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Faruk now too critical of Tifa
Staff Correspondent

Commerce Minister Faruk Khan yesterday said the proposed latest draft of Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (Tifa) would be detrimental to Bangladesh's interests.

“The draft of TIFA placed by the USTR (US Trade Representative) in April last year will cause troubles for Bangladesh in areas like intellectual property rights and duty-free export of our goods,” Khan told a meeting of the Economic Reporters' Forum (ERF) at the National Press Club.

The US's stringent restrictions on environment and labour standard issues in the draft would harm Bangladesh, added the minister.

As a least developed country (LDC) Bangladesh is exempted from the obligation of intellectual property rights till 2013. WTO also waived LDCs from obtaining patent for pharmaceuticals products until 2016.

“We will lose these advantages if we go for the Tifa agreement on the current draft proposal,” the minister categorically said.

The US has been pushing Bangladesh since 2002 to sign a bilateral Tifa. There were three rounds of talks between 2003 and 2005 when the US prepared a draft. But there has been no breakthrough in the deal so far.

“The then BNP government declined to sign the deal as the US tagged the issues of corruption and bribery with it,” Khan told reporters.

Again the US in April 2008 put forward the proposal afresh, which the commerce minister said is detrimental to interests of Bangladesh.

“We will start a fresh negotiation,” Khan said adding, “I am happy that the US did not forward the deal this time for signing.”

It was a hype that the US and Bangladesh would sign Tifa during an official visit of US Assistant Foreign Secretary Richard Boucher last week.

Economic reporters also grilled Faruk Khan about prices of essentials and two bilateral deals penned with India last week and on the much talked about issue of the transit.

“The trade deal which we renewed last week will not allow India transit through Bangladesh. There must be more talks and deals,” the minister asserted.

He said the government is examining the transit issue involving experts to see if Bangladesh earns benefits from the transit deal or not.

“I requested the opposition not to capitalise upon the issue of transit to gain political benefit,” he added.

He said the trade deal was signed in 1980 by the then government led by late president Ziaur Rahman. Begum Khaleda Zia-led government renewed it in March 2006.

On curbing prices of essentials the minister said a committee is working to finalise a report on how to strengthen the state-run Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB).

“The committee is likely to submit the report this month and accordingly the government will set its course of actions,” Khan said adding, “I hope the businesses will perform its due responsibility. I asked them not to be profiteering.”

The minister said the government had planned to set up four markets on the outskirts of the capital to help growers sell their goods at a reasonable price.

He also informed that Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute and the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry would conduct research works on the market situation.

ERF president Nazmul Ahsan chaired the discussion.

The Daily Star - Details News
Severe power, gas shortage in store during summer

Power cut may span 10-12 hours, water supply to be affected

Aminul Islam

The country is set to face severe power and gas shortage in the summer as power cuts and shortage of gas to run power plants have already become evident towards the end of the winter.

Most areas outside Dhaka are likely to face power outages for at least 10 to 12 hours a day while most city areas may face power outages for four to six hours during peak summer as power shortage at the time is likely to range between 1,500MW and 2,000MW even if the Power Development Board could maintain 3700MW–4000MW generation against the demand for 5,700MW, power board officials feared.

The government’s power system master plan projected the demand for electricity to peak between 5,700–6,000MW in this summer.

‘The official load shedding now is about 900MW as the power board generates about 3,200MW against the current official demand for 4,150MW. The actual demand, however, should now be more than 4,500MW and it will increase to 5,700MW during peak summer,’ said a source in the power board.

Power board officials are expecting that generation will increase to about 3,700MW–3,800MW in March when the 360MW Haripur independent power plant, which tripped earlier this month, would get back in operation.

A number of small, independent and rental power plants and two public sector plants are expected to begin generation by June.

‘But whether the power board could maintain 3,700MW–4,000MW generation will depend entirely on the availability of gas. Even if the power board generates to its highest capacity of about 4,000MW, there will be load shedding of 1,700MW during the summer, resulting in severe power cuts,’ said another source.

During the past summer, the power board’s average highest generation during peak hours was about 3,773MW in March, 3,617MW in April, 3,412MW in May, 3,354MW in June, 3,380MW in July and 3,410MW in August.

Most areas in the capital faced at least five hours of power outage during the past summer while most other areas outside faced 12 to 16 hours of power cut a day.

City residents and industrial units surrounding the city, including garment and textile industries, are worried to brace for severe outages this summer.

‘Power outages started taking place earlier than usual this year. We have already been faced with two to three hours of power outage in the late winter. The situation has already been worse. It was like hell in the past year and we are worried about what will happen this time,’ said Anwar Hossain, a resident of Khilgaon in Dhaka.

Sohrab Hossain, owner of a garment factory at Mirpur, said they had to spend a huge amount of money on buying diesel to run generators during power cut. ‘I do not know what will happen this summer. We are struggling to survive in the global financial turmoil. We will suffer more if production cost increases further,’ he said.

The supply water system is likely to be affected if power outages become severe during the summer, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority officials said.

‘If water pumps need to be stopped for four to five hours, it will definitely hamper the supply water system,’ said an official. WASA has 265 generators for its 502 water pumps.

‘We expect we will be able to generate about 746MW of electricity from the new power plants by the summer. But this electricity cannot be added to the current highest generation of about 3,800MW because of gas shortage. The power board will need to adjust gas supply to the power plants from which it wants maximum generation,’ said a power division official.

He said the power division up to May would supply electricity to irrigation areas on a priority basis and it would manage or ration electric supply after May.

The official said the division had formed a committee to monitor the power supply situation. The committee will coordinate the district administration and the local power offices to manage power supply.

Petrobangla now supplies about 633 million cubic feet of gas a day to power plants while its total production is about 1,865mmcfd, although power plants are supposed to get 722mmcfd of gas.

‘The demand for gas in a year increased to about 2,200mmcfd from about 2,000mmcfd. We are struggling to prioritise the sector in connection with gas supply as any cut in gas supply to fertiliser factories, industries or households will create a furore,’ said an energy division official.

Pressured by the power division, the energy division on Wednesday reluctantly agreed to give power plants 722mmcfd of gas. ‘We understand why the power division wants more gas as it is under pressure because of load shedding. But with more than 350mmcfd of gas shortage, industries and fertiliser plants should get gas on a priority basis,’ observed a high energy division official.

Power and energy officials blamed the previous government, especially the previous BNP-led government, for the current crisis as no significant power could be added by the government while there was no major initiative to explore gas.

Power board officials said additional gas supply would increase power generation to about 3,800MW–4,000MW, but the crisis would remain because of a huge gap between the supply and the demand.

Opposition wants white papers on graft since independence

BNP Vice Chairperson MK Anwar Friday called for a high-powered commission mandated to publish white papers on the corruption of all governments since independence, reports bdnews24.com.

"The announcement made by the prime minister on [the necessity of the publication of] white papers on corruption committed during the past four-party and caretaker governments only indicates that the Awami League government intends to persecute a particular political party," Anwar told reporters at his Elephant Road residence.

"Publication of white papers to curb graft did not work in the past. The caretaker government too harassed the politicians when they failed to cut corruption.

"So one must be careful about not letting the campaign to serve as a tool for persecuting a party or particular group or community. BNP would really like to see the country free of corruption."

The former minister said if a high-powered committee was formed to probe activities of all the corrupt regimes that the nation had seen since independence, everything would be transparent to the people.

He also said his party was eager to join the parliament deliberations.

"BNP will go to parliament as soon as the row over seats is resolved. We are against parliament boycott. Though what the prime minister said about the seat arrangements saddened us, we are waiting for them to tell us what they would like to offer and we'll join parliament."

He said in the previous parliament Awami League was given eight seats in the first row and not six. He added that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina did not tell the whole truth.

On a query while congratulating the new president, Anwar said, "We hope the new president will be ably restoring befitting glory associated with his supreme position. Personally speaking, as university students, Zillur Rahman and I were residents of the same hall."

Opposition wants white papers on graft since independence
Govt servants’ wealth statements gather dust due to indifference

Although some 1.20 million (12 lakh) government employees submitted their wealth statements nearly a year ago during the immediate-past caretaker government as per its directive, none has yet bothered to scrutinise those, reports UNB.

"There was no activity at all on the wealth statements submitted by the government employees and officials by February 28, 2008," an Establishment Ministry source told the news agency.

As part of the anti-corruption drive under the interim regime, the reconstituted Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in mid 2007 sought the wealth statements of the government servants.

But, considering the extent of the task, the ACC urged the government to ask public servants to submit their wealth statements. Accordingly, in late 2007, the Establishment Ministry asked the employees and officials to submit their statements with their respective departments in accordance with the government service rules, a mandatory practice.

Initially, the deadline was fixed on December 31, 2007, which was later extended to February 28, 2008 due to the devastating cyclone Sidr.

After the submission of the wealth statements, the ACC realised that it would not be possible for them to deal with such a huge number of statements. "Even if it can, it would be very time-consuming," said an official.

Therefore, he said, the anti-graft watchdog wanted to involve the concerned departments to deal with the statements. So, it had asked the respective departments to organise the wealth statements.

The ACC was of the opinion that if the statements are scrutinised department-wise, there would be a clear idea about the concerned department's corrupt employees and officials. This would also enable the department to take punitive measures against the corrupt.

At that time, the ACC had written to the Cabinet Division, the ACC's only channel of communication with the government, seeking advice as to how to dispose of the wealth statements submitted by about 1.20 million government employees and officials.

But, the Cabinet Division is yet to respond. "Despite repeated reminders, we have not yet got any reply (from the Cabinet Division)," the ACC Spokesperson Col Hanif Iqbal told the news agency.

He said the last reminder was sent to the Cabinet Division at the end of 2008.

After repeated attempts, Establishment Secretary ASM Ali Kabir could not be reached for his comments on the issue.

However, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned it in parliament on February 4 this year. During the Prime Minister's question time, she told the House that the scrutiny of wealth statements of government officials submitted to their respective authorities under the public servants conduct rules 1979 is now under consideration.

Govt servants’ wealth statements gather dust due to indifference
ACC Act amendment ordns raise brows

The government is assessing the impact of the validation or non-validation of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act, 2004 amendment ordinances promulgated by the last caretaker regime, according to a source.

The matter was earlier placed before the cabinet, but the cabinet refused to give its nod to the ordinances. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina herself raised question about the necessity of the amendment of the ACC Act, 2004. She demanded an explanation in this regard.

The attitude of the Prime Minister on this controversial issue reflected the government''s negative stand about the validation of the ordinances promulgated by the caretaker administration during the last two years. But recently a question was raised within the administration who would be benefited and affected due to non-validation or validation of the ACC amendment ordinances.

A group of people involved in the process of 1/11 episode passed a message to the Prime Minister that non-validation of the ACC amendment ordinance would be beneficial to the BNP in a huge way. They tried to convey the message that a handful of Awami League leaders would be affected due to validation of the ACC amendment ordinance, on the other hand, a large number of the BNP stalwarts would not be able to escape punishment for their misdeeds and misrules from 2001 to 2006.

They also suggested that for a handful of AL leaders, the BNP stalwarts should not go unpunished.

It was learnt that some influential advisers of the Prime Minister expressed their opinion in the line of people involved with the 1/11 episode. They suggested that BNP stalwarts should face the music for their misrules and the issue of the AL leaders should be dealt with in other way, the source said.

It was also learnt that a group of young cabinet members under the leadership of LGRD minister Syed Ashraful Islam favoured the validation of the ACC amendment ordinances. On the other hand, the communications minister Syed Abul Hossain opposed the validation of the said ordinances.
The Prime Minister''s energy adviser Dr. Towfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury also opposed the validation of the ACC amendment ordinances, the source said.
It was learnt that the Prime Minister asked the Law Minister Barrister Shafique Ahmed to give a report on the impact of validation and non-validation of the ACC amendment ordinances.

The News Today
5 hit by bullets in JU clashes: officials

Jahangirnagar, Feb 16 (bdnews24.com) – Five people received bullet injuries as gunfire broke out at Jahangirnagar University on Monday, as two rival Chhatra League factions locked in violent clashes, said university officials and witnesses.

The vice chancellor has called an emergency syndicate meeting, said university officials, while a heavy police presence was seen on campus.

Student activists also manhandled proctor Prof Nasir Uddin and ransacked his residence and that of another teacher, said JU authorities.

The central committee of the Awami League-backed student body suspended all Chhatra League activities at JU for a month on Jan 18, following clashes between BCL and BNP-backed Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal over campus control.

Monday's clashes occurred between one BCL group occupying four of the halls on campus and another under the banner of a "rebel BCL group" occupying two other halls, said witnesses on campus.

Officials of the university medical centre said they were treating five people injured by bullets, one of whom was sent on to Dhaka for further treatment.

bdnews24.com JU correspondent reports the violence was sparked as a member of one BCL faction was beaten in front of the Arts Building around 11am, leaving him grievously wounded.

As news of the assault spread the two feuding groups faced off around midday, engaging in a shootout for about half an hour during which some 10 to 12 rounds of gunfire were heard.

Both groups carrying firearms were still in confrontational positions at around 4pm, said witnesses.

But Savar police superintendent Jahangir Alam denied that the students were still armed.

"No one is carrying or exhibiting any weapons," he said.

The policeman said the halls maybe searched as a next step.

"Hundreds of police personnel are currently stationed within the campus," he added.

Sohel Pervez, JU Chatra League president claimed Monday's events were an attempt to "destabilise" the campus.

"This violence has occurred on the eve of the withdrawal of the suspension on Chhatra League activities to destabilise the situation further," he told bdnews24.com

5 hit by bullets in JU clashes: officials :: Education :: bdnews24.com ::
MPs shout, bang desk at JS for role

Parliament witnessed a brief commotion yesterday as lawmakers shouted and thumped desks, demanding restoration of their authority to oversee development activities in their constituencies.

Food and Disaster Management Minister Abdur Razzak struggled to speak amid the rising clamour of voices during the question-answer session.

As things threatened to go out of control, the speaker intervened and brought the House back to order.

The situation heated up when the minister was replying to a question if the government will cancel the caretaker government's circular scrapping the lawmakers' authority to supervise implementation of the projects under Test Relief and Food for Work programmes.

He said the issue of MPs' involvement in development work has been open to debate. There have been demands that their role be confined to making laws, and the local government bodies be in charge of the development activities.

His mention of debate had the legislators from the Awami League-led ruling alliance riled up and yelling at the top of their voice.

Taking the floor, some of them demanded that the government restore their influence over development projects.

They also asked to be involved in distribution of Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) and Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) cards among their constituents. The others welcomed the demands by thumping desks.

At one stage, Speaker Abdul Hamid urged the members to keep calm. “First, let him answer and then give your reactions.”

The food minister sought to skirt around a direct answer. He said the lawmakers cannot be kept from supervising the local development activities. The MPs all over the world play role in local development work.

The lawmakers still expressed displeasure with the minister's statement. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was present at that time.

AL's Atiur Rahman Atiq said deputy commissioners and upazila executive officers do not consult them on food grains and other development allocations for their constituencies. He asked if the government will reverse the policy.

Another lawmaker, Moazzem Hossain Ratan, said the local government representatives distribute the food grains, keeping the lawmakers in the dark. He enquired if the practice would be stopped immediately.

Treasury bench greeted the questions by huge desk-thumping.

The minister said the present policy does not allow any room to engage lawmakers in development allocations.

“However, the MPs are informed through letters about the amount of allocations,” he added.

In a scripted answer to a query from Jatiya Party lawmaker Hafiz Uddin Ahmed, he said the government is reviewing the policy on development activities.

As the lawmakers have been elected on pledges of development in their areas, the government is trying to work out ways to ensure they have a say in the local development projects, observed Razzak.

Earlier, on February 15, the ruling alliance members sought block allocations for development work in their localities. They also called on the government to scrap the upazila parishad ordinance that stripped them of the authority over local government bodies.

As Sarah Begum Kabari spoke of alleged irregularities in the 'employment for 100 days' project under the caretaker government, Speaker Abdul Hamid said the allegations should be probed.

He said the unemployed were given work for only seven to eight days and they remained jobless for the remaining days.

The food minister assured the speaker that his ministry will look into the matter.

The Daily Star - Details News
Silent extortion goes on by different groups

Staff Correspondent

Silent extortions by different group of outlaws under the shadow of political influentials have been going on in the city's different areas and recently it has intensified keeping city's small businessmen and traders in anxiety.
In the name of ruling political party activists, the terrorists are issuing threats to the owners of different shopping malls, business organisations, footpaths and the counters of long-route coach services and roadside shops to pay extortion.

In different parts of the city including Motijheel, Paltan, Shahabagh, Karwan bazaar, Khilgaon, Kataban university market, New market, Chandrima market, Badruduza super market, Farm gate, Pallabi, Mirpur, Gulshan and Dhanmondi, Lalbagh, and especially in city's marginal areas, silent extortion by terrorists has reached a peak.

They are also allegedly claiming huge amount of money over phone from selected people and threatening them with dreadful consequences if they disregard their demands. The alleged criminals also threaten persons concerned not to disclose their names and not to contact the police. People are passing days in anxiety in the face of pressure for money chased by threats.

Another source said, most of the persons who were issuing threats, are political activists of ruling party and some professional terrorists associating with political leaders are engaged in collecting tolls from small businessmen.
Talking to this correspondent a grocer at farm gate area said that a new group comes to him since few days to give them toll. Members of this group are known to all but none has boldness to raise voice against them. "We didn't give a single paisa toll to extortionists in the last two years. After forming the new government, a group is claiming toll and threatening us," he said, adding that the group has already started taking tolls from each vegetable trader and cobbler of around TK 50-100 per day.

"The extortionists usually come during Maghrib prayer and take away tolls from us and some of them introduce themselves as party workers and men of influential leaders and demand tolls," a cloth trader in the city's New Market told this correspondent, adding that conflicts between cloth traders and Dhaka college students very often happen centering toll collection but traders are now united to tackle them. "A terrible incident centering same issue may happen any time between traders and students."

A sweet-shop owner at New Market expressed deep concern and said that toll collection by different groups will not be stopped unless the government takes action against political influential circles who indulge in this crime through their paid terrorists. "I know the names and addresses of the terrorists and hoodlums who extort toll from me everyday but I can't complain against them because I will have to run my business in this area," he said.

Sources said, police personnel deployed at different points of the city to prevent extortionists and terrorists are also engaged in collecting tolls. Talking to this reporter, a roadside shop owner at Indira road said that he has to pay around TK 200-300 to police every week to continue his business. "It is a problem for me as I run my family with earnings from this shop," he said.

leading news
Silent extortion goes on by different groups

Staff Correspondent

Silent extortions by different group of outlaws under the shadow of political influentials have been going on in the city's different areas and recently it has intensified keeping city's small businessmen and traders in anxiety.
In the name of ruling political party activists, the terrorists are issuing threats to the owners of different shopping malls, business organisations, footpaths and the counters of long-route coach services and roadside shops to pay extortion.

In different parts of the city including Motijheel, Paltan, Shahabagh, Karwan bazaar, Khilgaon, Kataban university market, New market, Chandrima market, Badruduza super market, Farm gate, Pallabi, Mirpur, Gulshan and Dhanmondi, Lalbagh, and especially in city's marginal areas, silent extortion by terrorists has reached a peak.

They are also allegedly claiming huge amount of money over phone from selected people and threatening them with dreadful consequences if they disregard their demands. The alleged criminals also threaten persons concerned not to disclose their names and not to contact the police. People are passing days in anxiety in the face of pressure for money chased by threats.

Another source said, most of the persons who were issuing threats, are political activists of ruling party and some professional terrorists associating with political leaders are engaged in collecting tolls from small businessmen.
Talking to this correspondent a grocer at farm gate area said that a new group comes to him since few days to give them toll. Members of this group are known to all but none has boldness to raise voice against them. "We didn't give a single paisa toll to extortionists in the last two years. After forming the new government, a group is claiming toll and threatening us," he said, adding that the group has already started taking tolls from each vegetable trader and cobbler of around TK 50-100 per day.

"The extortionists usually come during Maghrib prayer and take away tolls from us and some of them introduce themselves as party workers and men of influential leaders and demand tolls," a cloth trader in the city's New Market told this correspondent, adding that conflicts between cloth traders and Dhaka college students very often happen centering toll collection but traders are now united to tackle them. "A terrible incident centering same issue may happen any time between traders and students."

A sweet-shop owner at New Market expressed deep concern and said that toll collection by different groups will not be stopped unless the government takes action against political influential circles who indulge in this crime through their paid terrorists. "I know the names and addresses of the terrorists and hoodlums who extort toll from me everyday but I can't complain against them because I will have to run my business in this area," he said.

Sources said, police personnel deployed at different points of the city to prevent extortionists and terrorists are also engaged in collecting tolls. Talking to this reporter, a roadside shop owner at Indira road said that he has to pay around TK 200-300 to police every week to continue his business. "It is a problem for me as I run my family with earnings from this shop," he said.

leading news
Damn, merely a month has just passed for BD being in AL's grip and the country's 5 years long progressed have already evaporated. Hiding in India for years, those AL goons have learned saffronist's tactics and mustered BJP/VHP/RSS type fascism to put it in practice at our beloved motherland. Today, Mo Fo like MUA is no where to be seen with lecturer’s mode thus needs to be hung by his balls for his total sell-out to RAW bastards. India’s plan to cripple us in every sector (Economy, military and Law & Order etc) couldn't have come to fruition without army, police's top brass's sell-out. Without divine intervention, I don't see any hope left for us. God Almighty saves us from INDO-ZIO-NAZY conspiracy, amen.
Govt to formulate defence policy
Star Online Report

The government will take initiatives to formulate a defence policy, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today (Thursday).

She was addressing a graduation ceremony at the Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC) at Mirpur Cantonment this (Thursday) morning.

The prime minister also said the armed forces will be turned into a force with the highest degree of professional skill, discipline, responsibility, and patriotism to fulfill the election pledges of the present government.

Earlier, Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC) Commandant Maj Gen Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan received the prime minister at the college.

The Daily Star - Details News


What is this?What is the plan?how she wants to do it?what are plans for buying some good "hardware"?


Is it just another speech,typical of our leaders.
Mojahid, Babar barred from flying abroad

Jamaat-e-Islami Secretary General Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojahid and former state minister for home Lutfozzaman Babar were barred today (Thursday) from leaving the country (Corrected).

An immigration official seeking anonymity told The Daily Star that Mojahid sent representatives to Zia International Airport in the morning to enquire about if he could go to Saudi Arabia.

As the immigration authorities refused to let him go abroad, Mojahid did not go to the airport. He had a confirmed ticket of Qatar Airways.

Babar, his sister and nephew went to the airport in the afternoon and were denied a flight to Singapore.

Babar told The Daily Star that he showed the immigration officials the court documents asking the government to let Babar go abroad for medical treatment.

The HC on Feb 8 issued a rule upon the government to allow Babar to go abroad for medical treatment.

The Daily Star - Details News
Opposition MPs get 3 more front seats

Speaker Abdul Hamid today (Thursday) offered the opposition lawmakers three more seats in the front row of the parliament as demanded by the BNP.

A BNP leader told The Daily Star that the speaker made the offer at a meeting with Chief Whip Abdus Shahid and Opposition Chief Whip Joynal Abedin Faruk.

After the meeting, BNP leader Joynal told reporters that the BNP would decide on going back to the parliament at a meeting on Sunday.

"Our chairperson Khaleda Zia convened a meeting of our parliamentary committee on Sunday. She will give us a final decision whether we will go back to parliament with this limited opportunity," Joynal added.

Lawmakers of both the ruling and opposition parties were present the meeting.

BNP and its allies walked out of the parliament following a row over seat order a day after the 9th parliament started its journey, and did not attend since then.

The Daily Star - Details News


This is good news.Now BNP should go back to Parliament.We shall see some fighting there:lol::devil:
Defence policy in the offing: Armed Forces to be kept above controversies: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Thursday said her government would keep the Armed Forces above all controversies and build up them as a patriotic, brave, efficient and invincible force.

Referring to her party's election manifesto she said a National Defence Policy will be formulated to ensure security of the people and the country.

The premier explained her newly elected government's plans for building a new-look defence force and policy while addressing the certificate-awarding ceremony for 2008-09 sessions of the Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC) at Mirpur cantonment.

Ministers, Advisers to the Prime Minister, Chiefs of three services, diplomats, and high civil and military officials were present.

On her arrival in the morning at the college ground, DSCSC Commandant Maj. Gen. Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan received her.

Sheikh Hasina noted that the Armed Forces are the symbol of country's independence and sovereignty, and a rethinking about upgrading their capabilities suiting newer security paradigms is an imperative.

"In the backdrop of the changed security scenario in the present-day world, the roles of the armed forces have become multidimensional. In my view, this should be reflected

realistically in the education and training programmes of the armed forces," she told the function.

She said the principle of competence, merit, fitness and seniority will be strictly followed for recruitment, appointment and promotion. Autonomy as consistent with the Constitution will be granted in the matters of internal discipline, administration and management. Welfare-oriented projects will be undertaken for the members of the defence forces.

Government's intention is to build up strong, efficient, and modern armed forces within the available resources. "We need to emphasize advanced training and exercises to attain the goal," the PM said.

She observed that Bangladesh believes in the peaceful resolution of all bilateral, regional and international disputes in all corners of the globe.

"The basic principle of Bangladesh's foreign policy is 'friendship with all and malice to none'. We are committed to the establishment of international peace and security. Our standpoint against all kinds of terrorism is very clear. Armed forces must move forward imbued with that ideal," she told her military audience.

Praising the quality and effectiveness of the Defence Service Staff College, she said with the passage of time this institution has been acclaimed in the international arena as a unique military educational institution.

She hoped that the knowledge the officers gathered through the training would be helpful in discharging their professional responsibilities and in facing any challenge in future.

To the officers of the foreign countries, the PM said through the foreign military officers' participation in the Staff-College training courses friendly relations between Bangladesh and the foreign countries would be deepened.

"I firmly believe that your positive impressions have been imprinted in your minds about the people and culture of this land while studying here. I hope that, as goodwill ambassadors, you will convey the good wishes of our simple and hospitable people to your government, armed forces and your countrymen," she said.

A total of 170 officers, including 90 from Bangladesh Army, 16 from Bangladesh Navy and 28 from Bangladesh Air Force, and 36 overseas officers from Brunei, China, India, Jordan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Turkey and the USA attended the graduation course.

Earlier, the Prime Minister distributed certificates to the officers of the armed forces.

The New Nation - Internet Edition
Sheikh Hasina’s speech to the Chattra League

Being the President of AL and one of the two surviving children of Bangabandhu, Sheikh Hasina was naturally invited to be the chief guest at the reunion marking the 61st founding anniversary of the Bangladesh Chattra League (BCL) but an hour before she got to the Paltan maidan venue, two groups of BCL members were pelting chairs at each other and matters reached such a stage that invited guests were beginning to leave. The scuffles were finally brought under control by the intervention of the LGRD state minister, Jahangir Kabir Nanok, himself an erstwhile student leader of BCL.

Sheikh Hasina in her speech to the BCL reminded the students that their main duties lay in getting a proper education, she spoke of the greater role and responsibilities of students towards the society and the nation, she spoke of the responsibilities of students in the development of the country, she spoke of the glorious history of the BCL in the movements towards nation-statehood and finally she cautioned the students against getting involved in criminal activities such as terrorism and extortion. Thus, there is little doubt that Sheikh Hasina's exhortations to the BCL was all politically correct but whether the students were ready and willing to listen to it or follow it, remains in considerable doubt because ever since the 29 December election win by the AL, the BCL has been involved in
various sorts of conflicts with itself and with others and some of those conflicts have been destructive and violent. Besides, BCL activists or atleast supporters have been and still are continuously involved in criminal activities which Sheikh Hasina so strongly condemned and cautioned against.
The BCL is in many ways the bearer of the history of Bangladesh since its inception 61 years back - not only has the BCL been in the forefront of the Language Movement in 1952 but it actually provided leadership to many of the later movements for Bengali nationalism. In the period between 1970 and the start of the Liberation War on 25 March 1971, the BCL was the key in mobilizing public
opinion in favor of the AL's 6-point program which arguably was formulated at the Dhaka University by a group of talented students. Some would go as far as to say that the BCL, in that period, actually pushed the AL towards a social and political movement for the independence of Bangladesh which is evident from the fact that the 1st flag of an independent Bangladesh designed by the painter Quamrul Hasan was hoisted on the 2nd March 1971, by ASM Abdur Rab the then VP of Dhaka University Students' Union at the Dhaka University premise popularly known as Bat-tala. Much of the success of the Liberation War can also be attributed to students who participated in and fought with such gallantry and sacrifice in that war.
The BCL before independence and the BCL today are worlds apart; today's BCL being mostly motivated by greed for money and materials is immersed in criminality and corruption of all and every sort. As an organizational entity, the BCL today is nothing more than a reservoir for brawn and muscle power for its parent organization, the AL. As to how things have come to such a pass ought to bring about a lot of soul-searching for the AL leadership and that soul-searching ought to lead to appropriate corrective actions. Rhetorical, polemical and high-flown speeches once a year during founding anniversaries are not going to bring about any changes for the better in the Bangladesh Chattra League in particular and in students' politics in general.

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