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Obama blocks Chinese wind farm over national security


Nov 18, 2010
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday blocked a privately owned Chinese company from building wind turbines close to a Navy military site in Oregon due to national security concerns.

Ralls Corp, which had been installing wind turbine generators made in China by Sany Group, will now be forced shelve its plans and divest its interest in the four wind farm projects it acquired earlier this year.

"There is credible evidence that leads me to believe" that Ralls Corp and Sany Group "might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States," Obama said in the order issued by the White House.

The projects were all within or in the vicinity of restricted air space at a naval weapons systems training facility in Oregon, the administration said.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had ordered Ralls to stop all construction and operations at its four wind farm projects while the government completed its investigation and provided its recommendation to Obama.

Although CFIUS reviews dozens of foreign investment deals for potential national security concerns, the president is rarely called upon to issue a formal order as companies usually abandon their deals or divest assets when the panel takes issue with their transaction.
The last time a president formally blocked a deal on national security grounds was in 1990 when then President George H.W. Bush stopped a Chinese aero-technology company from acquiring a U.S. manufacturing firm.

Obama's decision comes as two other Chinese companies are vying for CFIUS approval and the president campaigns for a second term. Obama's trade and economic policies have come under fire from his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, who has accused him of being soft on China.
The Treasury Department said Obama's decision was not a precedent for other investments from China or any other country.

Obama blocks Chinese wind farm over national security - Yahoo! News
Boy! I think you and your comrade in arm, Mr Korean, are losing it. I haven't see one single good China bashing thread coming from you both in the last two days. What happen, your bible, the Epoch Times runs out negative Chinese materials? Try chinaSMACKS while you're at it.
Boy! I think you and your comrade in arm, Mr Korean, are losing it. I haven't see one single good China bashing thread coming from you both in the last two days. What happen, your bible, the Epoch Times runs out negative Chinese materials? Try chinaSMACKS while you're at it.

sorry I don't subscribe to state run propaganda media that tells the sheep that a training ship/ AC that has yet an aircraft to land on it is a " real AC" . Behave in HK now...mainlander
It's amazing the mods can't figure out this jayatl guy and Korean are the same person with double accounts.

This forum has some very clever mods.

Traffic = $$$

IMO, the national security concern can be addressed through some verification procedure, etc... so this is nothing more than another form of protectionism due to their economy.
Traffic = $$$

IMO, the national security concern can be addressed through some verification procedure, etc... so this is nothing more than another form of protectionism due to their economy.

Rather it is about your countries reputation( ill-repute) that makes other countries act carefully. Even Australia refused to allow your companies in sensitive markets because of security concerns. :no:
Boy! I think you and your comrade in arm, Mr Korean, are losing it. I haven't see one single good China bashing thread coming from you both in the last two days. What happen, your bible, the Epoch Times runs out negative Chinese materials? Try chinaSMACKS while you're at it.

Basically, he is admitting that his country, India, is outclassed by China in almost every way and the only way he can assuage his inferiority complex towards China is by hiding behind the American flag.

His every post should be read as, "China is ahead of India, but, but, but,,,, ah, look, America!"
Basically, he is admitting that his country, India, is outclassed by China in almost every way and the only way he can assuage his inferiority complex towards China is by hiding behind the American flag.

His every post should be read as, "China is ahead of India, but, but, but,,,, ah, look, America!"

Very astute of you MR THINK TANK!. Would that be how you act re: China. basically "India is ahead of Pakistan ... but but,,,,, ah look China ! ~ only difference is I belong to well respected and highly successful community in the US, happen to be american, while you - well, I'll just leave it at that ;)
China's Sany settles lawsuit against US government|Americas|chinadaily.com.cn


Excavators produced by China's Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd are displayed at Conexpo-Con/Agg, a trade show for the construction industry at the Las Vegas Convention Center. [Photo/Asian News Photo]

The Ralls Corporation, a US company affiliated with Chinese machinery manufacturer Sany group said they have settled their lawsuit against the US government on Wednesday, CCTV reported.

The company announced that the US government has also dismissed it's pending enforcement suit against Ralls.

The company filed a lawsuit against US President Barack Obama in 2012 for issuing an executive order blocking the company's wind farm project in the US state of Oregon.

Ralls had purchased four wind farm projects in Boardman, Oregon, but the Obama Administration issued an executive order prohibiting the deal,saying it "might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States" after it was determined the project was located next to a US Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) also issued an order suspending the wind farm project for the same reason.

The move marked the first time since 1990 that a US president formally blocked a business transaction or required a sale on such grounds, Reuters reported.

The US Court of Appeals in Washington, DC, ruled in 2014 that Ralls must be allowed to challenge evidence that US President Barack Obama drew on to bar its operations connected to wind-farm projects in Oregon.

"The presidential order deprived Ralls of significant property interests. This lack of process constitutes a clear constitutional violation," a unanimous ruling by the three-judge panel said.

Under the terms of the settlement, Ralls can sell its four properties to a third-party purchaser chosen by Ralls to whom the US government had previously objected, the report said.

The settlement also says that CFIUS determined that the Ralls company's acquisitions "have not raised national security objections, and that Ralls and the Sany Group are welcome to submit future transactions and investments to CFIUS for review."

As part of the settlement, the US government approved two new Sany windfarms, one in Colorado and one in Texas, which is already generating 20 megawatts of wind power for the nation, according to the report.
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