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Youth walks into school, strips before Class X girls

17 Jun 2009, 0340 hrs IST, TNN
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KOLKATA: A youngster walked into an all-girls school in central Kolkata unchallenged on Monday morning, stripped naked and made indecent gestures
at students in a classroom, and escaped without any of the staff attempting to stop him. Many girls fainted and others are still traumatized.

The authorities did not even bother to lodge a complaint with police. The incident has put the scanner on security in Kolkata’s schools.

Sources said it was around noon, just when the class bell was supposed to go off that the youth entered the English-medium school near Hedua. Security guards could not recall when he walked in or what excuse he gave for entering a girls’ school.

He walked through the corridors unchallenged until he found his target — the Class X room on the second floor. In front of the horrified teacher and students, he took off his clothes unhurriedly, stripped completely nude and made indecent gestures at the girls. Some girls apparently passed out while a few vomited.

Not many outside the classroom were even aware of the girls’ plight. Before anyone could raise an alarm, the youth grabbed his clothes, put on his trousers and ran.

The girls returned home and complained to their parents. Some are still complaining of dizziness. A group of parents turned up at the school on Tuesday and demanded an explanation from principal Rita Chatterjee. An apologetic Chatterjee told them that she would tighten security.

A security guard who was on duty on Monday maintained the youth had merely taken off his shirt. “It is not possible to keep tabs on everybody entering the school. We weren’t even aware that something like this had happened till the girls started screaming. Not even teachers were aware of the incident.”

While school authorities try to pass it off as the act of a deranged man, psychologists and social scientists believe it was an act of perversion by an exhibitionist. Some believe that the man may have entered into a bet with his friends.

“A mentally deranged person will not take off his clothes after entering a classroom. This is a clear case of exhibitionism by a pervert. Such people normally don’t have a partner. Such acts are outbursts of increasing frustration and stress,” said psychologist Paromita Mitra Bhowmick.

I would like to see what out girl members have to say about the incident. What would you have done?:what:
I would like to see what out girl members have to say about the incident. What would you have done?:what:

i don't know what would girls say but definitely degree of perversity has increased a lot in Indian society.see last two post of mine about gang rape, it like people are obsessed with group sex. i think **** has done some serious damage. teen ,youth, and matures every body is changing. i don't know where will this lead us?
Another rape attempt on Russian women in Goa

Panaji: A Christmas party in Goa for two Russian women turned out to be a horrifying ordeal when a taxi driver they had engaged tried to rape them at Anjuna.

The two victims had to hide in a jungle for six hours to escape being raped and robbed by the taxi driver and his accomplices on a night when police claimed security in the state was at its peak.

In a complaint filed with the Anjuna police station, the two women said the incident took place after they hired a taxi near Club West End in Saligao at 0220 hours IST on December 25 after attending a Christmas party at the popular night club.

"We had hired a taxi GA-01-L-9613 for Rs 300 to travel from Club West End to our hotel Charleston in Baga. But the driver told us that he wanted to avoid bribing the police picket on the main road and said he would take an alternative route," one of the women said in her complaint.

"Instead of Baga, he took us to Anjuna and said he wanted Rs 1,000 for the ride and instead of money, he wanted to have sex with us. When we protested, he tried to attack us forcing us to jump out of the car and run into the jungle nearby,” she said.


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"We had to hide till 7 am in the morning in the jungle before we complained to the police," she added.

Officials attached to the Anjuna police station have confirmed the complaint.

A senior police officer said that a case has been filed against the unknown taxi driver for attempt to rape and assault.

"He is on the run. We are in the process of tracking him down," the officer said.

Goa, a popular tourism destination for Russians, has seen several instances of crime against foreigners. A Goan politician is already absconding for allegedly raping a 25-year-old Russian woman earlier this month.

Another rape attempt on Russian women in Goa
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