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Nuke Proliferation & Global Peace By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Nuclear Non-Proliferation Review conference concluded on May 28, 2010. 189 states participants of the conference though agreed to overcame differences and laid out steps toward the long-term goal of nuclear disarmament, but failed to set any deadlines or benchmarks for that goal. The conference demanded P5 states (U.S., France, Britain, China and Russia) to speed up "concrete progress" on their disarmament and move towards an overall reduction of their nuclear arsenals. They are also urged to lessen the role and importance of nuclear weapons in their military and security policies, and further enhance transparency and increase mutual confidence.

NPT conference held under the shadow of IAEA was seemed to be geo political point scoring game of supper powers. The reason in this context is that none of the nuke or non nuke states is implementing clauses of nuke treaties in its true essence. The companies of USA, France, UK, South Korea, Israel and India were found directly or indirectly involved in proliferation of nuke equipments. Somehow countries mentioned failed to have proper and fool proof arrangements in stopping of pilferages of information, transfer of technology, smuggling of enriched Uranium through underworld elements. The illegal activities put the global peace at stake since the Hindu and Jews terrorist groups have managed to have access to the nuke world and are probably busy in preparing low yield nuke weapons.

According to Articles I,II and III, nuclear states will not transfer any nuclear weapons –related technology to any non nuclear weapons states, and similarly non-nuclear weapons states undertake not to seek nuclear weapons related technology and to accept IAEA safeguards. In fact American’s favourit Israel and India have never implemented IAEA instructions regarding safety and proliferation of Nukes. In this connection on May 23,2010 “Guardian” published the "top secret" minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa's defence minister, PW Botha, asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Israel's defence minister and now its president, responded by offering them "in three sizes". Though Israeli president denied any such report but document published in the newspaper has proved the fact that two men has signed the agreement. However, the misplacement or lost of three nuclear weapons is the most serious and dangerous aspect of this issue. Reportedly, RAW and Mossad with the tacit support of CIA have deliberately taken away the weapons and the same might be used in maligning Iranian or Pakistani firms or individuals in proliferation of nukes.

America too is playing the double game with Pakistan, since on one side she has made civil nuke deal with India and at the same time criticizing similar nature of deal between Pak-China. I think Obama administration is failed to comprehend the real situation of the region and promoting Indian and Israeli influence in Asia and Middle East. Ethically saying U.S administration is losing her credibility due to her changing stance over important issue of nuke proliferation. India is a country which is yet to establish command and control system for the nukes. Astonishingly, despite India has rich record of nuke proliferation, but even then Canada is ready to sign a civil nuclear agreement with her on June 26, 2010. Canada will allow New Delhi to secure uranium, nuclear equipment and technology to meet its energy needs. The agreement will be concluded during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit in Toronto for the upcoming G20 Summit. Canada will become the latest country with which India will have a civil nuclear deal since the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) allowed New Delhi to resume global nuclear trade in September 2008. India has already signed similar agreements with countries like the US, France and o Russia. Thus, increasing nuclear power quests of India will defiantly threatening world peace.

Precisely, commenting the major incident in nukes pants, theft cases of enriched Uranium murdering and harassing of nuclear staff by intelligence agency is really touching to its climax. Reportedly, because of poor safety and security arrangement on May 14 2010, another incident of poor radiation security green place radiation experts have identified eight hotspots in New Delhi Mayapuri area which have 5000 times the natural background radiation defined as safe by the department of atomic energy. In this incident one individual died and eleven others were injured. In this incident one individual died and eleven others were injured. Some of the details of Indian nuke proliferation have been mentioned in the succeeding paras for the consumption of expert and serious circles, U.S. based Think Tanks:-

Almost 160 cases of theft, loss and misplacement of radioactive source have been registered in the local police. Again recently a radiographer boarding a train in New Delhi carrying an industrial gamma radiography exposure device was stolen from him and never found. In April 2007 a radiography Camera stolen from Jadadishphir near Lucknow could not be found till to date. In November 2009, fifty five employees consumed radioactive material after titrated founded its way into the drinking water cooler in Kaiga Nuclear plant in Karnataka. The leakage of 4-14 tones of heavy water from the pipes at madras atomic processing plant in Tamil Nadu. Six workers have been exposed to high doses of radioactive radiation.

Indian police found dead body of the nuclear scientist, Lokanathan Mahalingam from Kali River in Jun 2009. The scientist was in possession of highly sensitive / classified information. On 29 December 2009, a fire broke out at the BARC, killing two scientists identified as Umang Singh and Partha Bagga. Anantha Narayanan, a scientific working in the computer department of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam is missing since Feb 2010.

A 48 year old Madhadevan lyer, scientist of the BARC was found dead in his official residence in Feb 2010.

Mr Thirumala Prasad Thenka, a scientist of Raja Ramanna Centre for Advance Technology (RRCAT) committed suicide by hanging himself on 12 Apr 2010,. On 28 April 2010, Delhi Police traces Cobalt – 60 to DU Chemistry Department.

In short, such incidents indicate that these scientists were involved in some criminal acts such as nuclear materials thefts / proliferation. The possibilities of killing by terrorist / extremists groups after getting nuclear secrets can not be ruled out. But same time I would like to express that Nuke Watchdog IAEA has not yet carried out detailed inspection of Indian Nuclear plants. World community should stop Indian and Israel from further expansion of their nuclear programme.
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