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Nirbhay cruise missile will get New Indigenous Seeker and Manik engine in the next test


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Nirbhay cruise missile will get New Indigenous Seeker and Manik engine in the next test
Published April 30, 2019 | By admin


Senior Scientists at India’s Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) while speaking to Defense correspondence Dr. Anantha Krishnan M, have confirmed that seventh trial of India’s long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile ” NIRBHAY ” will feature an Indigenous Seeker and Small gas-turbine Manik Engine developed by GTRE, which they plan to test fire within years time.

Officials at Bengaluru-based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) which is in charge of the Nirbhay program also confirmed that development work on the Nirbhay program is now complete and now their focus has shifted towards development of user-specific variants for the Air force, Navy, and Army based on their requirements which they plan to accomplish within the next 3-5 years.

ADE already has the option of using two Indigenous seekers, which already have been derived from other Indian missile systems. One Indigenous seeker is already in development and the other one is readily available but a decision will be taken after comparing both the seekers and which will benefit the Nirbhay program the most.

Speaking on Manik Engine, ADE officials confirmed that the program initiated by GTRE has entered production stage and few production samples will be provided to them in next few months and seventh flight trial will be held by the first half of next year to demonstrate crucial indigenous component.

With Indigenous seeker and Manik Engine, Indigenous content in Nirbhay program by cost will reach 100% which presently is at 70% confirmed ADE officials.

Nirbhay cruise missile will get New Indigenous Seeker and Manik engine in the next test
Published April 30, 2019 | By admin


Senior Scientists at India’s Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) while speaking to Defense correspondence Dr. Anantha Krishnan M, have confirmed that seventh trial of India’s long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile ” NIRBHAY ” will feature an Indigenous Seeker and Small gas-turbine Manik Engine developed by GTRE, which they plan to test fire within years time.

Officials at Bengaluru-based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) which is in charge of the Nirbhay program also confirmed that development work on the Nirbhay program is now complete and now their focus has shifted towards development of user-specific variants for the Air force, Navy, and Army based on their requirements which they plan to accomplish within the next 3-5 years.

ADE already has the option of using two Indigenous seekers, which already have been derived from other Indian missile systems. One Indigenous seeker is already in development and the other one is readily available but a decision will be taken after comparing both the seekers and which will benefit the Nirbhay program the most.

Speaking on Manik Engine, ADE officials confirmed that the program initiated by GTRE has entered production stage and few production samples will be provided to them in next few months and seventh flight trial will be held by the first half of next year to demonstrate crucial indigenous component.

With Indigenous seeker and Manik Engine, Indigenous content in Nirbhay program by cost will reach 100% which presently is at 70% confirmed ADE officials.

It proves last test was done with foreign engine and seeker which failed miserably, What a moronic Nation who claimed to build super sonic missile but failed at sub sonic many times....They failed to understand that their scientist only paint and can test imported stuff.
Nirbhay cruise missile will get New Indigenous Seeker and Manik engine in the next test
Published April 30, 2019 | By admin


Senior Scientists at India’s Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) while speaking to Defense correspondence Dr. Anantha Krishnan M, have confirmed that seventh trial of India’s long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile ” NIRBHAY ” will feature an Indigenous Seeker and Small gas-turbine Manik Engine developed by GTRE, which they plan to test fire within years time.

Officials at Bengaluru-based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) which is in charge of the Nirbhay program also confirmed that development work on the Nirbhay program is now complete and now their focus has shifted towards development of user-specific variants for the Air force, Navy, and Army based on their requirements which they plan to accomplish within the next 3-5 years.

ADE already has the option of using two Indigenous seekers, which already have been derived from other Indian missile systems. One Indigenous seeker is already in development and the other one is readily available but a decision will be taken after comparing both the seekers and which will benefit the Nirbhay program the most.

Speaking on Manik Engine, ADE officials confirmed that the program initiated by GTRE has entered production stage and few production samples will be provided to them in next few months and seventh flight trial will be held by the first half of next year to demonstrate crucial indigenous component.

With Indigenous seeker and Manik Engine, Indigenous content in Nirbhay program by cost will reach 100% which presently is at 70% confirmed ADE officials.

Pakstan should increase Babur and RA'AD's Range
What's the standard of moderation here ? @Dubious ; @The Eagle ; @Oscar ; @waz

A member posts the details of a missile test and instead of contesting it on its merits, we have everything from religious slander to personal abuse filling up the Responses, all of 2 pages long but not a single post arguing from a technical standpoint the importance or lack of it in this particular missile. Is this the reputation you want to perpetuate? Is the legacy you want to leave behind ? Aren't you guys part of a joke called PDF from what it used to be, once upon a time .Screw everything else. At least protect your own reputation.
Firstly we don't petrol every thread...plus there is fredeem of speech ....Each member is for theid own..so we rely on members to report or mention us to clean threads....
What's the standard of moderation here ? @Dubious ; @The Eagle ; @Oscar ; @waz

A member posts the details of a missile test and instead of contesting it on its merits, we have everything from religious slander to personal abuse filling up the Responses, all of 2 pages long but not a single post arguing from a technical standpoint the importance or lack of it in this particular missile. Is this the reputation you want to perpetuate? Is the legacy you want to leave behind ? Aren't you guys part of a joke called PDF from what it used to be, once upon a time .Screw everything else. At least protect your own reputation.

Seems like you are new here...Bashing India happens in most of the threads...Do not take it too hard on yourself...At the end of the day, it is a forum operated by people to protect intrest of people of Pakistan..So take it easy..Wherever there is an issue, try to report it..
Firstly we don't petrol every thread...plus there is fredeem of speech
1st part is true
Regarding freedom of speech, well honestly i have seen people getting thanks and for their replies slandering Hinduism religion and Indian nationality and Indians getting banned if they do that against Islam religion and Pakistani nationality.
Anyways, dont want to engage in a debate on this, as i dont entertain either of those people.
Good day.
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