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Next time you hear about "Israeli" high-tech, ask if the invention was actually stolen from the US

In this age of easy flow of knowledge and information, the notion of true original development is a misnomer. Everyone takes an idea, and develop on it for more better and efficient design.
An idea= a whole laser tech transfert, F35, F15,F16, nuclear bombs
Israel rejects US spying allegations as false, ‘malicious’
Foreign minister says entities seeking to harm Washington’s relations with Israel most likely behind allegations

Ex-Mossad chief calls Newsweek spy story ‘delusional’
Danny Yatom says Israel has more advanced methods than crawling through hotel air vents to snoop on vice presidents

Source for Newsweek’s ‘Dreyfus Affair’ Article Accusing Israel of Spying on U.S. Also Supported Anti-Israel ASA Boycott

To make it clear what's happening, after Obama was elected his aides made it quite explicit to the Jewish community that while his Administration would provide Israel with military support, it would not provide Israel with political support. No matter if the Arabs were to blame for anything, ever, this policy has almost always been followed: the exceptions have been when supporting Israel is necessary to support the Administration itself, or when supporting Israel also supports the position of Jordanian and Gulf Arab leaders.

The Administration just got burned - bad - over the Israeli-PA negotiations. They can't blame the Arabs for that, they can't take the blame themselves, so they are putting all sorts of blame on Israel, both on and off the record. It's really pretty vile stuff, but hey, it keeps the Arabs, Muslims, and Israel-haters happy, right?
How come all your news are your local media...does Israel not reject it openly to the world but only your people? I am not bashing kinda curious as I always see Israelis posting articles from their media only... :unsure:
How come all your news are your local media...does Israel not reject it openly to the world but only your people? I am not bashing kinda curious as I always see Israelis posting articles from their media only... :unsure:
It's the only media the CAN quote. Although western media is pro-Israeli as well, but no media like home media!
How come all your news are your local media...
I quote more from foreign sources than American ones.

does Israel not reject it openly to the world but only your people?
Don't understand what you're trying to say here.

I always see Israelis posting articles from their media only..
I'm not an Israeli. However, much of the world's media, including numerous Jewish and Israeli outlets, have an anti-Israel spin to them. Reporters who bash Israel have a warmer welcome and greater access to sources in Arab and Muslim countries than those that don't. Certainly they're much safer from violence. And the world's Muslim population is, like, a hundred times bigger than Israel's. And other reporters or organizations are paid to follow the agenda of their country's Foreign Office. So gross distortions or egregious sloppiness in Israel coverage are the norm, not the exception. Last year an AP reporter tweeted me, when I complained about a deceit, that blaming Israel in the headline but Arabs in paragraph five was a matter of "balance".

Without access to source material a journalist has nothing. Reporters need to maintain access to sources. Their bosses also urge them to emphasize sensationalism: "Dog bites man" isn't a story but "Man bites dog" is - who cares if the dog bit first?

So even if the individual journalist doesn't have a concealed personal bias, he or she don't necessarily report the facts in context. That's why they refer to their product as a "story". For a "fisking" of news stories one generally has to look at competing versions of the same event or contextual analysis outside the reporting chain. Blogs do that, as do some of the op-eds in the world's better newspapers.
I quote more from foreign sources than American ones.

Don't understand what you're trying to say here.

I'm not an Israeli. However, much of the world's media, including numerous Jewish and Israeli outlets, have an anti-Israel spin to them. Reporters who bash Israel have a warmer welcome and greater access to sources in Arab and Muslim countries than those that don't. Certainly they're much safer from violence. And the world's Muslim population is, like, a hundred times bigger than Israel's. And other reporters or organizations are paid to follow the agenda of their country's Foreign Office. So gross distortions or egregious sloppiness in Israel coverage are the norm, not the exception. Last year an AP reporter tweeted me, when I complained about a deceit, that blaming Israel in the headline but Arabs in paragraph five was a matter of "balance".

Without access to source material a journalist has nothing. Reporters need to maintain access to sources. Their bosses also urge them to emphasize sensationalism: "Dog bites man" isn't a story but "Man bites dog" is - who cares if the dog bit first?

So even if the individual journalist doesn't have a concealed personal bias, he or she don't necessarily report the facts in context. That's why they refer to their product as a "story". For a "fisking" of news stories one generally has to look at competing versions of the same event or contextual analysis outside the reporting chain. Blogs do that, as do some of the op-eds in the world's better newspapers.

Thank you for telling us that being a jew, automatically means supporting israel blindly, despite it's barbarism and atrocities!
I quote more from foreign sources than American ones.
Thats good to know :tup:
Don't understand what you're trying to say here.
Most Jews always quote Israeli media...and that media usually says things you cant always find in other media
I'm not an Israeli. However, much of the world's media, including numerous Jewish and Israeli outlets, have an anti-Israel spin to them. Reporters who bash Israel have a warmer welcome and greater access to sources in Arab and Muslim countries than those that don't. Certainly they're much safer from violence. And the world's Muslim population is, like, a hundred times bigger than Israel's. And other reporters or organizations are paid to follow the agenda of their country's Foreign Office. So gross distortions or egregious sloppiness in Israel coverage are the norm, not the exception. Last year an AP reporter tweeted me, when I complained about a deceit, that blaming Israel in the headline but Arabs in paragraph five was a matter of "balance".

Without access to source material a journalist has nothing. Reporters need to maintain access to sources. Their bosses also urge them to emphasize sensationalism: "Dog bites man" isn't a story but "Man bites dog" is - who cares if the dog bit first?
Fair enough but it isnt the case with Israel...its like you said foreign office roll pay!
So even if the individual journalist doesn't have a concealed personal bias, he or she don't necessarily report the facts in context. That's why they refer to their product as a "story". For a "fisking" of news stories one generally has to look at competing versions of the same event or contextual analysis outside the reporting chain. Blogs do that, as do some of the op-eds in the world's better newspapers.
How come 9/11 doesnt fall outside the chain? People demand articles from mainstream for the articles reporting out of the mainstream?
Not all blogs report truth...most are run by angry people bashing or blindly supporting their agenda!
Thank you for telling us that being a jew, automatically means supporting israel blindly, despite it's barbarism and atrocities!
Not only aren't you familiar with Israel's justice system, you've never even read Ha'aretz, have you? You're strutting your ignorance here.

How come 9/11 doesnt fall outside the chain? People demand articles from mainstream for the articles reporting out of the mainstream?
Don't know what you mean or refer to here. Conspiracy theories, maybe?
Don't know what you mean or refer to here. Conspiracy theories, maybe?
But you yourself said media is corrupt and runs on foreign office so why somethings are called "truth" (which you took from Israeli media) while other things (my example of 9/11) are called "conspiracy theories"? How do you differentiate which you choose?
BS just like you!
Lots of Jews think Ha'aretz is B.S. But you have no idea why or you'd be quoting from Ha'aretz yourself!

But you yourself said media is corrupt and runs on foreign office so why somethings are called "truth" (which you took from Israeli media) -
I never said ALL media was corrupt or run by foreign office. You're looking for a neat, simple answer of where to go for "truth". I'm saying you have to discern the truth for yourself by evaluating the sources, the reporting, and the context. Source proven unreliable? Probably ignore. Reporter interviewing a prime minister? Probably seeking improved access so read with five grains of salt. Headline bashes Israel? See if the content backs up the accusations and double-check both the facts and context. You have to use your brain.
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Lots of Jews think Ha'aretz is B.S. But you have no idea why or you'd be quoting from Ha'aretz yourself!

I never said ALL media was corrupt or run by foreign office. You're looking for a neat, simple answer of where to go for "truth". I'm saying you have to discern the truth for yourself by evaluating the sources, the reporting, and the context. Source proven unreliable? Probably ignore. Reporter interviewing a prime minister? Probably seeking improved access so read with five grains of salt. Headline bashes Israel? See if the content backs up the accusations and double-check both the facts and context. You have to use your brain.
Well, in that sense people say these things:

A picture speaks a thousand words while in another scenario

Not everything that seems may be as it is!
It seems some countries simply cannot fathom a tiny nation can stand toe to toe with bigger players.
Haters gonna hate. Israel is here to stay and dominate the ME for ages in a peaceful manner. You go ISRAEL !
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