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Obama’s more muscular China policy sets Beijing on edge


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, November 17, 11:03 AM

BEIJING — While Beijing’s public response to President Barack Obama’s more muscular China policy has been muted, behind the scenes the U.S. president’s sudden moves to contest rising Chinese power are setting the capital on edge.

During his ongoing nine-day swing through the Asia-Pacific region, Obama has already unveiled a plan for an expanded U.S. Marines presence in Australia, advocated a new free-trade area that leaves China out, and called on Beijing not to buck the current world order.

The Beijing government is trying to understand the shift, tasking academic experts to review the initiatives and submit options on how to respond.

“The U.S. is overreacting,” said Zhu Feng, an international relations expert at Peking University who was asked to study Washington’s moves and make recommendations. He said the government may feel bewildered by the Obama initiatives.

Meanwhile, state media are warning of a new U.S. containment strategy.

“The U.S. sees a growing threat to its hegemony from China. Therefore, America’s strategic move east is aimed in practical terms at pinning down and containing China and counterbalancing China’s development,” the official Xinhua News Agency said in a commentary.

Obama told the Australian Parliament on Thursday that the U.S. intends “to deter threats to peace” and will remain an Asia-Pacific power. On Friday, Obama will become the first U.S. president to attend a summit of East Asian leaders, a region that China sees as its rightful sphere of influence.

Obama is also pushing for the rapid expansion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a U.S.-backed free trade agreement that so far has drawn mostly smaller countries. Japan and Canada have expressed interest in joining, while Beijing has been left out.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman called it natural for the U.S. and Australia to improve relations, just as China wants to do with each, but said such improvements “should take into consideration the interests of other countries.”

Despite its evident wariness, the Chinese government appears to be in watching mode. Obama has repeatedly said in public remarks that the U.S. welcomes China’s rise and wants it to play a role as a responsible power. Both sides have much at stake and their economies — the world’s largest and second largest — are deeply intertwined, doing $456 billion in trade, overwhelmingly in China’s favor.

Beijing can ill afford a serious rift with Washington. The normally risk-averse authoritarian leadership is preparing for a politically tricky handover of power to a new generation of leaders next year. And, while the U.S. suffers from high joblessness, anemic growth and other economic woes, China also is challenged by a slowing of its robust growth that could see unemployment and banks’ bad loans rise at a time when Chinese have come to expect ever-higher standards of living.

Managing those expectations has become difficult, particularly in regard to the United States. Beijing has played up its handling of Washington, especially after President Hu Jintao held a pomp-filled summit with Obama in Washington in January, and repeatedly invoked the leadership’s intention to build a constructive partnership.

Yu Wanli of Peking University’s School of International Studies said many Chinese would likely view Obama’s new posture as a betrayal of that professed partnership and that could narrow Beijing’s options, forcing a tougher response.

“Public opinion may put the Chinese government in an embarrassing situation,” said Yu, who specializes in U.S.-China relations.

A reliably nationalistic media that pander to the Chinese sense of patriotism and deep-seated suspicion of the U.S. have already sounded the alarm. The Global Times, a tabloid owned by the Communist Party’s People’s Daily newspaper, hit hard upon the theme of besiegement. It quoted a People’s Liberation Army major general as saying that the expanded U.S. training and deployment base in Australia was one of a series of U.S. installations to “encircle China from the north to the south of the Asia-Pacific region.”

In a separate article entitled “Six ways of countering the eastward movement of American strategy,” the Global Times alleged the U.S. was seeking to weaken China by nurturing hostile forces within the country while wrecking Beijing’s relations with its neighbors. It suggested Beijing reduce its massive purchases of U.S. government debt — which have helped keep U.S. interest rates low — to get Washington to stop meddling in the South China Sea, where China is asserting claims to islands, reefs and atolls contested by five other governments.

“As long as we stick to our guns, time will be on our side,” it said.

Obama’s more muscular China policy sets Beijing on edge - The Washington Post
It suggested Beijing reduce its massive purchases of U.S. government debt — which have helped keep U.S. interest rates low — to get Washington to stop meddling in the South China Sea

good idea,we have been bailing out US for years,since they dont know the saying"dont bite the hand that feeds."we should stopping feeding them and let them collapse.
US exploiting disputes between Asian countries to get a stronger foothold in Asia. Asian countries fall for it as they are incapable of long term strategic planning. Asia has been enslaved once already by the West and now it will be enslaved again by the West.

US don't want to see China leading Asia as it would be a threat to the Western power status, so Asian countries are encouraged and pushed in front of China hoping to get a reaction then call China "aggressive" and then Western media churns out more articles like this.

What a brilliant plan.
and I would bet my bottom dollar that US is just bluffing,it had long lost the money and strength it used to have.there were many conflicts bw China and US, China's entrance of WTO,trade wars,human rights....so many times.and at the last moment,(in case of WTO the last hours)they always backed off.this strategy they have used again and again for so many years.US just cant afford having a real trouble with China.leaders from both countries know that damn sure.
and I would bet my bottom dollar that US is just bluffing,it had long lost the money and strength it used to have.there were many conflicts bw China and US, China's entrance of WTO,trade wars,human rights....so many of time.and at the last moment,(in case of WTO the last hours)they always backed off.this strategy they have used again and again for so many years.US just cant afford to have a real trouble with China.leaders from both countries know that damn sure.

What makes you think they need to confront China directly? That is the job for the various Asian countries who are easily manipulated by the US.

This is about the US and the West dominating Asia. China rising means end to their domination.
US exploiting disputes between Asian countries to get a stronger foothold in Asia. Asian countries fall for it as they are incapable of long term strategic planning. Asia has been enslaved once already by the West and now it will be enslaved again by the West.

US don't want to see China leading Asia as it would be a threat to the Western power status, so Asian countries are encouraged and pushed in front of China hoping to get a reaction then call China "aggressive" and then Western media churns out more articles like this.

What a brilliant plan.

China has spoiled ties with most of its neighbors. These small countries are not strong enough to defend themselves. So allying with US is next logical move. China is falling to the trap of its own creation
the world first and second economies dont have to use weapons or send troops to go to wars. an economic war can guaranttee the result of mutual destruction.
good idea,we have been bailing out US for years,since they dont know the saying"dont bite the hand that feeds."we should stopping feeding them and let them collapse.

That would be clever move. Instead of military conflict, China US war game should played at the economic level
China has spoiled ties with most of its neighbors. These small countries are not strong enough to defend themselves. So allying with US is next logical move. China is falling to the trap of its own creation

India fell to the trap set by the west,all people with clear mind can see that,India is a big lemon sold out by the west.
China has spoiled ties with most of its neighbors. These small countries are not strong enough to defend themselves. So allying with US is next logical move. China is falling to the trap of its own creation

Not really. If you are referring to the South China Sea disputes then you should stop just looking at the claims made by China and look at the claims made by all the countries involved. China's claims may be the largest but that does not exclude the other ridiculous claims made by the other countries. You only always hear about the claims made by China, making it look like it's China Vs. all the other countries when in fact it is all the countries vs. each other.
Not really. If you are referring to the South China Sea disputes then you should stop just looking at the claims made by China and look at the claims made by all the countries involved. China's claims may be the largest but that does not exclude the other ridiculous claims made by the other countries.

US recently complained a lot about losing the hearts and minds of African people to China.
all ASEN countries' economy is totally in Chinese people's hands,and economy in the long run is everything,so,in the near future,all those ASEN countries will be brought to China's heel.
Not really. If you are referring to the South China Sea disputes then you should stop just looking at the claims made by China and look at the claims made by all the countries involved. China's claims may be the largest but that does not exclude the other ridiculous claims made by the other countries. You only always hear about the claims made by China, making it look like it's China Vs. all the other countries when in fact it is all the countries vs. each other.

You should read this

Review & Outlook: Asia Pushes Back Against China - WSJ.com
China economically is in the process of taking over Asia and Africa,US just can't sit there and see that happen,they have to do something,make some noise.and from now to next 10 years will be their last chance to exert their remaining influence and strength in those region,they surely know that.that's their last show,so China should not be in a hurry.with this speed of development,for another 10 years.south China sea disputes can be easily solved and US will back away from Asia.

I've read tons of these articles by the US and their supporters. Different wording, same theme every time: China is aggressive and is a threat to peace and stability, the US is the peacemaker and "ally". I can see right through their propaganda. This all boils down to the US wanting to remain superpower and the West to continue their domination in Asia and the world. Simple as that.

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