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Nuclear Attack Safety Measures



New Recruit

Oct 4, 2018
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In case of Nuclear war, take these measures as soon as possible.

If you are very close to ground zero (blast location) chances of survival are less than 0.001%, because the shockwave, the heat burns and the air pressure will kill you at least the flash will turn you blind.

If you are living at least 3-4 miles from g0 then survival chances exist.

Take following steps :-

1) In case of blast, you'll see a flash. If you are standing in outside location, it may even burn you or at least blind you. So try to stay inside, or at least your back should face g0. (Because burns can be treated but not the blindness)

2) You'll first see the light flash of blast, wherever you are, if you survive the stage 1 then don't waste single second. Whatever it may be don't hesitate or feel shame to do so. Just run to the appropriate locations as described below.


You must run in 3-4 seconds to these locations:-

I) Basement (run to any room and close the door) {room must not contain window or direct connection with outside world}

II) if you don't have basement then rush to a room with no window and with concentrated walls (KITCHEN for example because it may have racks with side walls)

III) A bath tub or a pool filled with water. You must be drowned 10inches within that. You may possibly survive with less chances.

IV) If nothing above or if you have Habit of getting panic, simply close the door and go under your bed, try to create a wall around you with pillows or something else.

V) In a closed room, close yourself in a wooden cupboard.

As you do so in few seconds, you'll hear a blast which may damage your ears and

a shockwave will hit the house (place), if your house withstands that, don't feel the success because a more powerful wave will hit it again after bouncing back (due to low pressure created in region) if your fateful place withstand it too then note the next stage.

3) You'll observe an oven temperature (heatwave) if you're in closed location, you may survive that too.

This was the basic survival (stage 1)

Real game starts then.

1) Don't leave the place for 48 hours. Its better to die there on your own than to come out.

2) The nuclear fallout (radiations) take 48 hours to reduce to 1/100 of original quantity so stay there.

3) you may spend most of time in sleeping (so so in starting hours) it consumes less body energy, then wake up and after 24 hours again sleep when you feel thirst or hunger. Then the danger of exposure to radiations reduce to a large extent.

Remember a military rule :- You can survive without oxygen for 3mins,,,,,,, You can survive without water for 3days,,,,,,, and you can survive without food for 30days.

Remember, if you are not in a very concentrated packing, then Gamma radiations will catch you even through a layer of concrete.

Even then, you may survive for next few years.

4) You'll feel radiation sickness, try to reach to water unharmed and drink it, try not to fell unconscious.

5) You can take a phone or a water bottle present close to you to that hiding location if you can do so in seconds.

After 38-40 hours try to be patient and wait for a few hours. You can also dip your mind in sea of all thoughts of how was your city, how to rebuild it etc......

Finally call the emergency no. if you can for evacuation or simply cover your body and leave the area after 46 hours.
Drink a lot of water, seek medical relief from rescue teams.

You may see ashes everywhere but be confident and be determined like people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

One things is clear, exposure to radiations may cause mutations and you'll probably find it after some years so right after survival, even if you are 100% okay, then get a complete treatment and checkup.

May ALLAH Protect the people of Pakistan and Pakistan itself.
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