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Obama backs India on permanent UN Security Council seat

"""" European union says Pakistan is fighting a war against terorism, neto says they cannot fight a war against terrorism without Pakistan. U.S.A says pakistan is a front line state against terrorism , a non neto ally etc ."""..

Cause Terrorist are been cultivated in Pakistan , they are been bought & brought up from this land , hence the western world supports u ; cause that they can't fight against terrorism , Its Pakistan who need to destroy the elements from their own land . Western world are having patience to see u can remove out this elements from your land , they will support u as US Supports you , IF finally they cant find any solution for this & it keeps on gooing on than u need to face the music of this rich termed countries , who still governs the world , even china will be helpless to protect u , as no country will fire down its own interest inorder to protect the other country , Nowadays war is been played by isolating the countries who are not obeying as per international terms , no matter the country is doing right or wrong . as its a open fact the powerful ruler governs while the weak has to obey them if not so than face the music ...

My friend , All those afghan and pakistani Talibans were funded and weaponised by U.S.A ITSELF during the war against U.S.S.R. Who is Bin Laden? An Arab, Had been the blue eyed boy of USA. These are those factors which turned against USA. Pakistan has got nothing to do with it . (Kahmiri freedom fighters are not a threat to anyother country than India and world acknowledges that) .American forces in Afghanistan are failed to perform and control Taliban . They are only confined to Kabul , now what to do? Pakistan has performed lot better than the Us army in this war. SWAT , SOUTH WAZIRISTAN ARE CLEAR . Now U.S.A is hitting them and they are retaliating back . It is war my dear , It cannot be won millitarily(I am sure) , if anybody thinks that Pakistan and allied forces can 100% control it otherwise anything adverse can be done to Pakistan . It is not possible. We are ourselves hit by the same Taliban . Indians should understand that and should not find any oppertunity in this situation.
Iran , your friend? India went out of gas pipeline for friendship? India votes against Iran in U.N? Iranians are not what they were 10 years back. IRAN IS ALSO ONE OF THE MAJOR PLAYERS IN THE REGION. NOBODY CAN UNDERESTIMATE IRAN. THEY HAVE A PHILOSOPHY , THEY ARE RICH IN OIL AND DEVELOPING THEIR NUCLEAR PROGRAMME VERY RAPIDLY. Future market for Iranian exports(energy )is Pakistan (500 KM GAS PIPELINE IS COMPLETE AND FURTHER IS UNDER PROGRESS). In near future the gas will be extended to china . Even the future economics does not suggest that Iran would be Indian friend . :wave:

want to correct u here,China to voted against Iran in security council,and this is the reason why a ban is imposed on them

Iran and India r natural allies for a reason,and that reason is Pakistan itself,now dont tell me that Iran and Pakistan r natural allies.

and the pipeline is no big deal,they had extended the offer for pipeline first to India,China only came to discussion after India backed out.

and by the way it is still India who import 40% of the refined oil produced in Iran.
My friend , All those afghan and pakistani Talibans were funded and weaponised by U.S.A ITSELF during the war against U.S.S.R. Who is Bin Laden? An Arab, Had been the blue eyed boy of USA. These are those factors which turned against USA. Pakistan has got nothing to do with it . (Kahmiri freedom fighters are not a threat to anyother country than India and world acknowledges that) .American forces in Afghanistan are failed to perform and control Taliban . They are only confined to Kabul , now what to do? Pakistan has performed lot better than the Us army in this war. SWAT , SOUTH WAZIRISTAN ARE CLEAR . Now U.S.A is hitting them and they are retaliating back . It is war my dear , It cannot be won millitarily(I am sure) , if anybody thinks that Pakistan and allied forces can 100% control it otherwise anything adverse can be done to Pakistan . It is not possible. We are ourselves hit by the same Taliban . Indians should understand that and should not find any oppertunity in this situation.

Very correct , but the thing is the name attached to terrorism is Pakistan & AFGHANISTAN & Not Iran , Iraq , Syria or anyother country , U say US has ceated this mess in your land , ur previous governing bodies {military regime} adopted US policy , as they { military regime } looked out for shorter gains & they weren't far sighted ,this elements were created to fight against Russia to destabalise , now once Russia is weak , this elements r targetting U , inrespect to this u got huge $$$$ some part was used for noble cause for developing the economy but major part was used for this elements & hence it has become very difficult for Pak to have control on this elements .....

& No one is supprting ur cause for Kashmir , even ur true ally U.S on which u had great belief that it will support u @ any cost , doesnot promotes ur view , but It keeps on saying wht India says i.e the issue can be solved with dialogue & give up ur terrorist activity ..

U.S or China are very big powers, they will only look for their long gain interest , hence they are now even supporting for indias cause in UN seat , though it will take time to have changes in the total format of U.N , this are not short gains but huge gains which will require few time to carry on ...:cheers:
Very correct , but the thing is the name attached to terrorism is Pakistan & AFGHANISTAN & Not Iran , Iraq , Syria or anyother country , U say US has ceated this mess in your land , ur previous governing bodies {military regime} adopted US policy , as they { military regime } looked out for shorter gains & they weren't far sighted ,this elements were created to fight against Russia to destabalise , now once Russia is weak , this elements r targetting U , inrespect to this u got huge $$$$ some part was used for noble cause for developing the economy but major part was used for this elements & hence it has become very difficult for Pak to have control on this elements .....

& No one is supprting ur cause for Kashmir , even ur true ally U.S on which u had great belief that it will support u @ any cost , doesnot promotes ur view , but It keeps on saying wht India says i.e the issue can be solved with dialogue & give up ur terrorist activity ..

U.S or China are very big powers, they will only look for their long gain interest , hence they are now even supporting for indias cause in UN seat , though it will take time to have changes in the total format of U.N , this are not short gains but huge gains which will require few time to carry on ...:cheers:[/QUOTE My friend , if somebody strikes your country , what will you do ? Think of shorter gains or longer gains ? I am sure you will not think of any gain or economics . You will only see to defend your country. When U.S.S.R occupied Afghanistan, Afghans rose to the situation to fight for their homeland, it was a threat to Pakistan also , our existance could be at stake if USSR could control Afghanistan. We had to fight a war against Russians alongwith Afghans. It was a perfect decision at that time , however afterwards some Arabs including USAMA BIN LADEN , AIMNUL ZAWAHIRI etc formed Al quaida , for which we never supported .(we dont have any intension for terrorism in any country including U.S.A, WEST etc , we dont have any intrest in doing so). Taliban were not involved in any terrorist acts until 9/11,even 9/11 was done by Alqaida(a worlds presumption). By imposing war on Taliban the true direction was distorted . Now West has failed in Afghanistan , even India has no part to play in Afghanistan, now what to do ? This is what USA is doing the right thing I.e talking to Talibans . I am sure that the military solution is over form the mind of U.S.A beacuse all the efforts and money has not payed them off. I think the hard time is over , negotiations have begun . This challenge has been faced by the Pakistan very bravely . Now in the near future the situation will be setteled . HARD TIME IS OVER. Indian UNSC seat , Lets see when it happens ? We will see when it maaterializes? Still a long way for India to go . (U.s.a is very deceptive and China is a hard nut to crack). By the way it is cheering time for indians . Best of luck.
want to correct u here,China to voted against Iran in security council,and this is the reason why a ban is imposed on them

Iran and India r natural allies for a reason,and that reason is Pakistan itself,now dont tell me that Iran and Pakistan r natural allies.

and the pipeline is no big deal,they had extended the offer for pipeline first to India,China only came to discussion after India backed out.

and by the way it is still India who import 40% of the refined oil produced in Iran.
My dear you dont have any other choice to import oil other then Iran or few arab countries . All the world including west purchases oil from Iran . It is your obligation , which does not give any strength to you. Gas pipeline and its routes make stretegic differences .(Iran can sell its oil to any other country if you dont buy it, but for gas to pakistan , or china it needs pakistani soil , this is stretigic importance ). Any way Iran is definately hurt by Indian back out. Pakistan and Iran are two brotherly countries bound together by our hearts . The people are bound in future common intrests and also in the same reilgion and faith . We are not natural allies but BROTHERS .
Indians should be concerned about bigger nations in the world, and not Pakistan.

This is a new India, a growing economic and military super power (top 5 both). We should look towards China, middle east and west now.
My dear you dont have any other choice to import oil other then Iran or few arab countries . All the world including west purchases oil from Iran . It is your obligation , which does not give any strength to you. Gas pipeline and its routes make stretegic differences .(Iran can sell its oil to any other country if you dont buy it, but for gas to pakistan , or china it needs pakistani soil , this is stretigic importance ). Any way Iran is definately hurt by Indian back out. Pakistan and Iran are two brotherly countries bound together by our hearts . The people are bound in future common intrests and also in the same reilgion and faith . We are not natural allies but BROTHERS .

The whole world including the west buys oil from Iran??? Talk about something that you at least have some partial knowledge about, instead of just babbling like a baby.

Of the western countries, only Italy and France used to buy significant oil from Iran, and now with the sanctions, all the western companies have stopped. The last time I checked, the western world is still comfortably driving cars. India also has impeccable relations with all the oil producers around the world. Even then, if the entire gulf countries stop selling us oil, we still have other fallback options. Contrary to what you think, the entire world oil is not in a few gulf countries.

Now for the so called "strategic significance" that you blow waaay out of proportion. Pakistan is just the easiest way to get oil into India, it's not as if you surround our country...lol! we even have a plan to make a portion of the pipe divert offshore to kutch, before it even enters Pakistan. Anyway, if you think that you can use the pipeline to put on any pressure on India, that's just a pipe dream (no pun intended). we will simply use costlier routes to get our gas in the interim. On the other and, if India responds by a simple naval blockade of Karachi, Pakistan will be on it's knees in just a matter of days.

Just because India proposed a pipeline through Pakistan, it doesn't make you the center of the world. Even countries with actual strategic significance because of oil deposits can't be assured of their position. Saddam thought he could threaten the whole world because Iraq had huge oil reserves, and look what happened to him.

Just relax and be happy that two world powers are helping your economy by building a pipeline through your country, instead of trying to blow it out of proportion with claims of supreme strategic importance.

As for your so called "brotherly countries", Iran always had the least concern for you guys because you were always in bed with the Saudis citing your Sunni majority. On top of that, you now have your involvement against Iran in Afghanistan and things like the Jundallah, which have not exactly helped you both to get closer. Anyway, with your reputation of following the US policies like a pet, lets see who you will side with if America goes to war with Iran. You may think you are Iran's "brother", but they would rather trust us even if we vote against them, than side up with you.

Everything said, this tread is about India's security council seat, which has noting to do with any of these things. we will get it in our own sweet time and there is noting you could possibly do to stop it. so quit trying to talk about things that you don't know anything at all about and do something useful instead.
The whole world including the west buys oil from Iran??? Talk about something that you at least have some partial knowledge about, instead of just babbling like a baby.

Of the western countries, only Italy and France used to buy significant oil from Iran, and now with the sanctions, all the western companies have stopped. The last time I checked, the western world is still comfortably driving cars. India also has impeccable relations with all the oil producers around the world. Even then, if the entire gulf countries stop selling us oil, we still have other fallback options. Contrary to what you think, the entire world oil is not in a few gulf countries.

Now for the so called "strategic significance" that you blow waaay out of proportion. Pakistan is just the easiest way to get oil into India, it's not as if you surround our country...lol! we even have a plan to make a portion of the pipe divert offshore to kutch, before it even enters Pakistan. Anyway, if you think that you can use the pipeline to put on any pressure on India, that's just a pipe dream (no pun intended). we will simply use costlier routes to get our gas in the interim. On the other and, if India responds by a simple naval blockade of Karachi, Pakistan will be on it's knees in just a matter of days.

Just because India proposed a pipeline through Pakistan, it doesn't make you the center of the world. Even countries with actual strategic significance because of oil deposits can't be assured of their position. Saddam thought he could threaten the whole world because Iraq had huge oil reserves, and look what happened to him.

Just relax and be happy that two world powers are helping your economy by building a pipeline through your country, instead of trying to blow it out of proportion with claims of supreme strategic importance.

As for your so called "brotherly countries", Iran always had the least concern for you guys because you were always in bed with the Saudis citing your Sunni majority. On top of that, you now have your involvement against Iran in Afghanistan and things like the Jundallah, which have not exactly helped you both to get closer. Anyway, with your reputation of following the US policies like a pet, lets see who you will side with if America goes to war with Iran. You may think you are Iran's "brother", but they would rather trust us even if we vote against them, than side up with you.

Everything said, this tread is about India's security council seat, which has noting to do with any of these things. we will get it in our own sweet time and there is noting you could possibly do to stop it. so quit trying to talk about things that you don't know anything at all about and do something useful instead.
Gulf and Iran are one of the major producers of oil , I know that there are other producers too, if you have an option to buy, Iran has its options to sell .We will see when India makes a gas pipeline under water (dreams). I think you have no idea of millitary poise between pakistan and india , you are living in dreams , if you think you can make a blockade of Karachi , you can have your lollypop and sit aside . You can dream if you want . I have no need to tell you that Pakistan is not
Iraq , nor there is any Saddam Hussain.
Coming to Iran , Iran always supported Pakistan in its all wars against India, there is no Jindullah suppost in Pakistan , Saudis or Iranis , we think that all are muslims and brothers , and Pakistan has stood against western and U.S pressure and kept on moving forward with pipe line . This is the real common future , not like oppertunist Indians who laid down infront of U.S.A and left the pipeline project . Pakistan supports Iran on all forums and India gives vote against Iran . Who is the friend ? Real brothers are real brothers and oppertunists are oppertunists.
Indians should be concerned about bigger nations in the world, and not Pakistan.

This is a new India, a growing economic and military super power (top 5 both). We should look towards China, middle east and west now.

it's clear even on this forum the way indian-chinese members interactin is growing on current issues ....
India is neutral state, in one hand Purchase C17 Globmaster III from USA on other devloping Fifth genration Fighter aircraft with russia, I must say the foreign policy of india is clever enough to cope up with global challenge as India getting support from USA and Russia for UNSC permanent membership along with UK, France, Germany, australia ..
Iran always supported Pakistan in its all wars against India, there is no Jindullah suppost in Pakistan , Saudis or Iranis , we think that all are muslims and brothers ,

Interestingly it is always pakistan calling other its brothers...Lets see when brothers respond by behaving like a brother..
BTW we are expecting saudi and UAE investment here in tunes of ~$ 20 - 30 bill..

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