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Obama meets Malala Yousufzai


Feb 2, 2007
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WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama met Friday with 16-year-old Malala Yousufzai, an advocate for girls' education and the target of a Taliban assassination attempt who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle welcomed Malala and hailed for her “inspiring and passionate” work on behalf of girls in Pakistan.

“The United States joins with the Pakistani people and so many around the world to celebrate Malala's courage and her determination to promote the right of all girls to attend school and realize their dreams,” a White House statement said.

“We salute Malala's efforts to help make these dreams come true.”

Obama met with Malala on the same day the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

The Pakistani teen had been considered a front-runner for the prize and was in Washington to speak at two events.

The teen said in a statement after the meeting that she was honored to meet with the president, who is a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

''I thanked President Obama for the United States' work in supporting education in Pakistan and Afghanistan and for Syrian refugees. I also expressed my concerns that drone attacks are fueling terrorism. Innocent victims are killed in these acts, and they lead to resentment among the Pakistani people. If we refocus efforts on education it will make a big impact,'' she said.

She called for greater cooperation between the governments of the United States and Pakistan.

The White House said in a statement that Malala met with the president and first lady in the Oval Office where the president signed a proclamation to mark Friday as the International Day of the Girl.

The proclamation says in part that ''on every continent, there are girls who will go on to change the world in ways we can only imagine, if only we allow them the freedom to dream.''

Malala was shot in the head in October 2012 while she was going home from school. She was flown to a hospital in Britain, where she now lives.

Her memoir ''I am Malala'' was published Tuesday.

On Friday she spoke at a World Bank event and was scheduled to speak at a book event at the Sidwell Friends School, which Obama's daughters attend.

Obama meets Malala Yousufzai - DAWN.COM
Malala has made us Proud. What an outstanding young woman. She is definitely headed for the PRIME MINISTER's Job when she is mature and educated enough and we become a civilized Society.
She is the most famous and well known Pakistani in present times and for all the right reasons :)
Malala has made us Proud. What an outstanding young woman. She is definitely headed for the PRIME MINISTER's Job when she is mature and educated enough.

Pakistani electorate will not vote for her, besides someone more capable is needed for that position, and no she will never become Prime Minister.

WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama met Friday with 16-year-old Malala Yousufzai, an advocate for girls' education and the target of a Taliban assassination attempt who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

What an honor.... such a young girl from thousands of miles away meets with the US president and his family on equal, humanitarian terms. This is probably the ONLY Pakistani out of the Pakistani government and politicians who's actually been welcomed as an honor and a symbol of pride for women across the globe.
I'd LOVE to see her become the Pakistani Prime Minister or the President one day. It will definitely show those barbaric talibans that education, determination and modernization produces educated leaders...and that how weak they really are by shooting at little children !!
This girl becoming something big one day would tell EVERY other girl to stand up for her rights, education and to do what she wants to do. These basta** terrorists can't stop the flow of knowledge, education and the ability to be who you want to be one day!!!
This is probably the ONLY Pakistani out of the Pakistani government and politicians who's actually been welcomed as an honor and a symbol of pride for women across the globe.
I wished the same for Arfa Karim.:cry:
eek aur benazir tyaar horahe hey lol
What an honor.... such a young girl from thousands of miles away meets with the US president and his family on equal, humanitarian terms. This is probably the ONLY Pakistani out of the Pakistani government and politicians who's actually been welcomed as an honor and a symbol of pride for women across the globe.
I'd LOVE to see her become the Pakistani Prime Minister or the President one day. It will definitely show those barbaric talibans that education, determination and modernization produces educated leaders...and that how weak they really are by shooting at little children !!
This girl becoming something big one day would tell EVERY other girl to stand up for her rights, education and to do what she wants to do. These basta** terrorists can't stop the flow of knowledge, education and the ability to be who you want to be one day!!!

What you said I 101% agree with you............but when it comes to Drone Strikes......killing Innocent peoples (Not even killing making their body into pieces) specially the children and girls.......then why you peoples suddenly become silent....and just call this a collateral damage and then move on....like life of those peoples killed under the missile strikes keeps no meaning and they are just insects who creep on earth.......
What you said I 101% agree with you............but when it comes to Drone Strikes......killing Innocent peoples (Not even killing making their body into pieces) specially the children and girls.......then why you peoples suddenly become silent....and just call this a collateral damage and then move on....like life of those peoples killed under the missile strikes keeps no meaning and they are just insects who creep on earth.......

If there was a person who was preparing to come to your house and shoot you and your family.....and you already know about many cases where they've done that before.....and you find out where they are planning to come kill your family....and you have weapons.....will you try to save your family and kill these terrorists?? Who are not only going to target you but after you, they'll continue going and going...? Sometimes, you have to make hard decisions to save many lives. I'll give you one example, if the US hadn't killed so many terrorist in drone strikes, where do you think the same guys would be if they were alive? in PAKISTAN blowing themselves up!!! Please face the brutal reality. These terrorists are a MUCH bigger danger to Pakistan and the region than they are to the US at this point. Your country, its economy, its foundation and everything else about it has been brought to its knees by these retarded barberic talibans. If you don't agree with me, go see how many inoocent people get killed by these crazy talibans EVERY day!!!!
If there was a person who was preparing to come to your house and shoot you and your family.....and you already know about many cases where they've done that before.....and you find out where they are planning to come kill your family....and you have weapons.....will you try to save your family and kill these terrorists?? Who are not only going to target you but after you, they'll continue going and going...? Sometimes, you have to make hard decisions to save many lives. I'll give you one example, if the US hadn't killed so many terrorist in drone strikes, where do you think the same guys would be if they were alive? in PAKISTAN blowing themselves up!!! Please face the brutal reality. These terrorists are a MUCH bigger danger to Pakistan and the region than they are to the US at this point. Your country, its economy, its foundation and everything else about it has been brought to its knees by these retarded barberic talibans. If you don't agree with me, go see how many inoocent people get killed by these crazy talibans EVERY day!!!!

You are right but the drone strikes are not getting rid of terrorists. In fact they have more civilian casualties.
Had the opportunity to see her interview with Christiane Amanpour. I think she has a lot of wit, and will succeed in her life due to her immense commitment and determination.

Haroon Ahmad
DET - U.S. Central Command
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