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New COVID-19 cases in Ontario soar above 700 for first time in months

True, but vaccine has a million times as much harmful ingredient in it. It can destroy short term memory permanently.
Maybe. But deep fried food could give you a stroke, too. It is a dangerous world out there.
What a country I live in, which gives rights and freedoms to the willingly mentally disabled.
Yeah. Well, I already have rhinovirus. So I know I'll never get coronavirus.
Nonsense. No study shows rhinovirus inflection prevents covid-19 entirely. It only triggers an immune response that also helps hinder the replication of covid-19. You may see it as another vaccine. But claiming you will never get covid-19 is just too cocky.
Taking those rights and freedom away from them is just pure self-conceit from someone who thinks too highly of himself.
I'm sorry for the unpopular opinion but my freedom ends where the risk to your health begins, and vice versa, until we have conditions to intermingle freely again.
I'm sorry for the unpopular opinion but my freedom ends where the risk to your health begins, and vice versa, until we have conditions to intermingle freely again.
Very true but you have to prove that his stupidity really affects your freedom negatively. Unlike theft and robbery, the impact of being a bio-hazard is much harder to prove. The world isn't always black and white. People need to give each other a benefit of doubt and don't let self-interest trump everything else. You don't see OCDs ruling the world, do you?
Very true but you have to prove that his stupidity really affects your freedom negatively. Unlike theft and robbery, the impact of being a bio-hazard is much harder to prove. The world isn't always black and white. People need to give each other a benefit of doubt and don't let self-interest trump everything else. You don't see OCDs ruling the world, do you?
As I mentioned sir, until we are able to freely intermingle again vis-a-vis ending the pandemic, the non vaccinated present a greater threat in terms of new variants arising compared to the vaccinated, and will most likely end up being responsible for stretching this pandemic into the 2030s.

This isn't a matter of OCD but if we had just sucked it up and isolated for a month without bringing up politics/freedoms, we would not be in this pickle. Granted not everyone has a government that takes care of its citizens the way Canada did, but collectively as humans we could have figured something out.

In terms of hazards, all we need to look at as examples are the LTC homes and daycares and how quickly it spread there. I can recall 4 instances in the past year where I've had the oldest kid sent home because either some other kid's parents tested positive and eventually the particular room the kid was in ended up getting infected, my son included.

Am I selfish in wanting this to be over with because of my children? Yes. Am I being unreasonable in believing that everyone should put the greater good over their own perceptions of what constitutes invasion of personal freedoms? Probably not. Will I chew out someone who invades my or my family's personal space if I am unfamiliar with them or their vaccination status, most definitely!!
As I mentioned sir, until we are able to freely intermingle again vis-a-vis ending the pandemic, the non vaccinated present a greater threat in terms of new variants arising compared to the vaccinated, and will most likely end up being responsible for stretching this pandemic into the 2030s.

This isn't a matter of OCD but if we had just sucked it up and isolated for a month without bringing up politics/freedoms, we would not be in this pickle. Granted not everyone has a government that takes care of its citizens the way Canada did, but collectively as humans we could have figured something out.

In terms of hazards, all we need to look at as examples are the LTC homes and daycares and how quickly it spread there. I can recall 4 instances in the past year where I've had the oldest kid sent home because either some other kid's parents tested positive and eventually the particular room the kid was in ended up getting infected, my son included.

Am I selfish in wanting this to be over with because of my children? Yes. Am I being unreasonable in believing that everyone should put the greater good over their own perceptions of what constitutes invasion of personal freedoms? Probably not. Will I chew out someone who invades my or my family's personal space if I am unfamiliar with them or their vaccination status, most definitely!!
No, they are not a greater threat. They are more likely to be more vulnerable but that is their choice. In addition, animals are also virus reservoirs. Does that mean you need to vaccinate animals, too?

And, if they don't get vaccinated because they don't care about their own lives much, how do you expect them to care about yours?

Of course, you may try to convince the government to make vaccination mandatory. But before that, please cut other people some slack. Both the pandemic and the media has confused and scared them enough already. Personally, I prefer convincing and only use law enforcement as the last resort.
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