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New "Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) is Coming

JKT has huge money power..

He will have upper hand in election..
Even post elections he can buy MNAs in case of hung assembly
And what was the performance of psp???
He always wanted to be a pm. This can pave his way if establishment manages to subdue imran khan.
See yourself ...




This is condemnable and beyond the realm of coercion.

The public will see through this gimmick.
what goes around comes around .. chut1@s .. how hard is it to comprehend.
A few weeks ago these people were all arrested and being held for inciting "mAy nInE aTTaCk".

And now we're supposed to believe that a new political party organically appeared out of nowhere lmfao.

This is a GHQ front party. Nothing more nothing less.

General kuttay think this is still 1988.

Correct me if I am wrong.

As per establishment, when IK was rotting in jail, weren’t these guys de facto leaders of PTI and as per establishment allegedly orchestrating chaos?

And now they are being facilitated to create a new party.

Zardari and Nawaz Sharif won’t be very happy.

Sharif family and Zadari will definitely unhappy about it...
Nah. These lotas will not head the government, they are there just as a pillar of next setup which will be headed by Shareef, Zardaris etc.

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