But how does one constitutionally hold elections, if Zardari actually manges to pass his package taking away the powers from Musharraf to dismiss parliament?
The PPP coalition is not dependent upon the PML-N to stay in power, who will leave them?
Even if he does not manage take the power to dissolve parliament away, and the coalition loses enough partners to justify a new election, what will the result of the election be?
The last polls done in Pakistan by international organizations indicate that Nawaz enjoys an 80 plus percent popularity rating, with the PML-N poised to win handily. If these trends continue or maintain, what advantage does having a PML-N government bring us?
Given Nawaz's animosity towards the government, and his Islamist bent, nothing new can be expected in FATA, and expect the clash between the Presidency and Government to continue, with Nawaz focusing on cutting the Army and Musharraf down to size.
Once Nawaz fails as well, the PPP will be once again making the argument that it was never given a complete chance to fix the country, having its government arbitrarily dismissed by the "dictator Musharraf, and people will probably return another coalition government led by the PPP to power - if all of this isn't interspersed with military coups.
I honestly fail to see why Musharf would dismiss the current GoP, or act to undermine it - especially when the GoP has pretty much handed over FATA policy, and related foreign policy, to the Army and the Presidency on a platter. I see no change with early elections, no stability (rather more instability as Pakistan sees another civilian government dumped before its time). Musharraf would be an utter fool to try and remove this government.