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NSA may be putting Israeli security interests above U.S., new document reveals


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Journalist Glenn Greenwald's new book, 'No Place to Hide,' includes materials on intelligence relations with Israel.

A document suggesting that the U.S. National Security Agency may put the interests of Israel above those of the United States was released Wednesday by journalist Glenn Greenwald.

The document is one of the many slides leaked by NSA defector Edward Snowden, currently a fugitive from American law in Moscow.

Greenwald, who published many of Snowden's revelations over the last year, released his book "No Place to Hide" on Wednesday. Concurrently with the release of the book, Greenwald made public slides that Snowden obtained from the NSA. One of them deals with intelligence relations with Israel.

"Balancing the SIGINT exchange equally between U.S. and Israeli needs has been a constant challenge in the last decade; it arguably tilted heavily in favor of Israeli security concerns. 9/11 came, and went, with NSA's only true Third Party CT relationship being driven almost totally by the needs of the partner," one slide reads.

Another slide states, "The Israelis are extraordinarily good SIGINT partners for us, but … they target us to learn our positions on Middle East problems. A NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] ranked them as the third most aggressive intelligence service against the U.S."

These statements imply that the NSA is providing Israel with information much more than Israel is providing the United States with information. Writing in The Guardian last September, Greenwald noted that "the National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without first sifting it to remove information about U.S. citizens."

Greenwald also pointed out that while Israel is one of America's closest allies, it is "not one of the inner core of countries involved in surveillance sharing with the U.S. – Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. This group is collectively known as Five Eyes."

At the time, the NSA released a statement published in The Guardian article: "The fact that intelligence services work together under specific and regulated conditions mutually strengthens the security of both nations."

It has yet to be seen how the NSA will respond to the newly released documents made public by Greenwald.

NSA may be putting Israeli security interests above U.S., new document reveals - World Israel News | Haaretz
nothing new, USA main concern is Israel, their cities are bankrupts, yet they have enough money to send to terrorists in Syria to make Israel stronger...
Israel supports F$A terrorists, they treat them then send them back to kill Syrians... you can google Israel treats FSA

Do you think this has been happening since Day 1 or do you think maybe Israel is getting worried about the ANF or some other opposition group getting too strong?
Do you think this has been happening since Day 1 or do you think maybe Israel is getting worried about the ANF or some other opposition group getting too strong?
before the conflict started, as French foreign minister and general William Clark stated..

Yes humanitarian help is EVIL.
so treating Alqaeda is humanitarian help?

in addition, there is a major conflict between Syria and Israel... thus the F$A terrorists are traitors who run to Israel... they even admitted that they work for Israel...
before the conflict started, as French foreign minister and general William Clark stated..

so treating Alqaeda is humanitarian help?

in addition, there is a major conflict between Syria and Israel... thus the F$A terrorists are traitors who run to Israel... they even admitted that they work for Israel...

Easy to make claims, maybe harder to prove.

You have a list of Syrians which has been receiving treatment,
together with proof that they are al-qaeda?

As for being a traitor, *YOU* may be accused of being a traitor, if FSA wins.
In a civil war the winner in the end defines who is the traitor.

To be considered a traitor, you have to actively perform acts which betrays the country.
Getting medical treatment in an enemy country, hardly is treasonous.
Easy to make claims, maybe harder to prove.

You have a list of Syrians which has been receiving treatment,
together with proof that they are al-qaeda?

As for being a traitor, *YOU* may be accused of being a traitor, if FSA wins.
In a civil war the winner in the end defines who is the traitor.

To be considered a traitor, you have to actively perform acts which betrays the country.
Getting medical treatment in an enemy country, hardly is treasonous.
a traitor is the one who goes to the enemy, in this case Israel, to ask for help to invade your country and kill your countrymen... now you can go do some research, as I said before, simple google research Israel treats FSA, will do enough, going to Israel to get help is betrayal itself... and worse, celebrating when Israel attacks Syria is betrayal... and this is not a civil war, this International terrorism vs Syria.
"Al Qaeda" treated in Israel:



An Israeli girl (left) smiles at a Syrian girl (right) who suffered severe injuries when a shell exploded in her village.
a traitor is the one who goes to the enemy, in this case Israel, to ask for help to invade your country and kill your countrymen... now you can go do some research, as I said before, simple google research Israel treats FSA, will do enough, going to Israel to get help is betrayal itself... and worse, celebrating when Israel attacks Syria is betrayal... and this is not a civil war, this International terrorism vs Syria.

Yes you find a few propaganda posts, like a Youtube clip which starts with blessing Al-Assad,
or Press-TV clips. Get some real sources...

By the way, have You heard the rumour spreading over Internet that Al-Assad is paying Al-Qaeda to attack
Syrian Army so that he can kill many Syrian Civilians, and thus get out his reputation as a weakling,
and be perceived to be as brutal as his father?

If You google for it, You should at least find this posting in a few days, LOL...
Yes you find a few propaganda posts, like a Youtube clip which starts with blessing Al-Assad,
or Press-TV clips. Get some real sources...

By the way, have You heard the rumour spreading over Internet that Al-Assad is paying Al-Qaeda to attack
Syrian Army so that he can kill many Syrian Civilians, and thus get out his reputation as a weakling,
and be perceived to be as brutal as his father?

If You google for it, You should at least find this posting in a few days, LOL...
you are really dumb, here is Israeli news, now you are going to tell me Israeli papers are Alasad propaganda?

Israeli hospital treats Syrian rebel fighters - Israel Today | Israel News

Syrian Rebels Thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion - Israel Today | Israel News

Syrian rebel leader thanks PM for standing by wounded | The Times of Israel

and much more, you just don't have the intelligence of 10 year old to do simple google search...

now tell me, can you do a youube search?? or now you are going to tell me Israeli tv is also Alasad propaganda?

let me know if you want more, or you can check my old threads for more, but wait you can't do a simple google search...
From one of yor posts:

"Meanwhile, Israel treats anyone and everyone who crossed the border in need of medical care. On average, some 100 Syrians are being processed each month by the IDF field hospital before being sent on to larger medical facilities in Israel for more advanced treatment."

Requests for medical aid is not treason, and my guess is that the seven mentioned are locals and not foreign Al-Quada. Do not see why local druzes would want to adopt a mercenary.
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