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New British 5 pound note

Same thing with Canada....though we have both 50 and 100 dollar notes (both very rarely used). 5 10 and 20 and you are good to go basically.
so you also have same coin as us i.e two pound. one pound, fifty/twenty/ten/five/2/1 cent coin?
so you also have same coin as us i.e two pound. one pound, fifty/twenty/ten/five/2/1 cent coin?

Coins are different somewhat. We have 1 and two dollar coins.

But smaller ones are 25 cent(quarter), 10 cent(dime), 5 cent(nickel) and 1 cent (penny). (No 50, 20 or 2 like you...though I saw some of these in singapore and hong kong when living there for theirs)

Penny production was stopped few years back and is no longer circulated actively by the banks....but remains accepted as legal tender. Shops tend to round to nearest 5 cent bloc now for all items....or in final cash total.
Coins are different somewhat. We have 1 and two dollar coins.

But smaller ones are 25 cent, 10 cent, 5 cent and 1 cent (penny). (No 50, 20 or 2 like you...though I saw some of these in singapore and hong kong when living there for theirs)

Penny production was stopped few years back and is no longer circulated actively by the banks....but remains accepted as legal tender. Shops tend to round to nearest 5 cent bloc now for all items....or in final cash total.
Its good. i want same here in UK because dont like this burden of too much coins in pocket..i often dont take back thes eone or two penny for this reason
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