

Where are the Tanatani BhaRATis who constantly claim Tanatanis are peaceful smelly veggie 'n' gobar munchers who don't chimp out over these things?
Oye idhr aa Tanatani Kuchrewale @Kuru @Jaeger . I've seen you make multiple comments along these lines.

Just one post incited a riot?

Shows India‘a social fabric is extremely delicate and anyone can just cause a civil war in there.
Young Indian Muslim men should strengthen their bodies and learn martial arts to defend themselves from mobs. Stop crying for help which will never come.
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