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New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation


Nov 3, 2008
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Sign placed at entrance to pub in Kaikoura reads, 'Israelis not welcome before Gaza shelling stops'; two Israeli woman ordered to leave another pub because 'Israel kills innocent babies and women'

Anat Shalev Published: 01.16.09, 11:48 / Israel News

An Israeli citizen residing in Kaikoura, New Zealand has informed Ynet Friday that a local pub, the Strawberry Tree, placed a sign outside its door reading, "Israelis not welcome before shelling (in Gaza) stops".

Surprising Figures

Denmark: 29% support Israel, 22% back Palestinians / Yael Levy

Survey held by Danish TV2 reveals surprising figures, as more Danes side with Jewish state in Operation Cast Lead; 38% believe two sides to be equally responsible for situation. Picture in rest of Scandinavia is much different
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Two other Israeli tourists encountered a similar restriction at a café located in another part of the country. Kaikoura, located on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island, is a tourist hub known for its dolphin shows.

"The pub's owner has extreme views; in the past he worked as a photojournalist in Gaza, and inside the pub a sign reading 'Free Palestine" has been hanging for some time now," the Israeli citizen, who wished to remain nameless, told Ynet.

"It is alarming the (conflict in Gaza) has resonated to this region and in such a one-sided way."
The Israeli continued to say that "the owner expressed his aversion to the supposed racism on Israel's part – but he himself is acting in a racist manner when he screens his patrons according to their nationality."

'You never know'
He said the local community has unequivocally condemned the pub owner's act. "People are calling us (Israelis) to offer their support; they are even saying that the restriction is redolent of the days in which black Americans were banned from public places and even of Nazi Germany.

"The community is made up of many immigrants, and that is why it identifies with us," he said.

The Southland Times reported Friday that two Israeli women, Natalie Bennie and her sister Tamara Shefa, were ordered to leave the Mevlana Café in Invercargill, New Zealand's southernmost city.

According to the report, the pub's owner Mustafa Tekinkaya, a Turkish Muslim, told the women he would not serve anyone from Israel "until it stopped killing innocent babies and women in Gaza."

Tekinkaya was quoted as saying he had received dozens of phone calls from people supporting him and a handful of calls opposed to his stance.

Natalie Bennie told the newspaper that she and her visiting Israeli sister had received over a dozen calls from strangers to say they were appalled by Tekinkaya's stance. She said the pub owner displayed "anti-Semitic" behavior, adding "he might as well have put a sign outside his shop saying 'No Jews Allowed'."

Bennie told The Southland Times that her mother, who lives in Israel, was concerned she could now become a target for New Zealand radical Muslims.

"It could be a possibility, you never know."

New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation - Israel News, Ynetnews
well this is kind of extreme and wrong IMO.just as the attacks against Muslims after some bombing occurred somewhere.
Israeli's are most welcome to all pubs in Goa. Since most of Goa's resident and visiting Israeli's have left for Himachal (for the monsoons), we are kind of missing them here.
Dude, everyone has something in their past that they are not proud of, however, you are doing it in the present................ I don't like Arabs much, specially the Palestinians, however, what you guys are doing is nothing short of genocide......................... there's a decorum to follow when nation states go to war............ shame on you............ superior firepower does not translate to excessive stupidity..............

New Zealand genocided Maori. Now they play nice. What a joke.
Dude, everyone has something in their past that they are not proud of, however, you are doing it in the present................ I don't like Arabs much, specially the Palestinians, however, what you guys are doing is nothing short of genocide......................... there's a decorum to follow when nation states go to war............ shame on you............ superior firepower does not translate to excessive stupidity..............

My dear friend, I can assure you one thing. Israel has no interest in bombing Gaza. It is forced to retaliate due to the incessant incoming Rocket attacks. The Rockets stop, and the Israeli pounding will stop too. In this particular instance it is clearly the Palestinians who are the instigators. Why in hells name did they abduct and brutally kill 3 teenage Jewish boys?

You cannot go crying fowl when you are being driven against the wall, all because of your own doing.

If the Palestinians give up their weapons, there would be peace immediately, but if Israel gives up its weapons, there would be no Israel left.
My dear friend, I can assure you one thing. Israel has no interest in bombing Gaza. It is forced to retaliate due to the incessant incoming Rocket attacks. The Rockets stop, and the Israeli pounding will stop too. In this particular instance it is clearly the Palestinians who are the instigators. Why in hells name did they abduct and brutally kill 3 teenage Jewish boys?

You cannot go crying fowl when you are being driven against the wall, all because of your own doing.

If the Palestinians give up their weapons, there would be peace immediately, but if Israel gives up its weapons, there would be no Israel left.

How about Israel cease settling their people illegally in the West Bank, give up control of Palestinian water supplies, stop uprooting olive groves and not treat Palestinians like shit in general - during these *peace times*?

You let Palestinians live a normal life and they won't support organizations like Hamas to defend themselves.

I won't claim Hamas has their hands clean, but the Israeli administration is definitely rolling in filth.
My dear friend, I can assure you one thing. Israel has no interest in bombing Gaza. It is forced to retaliate due to the incessant incoming Rocket attacks. The Rockets stop, and the Israeli pounding will stop too. In this particular instance it is clearly the Palestinians who are the instigators. Why in hells name did they abduct and brutally kill 3 teenage Jewish boys?

You cannot go crying fowl when you are being driven against the wall, all because of your own doing.

If the Palestinians give up their weapons, there would be peace immediately, but if Israel gives up its weapons, there would be no Israel left.

never expected anything different from Indian, it only shows your hate for muslims which actually stems from hating your own muslim then Pakistanis.

he is crying about 3 Israeli teen agers maybe some should show him 1000s of innocent teenager who are killed by Israel for no reason.

I have yet to see a hindu criticizing Israel if only once on any minor thing, only then i will believe you are unbiased

Met an Israeli at campus some time ago. When i asked him where are you from, he said Italy, then i greeted him in my broken Italiano and he puzzled and said that im actually from Israel, i just didn't want to tell you because you'd hate me just like everyone else does.

This guy was broken, he said that he'll never go back to Israel. I asked him why, he said that they kill Palestenians like goat like Nazis killed us. He was a former Naval SpecOps.
never expected anything different from Indian, it only shows your hate for muslims which actually stems from hating your own muslim then Pakistanis.

You are wrong, I do not hate Muslims whether Indian or Pakistani. It may surprise you but I do have a couple of very good friends who happen to be Muslim. It is you who somehow concluded from my post that I hate Muslims. This is purely a Palestinian and Israeli territorial issue, and in this instance it is clear to me that the Palestinian's provoked the Israeli's, and are now crying fowl when Israel retaliates.

[/quote] he is crying about 3 Israeli teen agers maybe some should show him 1000s of innocent teenager who are killed by Israel for no reason.

I have yet to see a hindu criticizing Israel if only once on any minor thing, only then i will believe you are unbiased[/quote]

Yes, Israel has a tiny population, and every Israeli counts, and unlike the Palestinians who use kids and women as human shields, Israel will not use its citizens as cannon fodder and values every Israeli life. Another thing, I am not Hindu either, so stop making assumptions, they are mostly wrong.
A friend (perhaps one of my best friend) who studied with me back in Turkey, has similar views. In fact, every Jewish friend that I ever had, had similar views.


Met an Israeli at campus some time ago. When i asked him where are you from, he said Italy, then i greeted him in my broken Italiano and he puzzled and said that im actually from Israel, i just didn't want to tell you because you'd hate me just like everyone else does.

This guy was broken, he said that he'll never go back to Israel. I asked him why, he said that they kill Palestenians like goat like Nazis killed us. He was a former Naval SpecOps.
Bravo..kiwis are renowned for being honest and fair. Their anti nuclear stance is another example. Majority of Kiwis are against what is doing but for those who don't know NZ ad Israel have history few years ago Mosad spies were kicked out of NZ due to anti state activities.. and Israel embassy closed. Few years ago during Christchucrh earthquake few Israeli tourists were captured again who were inside department of internal affairs building rubble in search of NZ passports, they were deported and most recently 'Dead sea spa' people from Israel have been kicked out due to unethical activities

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