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North-West Muslims will prove the best defenders of India

Actually he did not.

ML just wanted constitutional protection for MMPs within the framework of United India.

But Indian Congress was too dumb to follow a model similar to US Congress and US model of giving states exclusive rights.

Those idiots were too stuck with Indo-British model of parliament. Copy paste idiots dare I say.


Given the British Indian linguistic-cultural differences other than religion, there were more chances of disintegration if the greater autonomy were given to the states.
seriously? The culture of Islam is what is in Pakistan? So Islam is strong in central and south asia because of Pakistan. There is no worse role model of an Islamic state as it exists in Pakistan.

No one talked about Pakistan being a 'role model' for Islam mate.

Understand the difference...
Relevant part

Very accurate and I also argued this on this forum many times. Good to see Iqbal's endorsement

There are 500 million+ Muslims in Indian subcontinent...

And Pakistan is the centralized territory, armed to teeth, and with nuclear capability protecting the remarkable cultural force of Islam in the region. If it wasn't for Pakistan, Islam would have been much, much weaker not only in India, but in Afghanistan, and entire Central Asia too.

Quite a funny statement there. Does Islam (or any other religion) require "to be armed to the teeth" in order to be preserved and exist??????
Religions derive their inherent stengths from weapons of war; do they?
Simply Crazy.........
I don't understand, through out the history North West Muslims never have protected India from any invasion, in fact most invaders passed right through frontier with minor irritants and Punjab and met their first real resistance at around Panipath. So why did Iqbal think NW Muslims will save India?
I don't understand, through out the history North West Muslims never have protected India from any invasion, in fact most invaders passed right through frontier with minor irritants and Punjab and met their first real resistance at around Panipath. So why did Iqbal think NW Muslims will save India?
also does anybody have real data about north west muslim content in British Indian army, 54 percent of british army was punjabi, but which varety?
Quite a funny statement there. Does Islam (or any other religion) require "to be armed to the teeth" in order to be preserved and exist??????
Religions derive their inherent stengths from weapons of war; do they?
Simply Crazy.........

No one said Islam requires to be armed to teeth. I was talking about state.
No one talked about Pakistan being a 'role model' for Islam mate.

Understand the difference...

:-) And your comment seems to bring out the same. As to how great the 'Citadel' of Islam is and how without it Islam would collapse in South and Central Asia without it. In reality, Pakistan is a case study on how Islamic states should not run their affairs.

Quite a funny statement there. Does Islam (or any other religion) require "to be armed to the teeth" in order to be preserved and exist??????
Religions derive their inherent stengths from weapons of war; do they?
Simply Crazy.........

Thekedari Syndrome.
This centralisation of the most living portion of the Muslims of India, whose military and police service has, notwithstanding unfair treatment from the British, made the British rule possible in this country, will eventually solve the problem of India as well as of Asia. It will intensify their sense of responsibility and deepen their patriotic feeling.

Quite a contradictory statement there - If the Muslims of India facilitated and made the British rule possible in India - how is even possible for them to be patriotic and have a sense of responsibility? - they will be patriotic to invaders or foreign forces one more time instead.
No one said Islam requires to be armed to teeth. I was talking about state.

State is a different matter. States just represent themselves, Good, Bad or Obnoxious.
Why drag Religion into it? If States consider themselves as symbols or embodiments of Religions; that will simply be a ridiculisation or mockery of Religion.
Show me one place where he talked about partitioning India and forming Pakistan.

Just one tiny place.

And yes please do not quote the 4th grade Mutala-e-Pakistan book. That is meant for kids and not grown ups.
Yeah sure i will never quote Mutala e Pakistan for u because to even read that u need to pass basic ABC or Alif Bay Pay.

Cora Dimagh cant even understand that.

Read this thread again and again if u cant understand what we r or yr matala e Pakistan is talking about. He gives the concept of Pakistan in this Allahbad Sermon. If u expect someone to spoon feed by calling a country's idea with name then yr mistaken.
Yeah sure i will never quote Mutala e Pakistan for u because to even read that u need to pass basic ABC or Alif Bay Pay.

Cora Dimagh cant even understand that.

Read this thread again and again if u cant understand what we r or yr matala e Pakistan is talking about. He gives the concept of Pakistan in this Allahbad Sermon. If u expect someone to spoon feed by calling a country's idea with name then yr mistaken.

personal attacks are the hallmark of someone who lacks knowledge.

Why are you getting mad at me.

Iqbal was talking about preserving united India.

Now tell me if this is your "concept" of Pakistan to be part of united india.

Please explain.
No one talked about Pakistan being a 'role model' for Islam mate.

Understand the difference...

So how exactly islam gets stronger with creation of pakistan?

What is pakistan contribution? Nuke?

I don't understand, through out the history North West Muslims never have protected India from any invasion, in fact most invaders passed right through frontier with minor irritants and Punjab and met their first real resistance at around Panipath. So why did Iqbal think NW Muslims will save India?

There were no muslims then ;)
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