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New photo shows that China has really copied the U.S. RQ-170

western media are easily fooled. that pic is most probability picture of ameriacan drones. small, blurry and maybe a little photoshoped of the original image. typical..:lol:

Do you have evidence for your claim? Until you do, you should refrain from making such obviously poorly thought out remarks.

Looks fake to be honest.

Honestly? I think so too, but I really have no way of verifying whether or not this picture is real. It seem suspicious, but I've been known to be wrong too.
this design is basically german nazi design ......the topic of this thread shud b usa copied german design than by chinese...
looks fake to me for sure looks like the pics was taken 3310 camera version :laughcry: CIA need new tech mate china camera are improving mate import some :agree:
If true, than I'll guess that they had access to the RQ-170 which Iran managed to capture. If so, than its likely that Iran and China probably agreed to share information regarding this drone with each other.

By your logic... Iran Captured RQ on 4 December 2011 means with in just 2 years China made similar drone right ?? you kiddn ? loll man for such military tech you need YEAR ( s ) to make anything like that....
By your logic... Iran Captured RQ on 4 December 2011 means with in just 2 years China made similar drone right ?? you kiddn ? loll man for such military tech you need YEAR ( s ) to make anything like that....

Actually, reverse engineering can really lower the amount of time needed. China is making amazing progress in drone tech, having the RQ-170 available to them would cut the amount of time they need to research by years.

I'll give you a recent example. The report that came out of the US that said that China pretty much obtained blueprints of the entire US military's modernization program says that China could potentially save 25 years worth of research and development and instead just use the blueprints to accelerate their progress.
copycats -what can you expect from them

The fact that they're even able to copy should be a worrying sign to the US. It shows that their technological knowledge base and skill is quickly closing the gap. Remember, the US has the most advanced drones and systems in the world, if the Chinese are able to at least partially copy them, then the US has cause to worry.
indians are jealous, because they can only make clone of american drone on adobe photoshop :lol:

hail to the mighty aura


:taz:its 2013....the chinese have built prototypes of a fifth generation and yet can't take a decent photo. Interesting folks!:lol:
:taz:its 2013....the chinese have built prototypes of a fifth generation and yet can't take a decent photo. Interesting folks!:lol:

They always do it to increase speculation. It's good propaganda material, a lot of nations do this, give them a break.
If you guys can read Chinese there are hundreds of these grainy fotos of advanced weapons on the net just to create the sensation and hit rates and for the pleasure of trolls - in this particular case for indian trolls who cant wait to abuse the level of our technologies which are so much ahead of incapable indians'

it is even crazy to have said we have copied the entire us defense modernisation system and do not make a correction after reading who E Snowden is.

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