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No forced “sharia” by the TTP – Imran Khan

Humble Pakistani


New Recruit

Apr 27, 2013
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Whatever the TTP leadership told Imran Khan in their “secret meeting” is a blatant lie. And Imran is an idiot if he believes them. He is a blind idiot for advocating their lies to the Pakistani public. How can any sane person turn a blind eye to their indiscriminate killings and many other crimes against humanity? Where has Imran Khan been for the last decade?

Obviously, not on this planet! Over 50,000 women, children, elderly of all ethnicities, military, police personnel killed on roadsides, in their custody, in schools, in mosques, court houses, bazaars and police & military institutions. Yet, he has the audacity to suggest that the killings can be blamed on Pakistan’s participation in the War on Terror.

This is also news that they will not impose “sharia” by force. So how do they intend to impose it? Can Mr. Khan let the nation into that little secret?

The ‘hope” Imran Khan had shown before the last elections turned out to be a mirage. He is just a Taliban apologist who like the current government, is trying to appease the TTP at any cost. But why is the question? I have come to this conclusion that the current leaders are just as bad if not worse than the last ruling party (PPP). At least the PPP mainly kept their focus on looting. But the current leaders will finally hand over the country to the evil Taliban after sucking it completely dry.

The fresh breeze that arose during the election campaign by PTI has turned into stale and stagnant air. And it is snuffing the little life that is left in the nation.

Source:No forced “sharia” by the TTP – Imran Khan | The Pakistani Spectator
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