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'No fascism in our kitchen' Beef fests at 210 places in Kerala by SFI

I am yet to see muslim who eats pork. Is it really necessary to slaughter cows? I don't have any problem slaughtering bulls. Why is it so necessary to slaughter cows?
Hey I got no problem giving up beef. If it becomes law I will of-course respect it.
Indians should not be able to eat beef. It is absolutely atrocious and very insensitive to the vast majority of Hindus in India.
Pros - This will unite more Dharmic people.
Cons - More cows will die due to new beef protest festivals.
Yesterdays protest by youth congress backfired but whatever it is, these kind of incidents would bring out the hidden mentality of a few people.
They can organize these in front of mandirs, gurdwaras and temples and show Hindus their aukaat.
They can organise it on some special occasions though, festivals(?), Imagine one during kumbh mela, that would get a good media coverage and would really show Hindus their aukad.
I prefer mother in law cow karahi to step mother cow karahi but then again grand mother cow karahi I haven't tried yet .
Couldnt see this enthusiasm when they openly bolted animals,supplied disease infested cattles etc.
This kind of act will only earn the ire of a good section of Hindus .
I wont full heartedly support this move of GoI because of their impractical approach .
We cant afford the expense of old cows ,buffaloes etc in shelters .And it is in fact against the Animal rights because they will surely suffers due to its age.
And it will hit a big industry and crores of jobs.
apparently animal rights concern only cows.....

We will do whatever we want .Who the F are you to question us ?
You are in North for eating NorthIndian shit .
Then do that passionately .
Oh yes tell your retarded SS like morons to stop industrial scale prostitiution in Mumbai .
So much for morality.:lol:
there should be a move to ban paneer, all these veggies will be agitated like hell.

Pros - This will unite more Dharmic people.
Cons - More cows will die due to new beef protest festivals.
apparently animal rights concern only cows.....

there should be a move to ban paneer, all these veggies will be agitated like hell.


Infact I full heartedly support the move of GoI.I have heard the experts view about guezette.
It is quite good .
Middle men and exploitation will find.Farmers have to sold their cattle directly in to slaughter house
.No cattle market.

Nope.All other animals including cows are added into it.
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