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No, study doesn’t prove Moderna ‘created’ COVID-19

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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As Russia’s war in Ukraine captures headlines, one anti-vaccine website is seeking to turn reader attention back to an unproven claim about COVID-19’s origins.

"Whilst you were distracted by the Battle for Ukraine, documents were published confirming Moderna created the COVID-19 Virus," read a March 14 headline on a story published on The Expose, a British website that describes itself as "run by extremely ordinary, hardworking people who are sick and tired of the fear-mongering, lies and propaganda perpetuated by the mainstream media."

Beneath the headline, the story — which carried the anonymous byline of "a concerned reader" — alleged that new evidence "proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the COVID-19 virus was created by the very pharmaceutical giant that has made billions" from a vaccine.

The article was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

That’s because it drew a sweeping — and false — conclusion from a recent scientific paper that the lead author of the study itself said he can’t endorse.

About the claim
The Expose’s story refers to a Feb. 23 article in the Daily Mail regarding a recent scientific paper published in Frontiers in Virology. The Daily Mail said it stoked "fresh suspicion that Covid may have been tinkered with in a lab."

Both the Daily Mail and The Expose stories said the paper’s authors discovered a portion of genetic code found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is a match for a part of code found in a gene sequence vaccine-maker Moderna filed a patent for in 2016 for cancer research — three years before the virus was discovered.

According to The Expose, the likelihood of that match is so rare that it amounts to smoking gun evidence that Moderna created the virus that causes COVID-19.

"They calculated that the chances of a 19 nucleotide sequence patented by Moderna randomly appearing in Covid-19 in circumstances where it does not appear anywhere else in nature are 1 in 3 trillion," The Expose wrote. (Nucleotides are the basic building blocks of nucleic acids, like DNA and RNA.)

The Expose goes on to conclude that Moderna released SARS-CoV-2 "in order to sell their vaccines and to destroy the immune systems of their customers because our immune systems reduce their profits."

We reached out to Moderna for comment about the claim but did not receive a response.

The study
The actual study at the center of The Expose’s claim was published Feb. 21 and authored by seven researchers working at institutions across the globe, including University of Oregon, University of Padova in Italy, University of Michigan and University of South Florida, as well as Pan Therapeutics, a for-profit company in Switzerland that develops anti-cancer drugs.

The paper’s authors wrote that during a search of an online database known as BLAST for a 12-nucleotide sequence found in the COVID-19 spike protein, they discovered a 19-nucleotide sequence they said was an exact reverse match found in the Moderna-patented gene sequence. They wrote that such a finding "may occur randomly but other possibilities must be considered."

BLAST, or Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, is an online tool from the National Library of Medicine that lets users compare "nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases."

The paper’s authors said the matching code sequence was found in the virus’ furin cleavage site, one of the three main regions of the coronavirus, and one that researchers believe plays a key role in enabling the virus to penetrate deeply into a person’s lungs and cause serious illness.

Dr. Bala Ambati, an ophthalmologist and a research professor at the University of Oregon, was first author on the study.

He told PolitiFact that the peer-reviewed article was "published as a perspective, the main purpose of which was to stimulate discussion."

"We understood from the beginning that this match could be random chance and stated this in the article very prominently," he said.

Asked whether the study proves the article’s claim that it was definitive proof that "Moderna created the COVID-19 virus," Ambati said the researchers’ only goal is further study.

"We are not casting aspersions on any person, company, or country. We do not control social media and therefore can't respond to it," he said.

Criticism by researchers
Referencing statements by scientists who responded to the Frontiers in Virology study, Health Feedback fact-checkers noted that the matching code sequence "isn’t unique" to the gene patented by Moderna and also "can occur in nature."

The same sequence was found in some chimney swifts and some bacterium, the scientists showed.

The Daily Mail article itself quoted two critics. Lawrence Young, a virologist from Warwick University, told the Mail described the study’s finding as a "quirky observation" but not a "smoking gun." Simon Clarke, a microbiologist from Reading University, said that the match was "surely entirely coincidental."

Experts we spoke with agreed.

"It’s an interesting coincidence, but nothing so amazing that it’s slam dunk evidence of much of anything, much less that Moderna somehow predicted COVID-19 and patented the sequence," said Dr. David Gorski, an oncologist and managing editor of the website Science-based Medicine, told PolitiFact.

Gorski said the 12-nucleotide sequence the study’s authors searched for isn’t very large. "One would expect, by random chance alone, lots of matches doing a BLAST search," he said.

Gorski wrote more in depth about the topic here.

Dr. Stanley Perlman, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Iowa, whose lab studies coronavirus infections, said the claim is not supported "by any believable data."

What we know about COVID-19’s origins
The question of COVID-19’s origin continues to be a matter of discussion and ongoing research. In 2021, PolitiFact found that scientists had generally concluded that the virus resembles naturally occurring viruses. They were also paying attention, though, to the theory that it somehow leaked from a research lab in Wuhan, China.

The World Health Organization in 2021 established the WHO Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins on Novel Pathogens to evaluate and advise the organization about studies into the origin of COVID-19 and other pathogens. It’s expected to release a report soon about which studies are urgently needed, a WHO epidemiologist told Nature.

And President Joe Biden in August 2021 said the U.S. would continue to work with the WHO in that investigation.

In February, scientists released two studies that again pointed to a large food and animal market in Wuhan as the likely source of COVID-19, a development that received wide coverage.

Ambati said there are reasonable hypotheses about the origin of COVID-19 either being from a lab leak or from natural sources, but said most of them "are not prospectively testable."

"We want to stimulate discussion amongst all concerned on both ‘sides’ of the issue to try to produce prospective experiments that can prove or disprove their hypotheses. That is the major purpose of our perspective paper," Ambati said.

Our ruling
An article claims that a recent study that found a matching stretch of code in the COVID-19 virus and a synthetic gene sequence patented by Moderna is proof that "Moderna created the COVID-19 virus."

There was a matching 19-nucleotide sequence found, but experts described it as likely coincidental and not definitive evidence of a lab leak or a creation by Moderna. The study’s authors did not say it proved anything, but rather they hoped their hypothesis would provoke further discussion and experiments.

We rate this claim False.
I do not think so.
It's all too coincidental:
(1) In the 2019 Wuhan Military Games, the U.S. team performed abnormally, and the athletes were ill and reported missing;
(2) The Event 201 exercise initiated by the United States before the epidemic;
(3) the closure of Fort Detrick;
(4) Consistent gene segments;
(5) The research plan of the U.S. biological laboratory in Ukraine discovered by the Russian army;
People all over the world are in panic, but the US military and officials seem to have the script in their hands.
I do not think so.
It's all too coincidental:
(1) In the 2019 Wuhan Military Games, the U.S. team performed abnormally, and the athletes were ill and reported missing;
(2) The Event 201 exercise initiated by the United States before the epidemic;
(3) the closure of Fort Detrick;
(4) Consistent gene segments;
(5) The research plan of the U.S. biological laboratory in Ukraine discovered by the Russian army;
People all over the world are in panic, but the US military and officials seem to have the script in their hands.

How about
1) Denial of access to the Wuhan site to WHO
inspectors for over a year until you had completely cleaned the place of any evidence.

2) Denial of bat experiments in Wuhan.

3) Denial of followup inspections by the WHO of the Wuhan lab

4) Denial of WHO to allow an investigation team access to resources in Wuhan to determine the cause of the Wuhan outbreak..since China has yet to figure it out themselves.

5) The abandoned mine in China where people died of covid in 2013...now sealed to all with cement.
(5) The research plan of the U.S. biological laboratory in Ukraine discovered by the Russian army;
People all over the world are in panic, but the US military and officials seem to have the script in their hands.
The US, according to Nuland, has 300 bio-research labs around the world, 26 of them in Ukraine.

Under protest from the domestic scientific community, the US president passed a law banning certain kinds of research. This consisted of 'enhancing' viruses.ie making a harmless virus more dangerous. Placing a lab outside the US circumvents this law.
How about
1) Denial of access to the Wuhan site to WHO
inspectors for over a year until you had completely cleaned the place of any evidence.

2) Denial of bat experiments in Wuhan.

3) Denial of followup inspections by the WHO of the Wuhan lab

4) Denial of WHO to allow an investigation team access to resources in Wuhan to determine the cause of the Wuhan outbreak..since China has yet to figure it out themselves.

5) The abandoned mine in China where people died of covid in 2013...now sealed to all with cement.
Of course, the so-called investigation with the presumption of guilt should be rejected. This is what some countries who are hysterically trying to contain China's development and undermine China's social stability hope.

Suppose your neighbor suspects that you have stolen his money, and he will go to your house to investigate according to his imagination. Would you like to? This is certainly something that a person of normal IQ should reject.

The COVID-19 epidemic has made people all over the world see which country values the lives and health of its own citizens, and which country is betraying its own citizens and the world. These are objective facts and self-evident.

Wuhan seems to be just an intermediate stop for the Pentagon to simulate the virus epidemic (of course, an important stop, just because it is located in China). In the information that has been released by the Russian army, there are more worthy of your attention. Here you are tangled up with me to prove some rumors that you can't prove at all.

Your time is worth doing more meaningful things than talking shit here.
How about
1) Denial of access to the Wuhan site to WHO
inspectors for over a year until you had completely cleaned the place of any evidence.

2) Denial of bat experiments in Wuhan.

3) Denial of followup inspections by the WHO of the Wuhan lab

4) Denial of WHO to allow an investigation team access to resources in Wuhan to determine the cause of the Wuhan outbreak..since China has yet to figure it out themselves.

5) The abandoned mine in China where people died of covid in 2013...now sealed to all with cement.
While Fort detrick was not even inspect once by any independent organization. Can you show or prove any inspection by WHO after the covid-19 started?

At least Wuhan got guts to let WHO to go in and see for themselves once. While cheapshot western wanted to continue inspect it 99 times to keep smearing China for covid-19.
I do not think so.
It's all too coincidental:
(1) In the 2019 Wuhan Military Games, the U.S. team performed abnormally, and the athletes were ill and reported missing;
(2) The Event 201 exercise initiated by the United States before the epidemic;
(3) the closure of Fort Detrick;
(4) Consistent gene segments;
(5) The research plan of the U.S. biological laboratory in Ukraine discovered by the Russian army;
People all over the world are in panic, but the US military and officials seem to have the script in their hands.
U missed out one of the most significant event.
Any guesses how far is this from fort detrick ?

Cause of Respiratory Illness Still Unknown After Dozens Sickened at Virginia Retirement Community​

The outbreak was reported in the assisted living and skilled nursing areas of the community, where about 263 people live​

By Carissa DiMargo and Julie Carey, Northern Virginia Bureau Chief • Published July 17, 2019 • Updated on July 18, 2019 at 1:50 pm​

Fairfax County health officials said they don't yet have a cause of the respiratory illness that sicked more than 60 residents at a Northern Virginia senior living community.
The outbreak at Greenspring Retirement Community in Springfield began June 30. Sick residents had symptoms such as coughs, fevers and pneumonia.

Three people have also died, but Dr. Benjamin Schwartz of the Fairfax County Health De..............

Health officials said last week what was striking about the outbreak was the number of residents impacted and the time of year — summer instead of winter, when flu and respiratory illness usually spread.........................

The health department has sent several samples from infected patients to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for testing, but no cause for the outbreak has been identified, Schwartz said.

The health department is continuing to work with the facility on the investigation, he said. Testing for Legionnaires disease was negative, he said.

Schwartz said there were also reports of a respiratory illness outbreak at an assisted living facility several miles away in Burke, Virginia. About 25 people were ill there, including two with pneumonia; there have been no deaths. He said there is "no evidence of any connection whatsoever" between the two outbreaks.
Last edited:
U missed out one of the most significant event.
Any guesses how far is this from fort detrick ?

Cause of Respiratory Illness Still Unknown After Dozens Sickened at Virginia Retirement Community​

The outbreak was reported in the assisted living and skilled nursing areas of the community, where about 263 people live​

By Carissa DiMargo and Julie Carey, Northern Virginia Bureau Chief • Published July 17, 2019 • Updated on July 18, 2019 at 1:50 pm​

Fairfax County health officials said they don't yet have a cause of the respiratory illness that sicked more than 60 residents at a Northern Virginia senior living community.
The outbreak at Greenspring Retirement Community in Springfield began June 30. Sick residents had symptoms such as coughs, fevers and pneumonia.

Three people have also died, but Dr. Benjamin Schwartz of the Fairfax County Health De..............

Health officials said last week what was striking about the outbreak was the number of residents impacted and the time of year — summer instead of winter, when flu and respiratory illness usually spread.........................

The health department has sent several samples from infected patients to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for testing, but no cause for the outbreak has been identified, Schwartz said.

The health department is continuing to work with the facility on the investigation, he said. Testing for Legionnaires disease was negative, he said.

Schwartz said there were also reports of a respiratory illness outbreak at an assisted living facility several miles away in Burke, Virginia. About 25 people were ill there, including two with pneumonia; there have been no deaths. He said there is "no evidence of any connection whatsoever" between the two outbreaks.
you are right!
How about
1) Denial of access to the Wuhan site to WHO
inspectors for over a year until you had completely cleaned the place of any evidence.

2) Denial of bat experiments in Wuhan.

3) Denial of followup inspections by the WHO of the Wuhan lab

4) Denial of WHO to allow an investigation team access to resources in Wuhan to determine the cause of the Wuhan outbreak..since China has yet to figure it out themselves.

5) The abandoned mine in China where people died of covid in 2013...now sealed to all with cement.
Actually USA is too much innocent. So innocent that no one trust USA anymore.
It's not Moderna who created the virus.

But someone is using the patent to create a new virus in the lab.

The patent is commonly used by many researchers because it makes a virus to be easier to infect a human host.

Basically, the existence of the patent in the Covid-19 makes a suspicious that the virus was created in the lab.
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